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                   Friday 28 February 2020

            In scramble to stop virus, testing raises tough questions

            Continued from From          across  47  nations  in  every
                                         continent  but  Antarctica,
            "This was a clear gap in our  public  health  officials  em-
            preparedness,  and  the  vi-  phasized the need for rap-
            rus  went  right  through  the  id intervention.
            gap,"  said  Dr.  Ali  Khan,  "Aggressive  early  meas-
            dean  of  the  University  of  ures  can  prevent  transmis-
            Nebraska College of Public  sion before the virus gets a
            Health.                      foothold," World Health Or-
            In  the  wake  of  the  latest  ganization chief Tedros Ad-
            California case, U.S. health  hanom  Ghebreyesus  said.
            officials  on  Thursday  ex-  He  cited  a  study  in  China
            panded  their  criteria  for  of  more  than  320,000  test
            who should get tested, and  samples     that   enabled
            took steps to increase test-  health  officials  to  zero  in
            ing.                         on  the  0.14  percent  that
            The  debate  over  testing  screened positive for COV-
            has  taken  on  added  ur-   ID-19,  the  disease  caused
            gency  as  the  number  of  by the virus.
            cases  worldwide  climbed  But  catching  the  disease
            past 82,000, including 2,800  early  will  require  countries
            reported deaths. The rapid  to  invest  in  rapid  diagnos-
            spread  pushed  officials  in  tics,  said  Dr.  Gagandeep   South Korean army soldiers wearing protective suits spray disinfectant to prevent the spread of the
            Saudi  Arabia  to  cut  travel  Kang, a microbiologist who   COVID-19 virus on a street in Daegu, South Korea, Thursday, Feb. 27, 2020.
            to  Islam's  holiest  sites,  trig-  heads   the   Translational                                                                Associated Press
            gered  tougher  penalties  Health  Science  And  Tech-
            in  South  Korea  for  people  nology Institute in India.  goes  well  beyond  the  ex-  history of travel to countries  labs, so they could broad-
            who  break  quarantines  Test kits used by the World      pense involved.              affected  by  the  disease  en testing to more people.
            and  ratcheted  up  pres-    Health  Organization  cost   Doctors at the University of  or contact with those who  Early this month, the agen-
            sure  on  investors  as  U.S.  less  than  $5  each,  said   California  Davis  Medical  have done so, said Lauren  cy got authorization to be-
            stock  markets  extended  Michael  Ryan,  the  group's    Center were mindful of the  Sauer,  director  of  opera-  gin distribution of the kit to
            their  week-long  plunge.  emergencies  programs  di-     need  for  early  identifica-  tions  at  Johns  Hopkins  Uni-  government  public  health
            The  Dow  Jones  Industrial  rector. But that figure does   tion  on  Feb.  19  when  the  versity's  Office  of  Critical  labs  in  the  50  states  and
            Average sank nearly 1,200  not include the expense of     hospital admitted a female  Event  Preparedness  and  some cities and counties.
            points  Thursday,  its  worst  medical  staff  and  valida-  patient on a ventilator who  Response.                 But most of the kits proved
            one-day drop since 2011.     tion screening, and making   showed symptoms of a viral  "In  the  U.S.,  people  are  to  be  faulty,  providing  in-
            With  the  illness  rippling  such  investments  effective   infection.                sticking  pretty  closely  to  conclusive  results  to  test
                                                                      They  asked  she  be  tested  that definition," Sauer said.  samples  that  should  have
                                                                      for  the  new  coronavirus,  But the increasing cases on  tested  positive.  The  prob-
                                                                      according to an email hos-   other continents "are dem-   lem  was  blamed  on  one
                                                                      pital  officials  sent  to  their  onstrating we need to do a  of  three  reagents  used  in
                                                                      employees, but a test was  better  job  than  just  where  the testing. CDC said it was
                                                                      not  administered  because  the outbreak originated."     trying to manufacture new
                                                                      she  did  not  fit  federal  test  On Thursday, the CDC up-  reagents, but gave no firm
                                                                      criteria.  The  test  was  not  dated its testing criteria on  timetable  for  when  that
                                                                      done  until  four  days  later,  its website — a move that  would occur.
                                                                      on Feb. 23, and the results  had  been  in  the  works  for  Only  about  a  half  dozen
                                                                      did  not  come  back  until  days,  according  to  a  fed-  state  and  local  public
                                                                      Wednesday, a full week af-   eral official familiar with the  health  labs  had  fully  func-
                                                                      ter  she  was  admitted,  the  change.                    tional  kits  as  of  early  this
                                                                      hospital said.               The  CDC  will  continue  to  week.
                                                                      The  federal  agency  in  advise testing people who  As weeks passed, the prob-
                                                                      charge  of  testing,  the  U.S.  have  traveled  to  certain  lem  became  more  and
                                                                      Centers  for  Disease  Con-  outbreak  areas  and  have  more frustrating, said Scott
                                                                      trol and Prevention, took is-  fever  and  certain  other  Becker, the chief executive
                                                                      sue with that account late  symptoms. But now testing  of the Association of Public
                                                                      Thursday. The agency said  is  also  appropriate  if  such  Health Laboratories.
                                                                      it was still investigating, but  symptoms exist and flu and  On  Monday,  Becker's  or-
                                                                      that  a  preliminary  review  other  respiratory  illnesses  ganization  sent  a  letter  to
                                                                      showed  it  had  not  been  have  been  ruled  out  and  the U.S. Food and Drug Ad-
                                                                      informed  of  the  case  until  no source of exposure has  ministration,  basically  ask-
                                                                      Feb. 23, when it requested  been identified.              ing permission for state labs
                                                                      specimens  for  testing.  It  As  part  of  that,  CDC  has  to develop their own tests.
                                                                      said criteria in place at the  expanded the list of coun-  On  Wednesday,  FDA  of-
                                                                      time  could  have  allowed  tries  that  are  red  flags  for  ficials  responded  that  labs
                                                                      the  woman  to  be  tested  testing  to  include  not  only  would  be  allowed  to  rely
                                                                      earlier.                     China but Iran, Italy, South  on the two other reagents,
                                                                      The case highlights the fact  Korea and Japan.            meaning  that  as  many
                                                                      that most testing in U.S. up  Last  month,  the  CDC  said  as  40  state  and  local  labs
                                                                      to now has been limited to  it had developed a test kit  could  be  up  and  running
                                                                      those  who,  in  addition  to  that could be sent to state  with  their  tests  in  the  next
                                                                      showing symptoms, have a  and  big  city  public  health  few days, Becker said.q
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