Page 52 - KPA 12 JUNE 2017
P. 52
AWEMainta Dialuna, 12 Juni 2017 15
Comision di Sabio ta cuminsá un
análisis den e di tres siman di jüli
KRALENDIJK - Conforme e palabracionnan hací
entre Colegio Ehecutivo di Sint Eustatius y e Secreta-
rio General di e Ministerio di BZK (Asunto Interior
y Relacion den Reino) lo tin un Comision di Sabio
consistiendo di sres. Franssen y Refunjol, kendenan
lo ehecutá un análisis basá riba e funcionamento di
e Entidad Público, Sint Eustatius.
Centrale Bank van Aruba
Nos Comision lo bishitá e isla vários biaha pa hiba The Centrale Bank van Aruba (CBA) is responsible for maintaining the value of the Aruban florin and
combersacionnan cu vários persona den administra- for the solidity and integrity of the financial system. It also advises the Minister of Finance on
financial issues and publishes relevant statistical data and economic reports.
cion público y pafó.
Cu placer e Comision ta informá cu e promé bishita lo
tuma lugar di 13 di jüli te cu 21 di jüli. Ta trahando Integrity Supervision Department
The Integrity Supervision Department is responsible for:
duro riba e preparacionnan di e programa.
Execu�on of the integrity supervision of the ins�tu�ons falling under CBA oversight.
Overseeing the integrity risk controls at the financial ins�tu�ons, including but not limited to the
Pronto e Comision lo manda invitacion personal p’e policies, procedures, and measures in place to prevent money laundering and comba�ng terrorist
personanan conserní pa invitá nan pa combersacion- financing (“AML/CFT”).
nan. Promo�ng ethical behavior, an ethical corporate culture, and the preven�on of conflicts of
Esaki no ta kita cu e Comision lo kier ricibí y com- Besides financial ins�tu�ons, the CBA’s AML/CFT oversight also comprises non-regulated financial
bersá cu tur cu tin necesidad pa haci esaki. service providers (including investment brokers) and designated non-financial service providers
P’esey ta bay tin e flexibilidad necesario den e pro- (including lawyers, notaries, accountants, jewelers, high value dealers, and casinos).
grama. A corto plazo lo publicá di cua forma e intere-
sadonan por mèldo serca e Comision pa papia cu nan. The Integrity Supervision Department has an opening for a:
E combersacionnan di mes ta confidencial. E Comi- SENIOR POLICY OFFICER
sion ta spera cu di mas tardá luna di sèptèmber lo tin
un rapòrt cu e resultadonan.
Main responsibili�es of the Senior Policy Officer:
Prepare policy documents in the area of integrity supervision.
Detencion di Dra� legisla�ve proposals in the area of the supervision (combat of money laundry and terrorism
finance) based on changes in the interna�onal standards.
Provide support with examina�ons at the more complex and high risk supervised ins�tu�on.
personanan Conduct correspondence on supervised ins�tu�ons.
Par�cipate in onsite interviews with regard to specific issues.
Prepare and lead informa�on sessions on topics related to integrity supervision.
indocumentá Profile of the Senior Policy Officer:
Master’s degree in Law with financial-economic affinity.
Approximately 10 years of relevant work experience.
Excellent knowledge of relevant supervisory laws and regula�ons and the interna�onal standards
WILLEMSTAD - Diabièrnè ultimo, alrededor di in the area of integrity.
15.20 or, durante un control rutinario “Bike Team” Good understanding of the various supervised sectors in Aruba.
conhuntamente cu Aduana a detené diez-cuater (14) Excellent analy�cal and advisory skills.
persona cu no tabatin e documentonan necesario pa Solu�on-oriented and accurate.
por permanecé riba nos isla. Able to work independently and cope with stress.
Detencion a tuma lugar den área di “Kleine Werf”. Excellent oral and wri�en communica�on skills.
Ta trata di nuebe (9) hende muher: Shete (7) di
nacionalidad Venezolano; Un (1) di nacionalidad Applica�on procedure
Qualifying candidates should send their applica�ons, including curriculum vitae, within two weeks
Ecuatoriano; Un (1) di nacionalidad Dominicano. from date, at the latest on June 26, 2017 to the President of the Centrale Bank van Aruba, J.E.
Cinco (5) di e stranheronan aki ta trata di hòmbernan Irausquin Boulevard 8, Oranjestad, Aruba. An ap�tude test, a background check, as well as a pre-
di nacionalidad Venezolano. employment screening form part of the selec�on procedure.
More informa�on
A transportá tur e diez-cuater (14) personanan ariba For further informa�on, please contact Mr. David Specker, Manager Integrity Supervision,
mencioná pa Departamento di Imigracion Rio Canar- phone: +297-525-2175 or e-mail:
io cu a keda encargá cu e investigacion y deportacion
di e personanan indocumentá.