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                Thursday 31 OcTOber 2019
            Bohemian Restaurant: Tonight live Violinist Angela

                                                                      A garden full of strong trees and dressed
                                                                      up  in  New  York-style  industrial-look  ele-
                                                                      ments creates a cosmopolitan vibe while
                                                                      at the same time the tropical breeze and
                                                                      outside dining connect to the Caribbean.
                                                                      Waiters  with  French  barrettes  and  pant
                                                                      suspenders service you with a happy and
                                                                      loose  style  with  on  the  background  the
                                                                      sounds of underground chill music varied
                                                                      with French classics.

                                                                      ONLY French owned Restaurant
                                                                      The French are famous for their culinary art.
                                                                      Bohemain is the ONLY French owned res-
                                                                      taurant on Aruba and offers you Grande
                                                                      gastronomy in a hip decor. French classics
                                                                      like  Coq-au-Vin,  Beef  tartare,  Escargot,
                                                                      Duck  Foie  Gras  Terrine,  Bouillabaisse  Fish   es like Ras el Hanout Fish Kebbab, Honey
                                                                      Soup, Tuna-Tartare, Quinoa-Salad, Rib-Eye   and  Rosemary  Lamb  Shank,  Moroccan
                                                                      Butter Maître-D, Crème Brulee, Chocolate   Lamb  sausages,  Mediterranean  Sea  Bass
                                                                      Lava Cake and Pineapple Carpaccio are      and  Grilled  Local  Catch  are  other  finger
                                                                      on the menu. Mediterranean inspired dish-  licking  options.  Directly  imported  wines
                                                                                                                 from wineries in Europe make up for a per-
            PALM BEACH — Avant-garde from France, nonconform-                                                    fect  pairing.  You  are  welcome  to  enjoy
            ist in style and ethnic in cuisine. That is what the new kid                                         the Happy Hours and Daily Early Birds from
            in  town  is  about.  Bohemian  Restaurant  is  different,  un-                                      5 to 7 PM. Bon appetite!
            conventional and a rebel with a cause. The cause is to                                               Free Parking available at the parking lot in
            make you feel king in this hidden garden with outstand-                                              front of Barcelo Resort. q
            ing dishes that connect you to the European liaisons of
            Aruba. TONIGHT has an extra magic: the live Violinist An-                                                 Make your reservations through their
            gela performs! From traditional French and Italian famous                                                website:
                                                                                                                         Call them at 00 297 280 8448.
            melodies to more upbeat pop and rock and roll. A taste                                                          Facebook: Bohemian.
            for everyone.

              Manchebo Beach Resort & Spa:

              Celebrating Health Week 2019

              EAGLE  BEACH  —  The  health  and  certified  yoga  instructor  Manja
              wellness   oriented   Manchebo  in  the  beautiful  beach  pavilion,
              Beach  Resort  &  Spa  celebrated  followed  by  guest  speaker  Artur
              their Employee’s Health Week this  Comenencia  regarding  the  sub-
              month.    During  this  week  the  re-  ject Gambling and Addiction. The
              sort together with their employees  kick off ended with a walkathon
              focused on a healthy lifestyle and  along majestic Eagle Beach.  Dur-
              celebrated their employees.        ing  the  week  interesting  topics
                                                 were  discussed  as  Healthy  Bud-
              The week was packed with mean-     geting and Healthy Living.
              ingful  and  health  motivating  ac-
              tivities, which started off with sun-  On  Thursday  all  employees  got  blood pressure and overall health  selection of healthy food options
              rise yoga on Monday morning by  the  chance  to  measure  their  by the White Yellow Cross.  A wide  were offered during lunch break.

                                                                                                                       Friday was the most active morn-
                                                                                                                       ing  with  an  off  road  bike  tour
                                                                                                                       crossing  the  back  roads  of  Alto
                                                                                                                       Vista  Chapel.    The  week  ended
                                                                                                                       with  a  fun  filled  family  day  at
                                                                                                                       Parke Arawa.

                                                                                                                       Manchebo  provides  a  variety  of
                                                                                                                       activities to keep the body mov-
                                                                                                                       ing  and  the  mind  calm.    Yoga
                                                                                                                       and  Pilates  classes  are  offered
                                                                                                                       daily and health and wellness re-
                                                                                                                       treats fill the calendar.

                                                                                                                       Yoga, fitness, health and wellness
                                                                                                                       experts are traveling from around
                                                                                                                       the  world  to  Manchebo  offering
                                                                                                                       its  guests  a  unique  and  healthy
                                                                                                                       vacation option. q
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