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                                                                                                 U.S. NEWS Friday 20 July 2018

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            Flint water crisis prompts call for more federal oversight

            By ELLEN KNICKMEYER and      Flint’s  tap  water  became
             JOHN FLESHER                contaminated  in  2014  af-
             Associated Press            ter  officials  switched  from
            WASHINGTON  (AP)  —  A  the  Detroit  system  to  the
            federal watchdog is calling  Flint  River  to  save  money,
            on  the  Environmental  Pro-  exposing many residents to
            tection Agency to strength-  lead,  a  potent  neurotoxin.
            en  its  oversight  of  state  Children  are  particularly
            drinking  water  systems  na-  vulnerable,  and  the  EPA
            tionally  and  respond  more  says there is no safe level of
            quickly  to  public  health  lead.
            emergencies  such  as  the  EPA  officials  had  stressed
            lead-in-the  water  crisis  in  they had wanted to foster
            Flint, Michigan.             a collaborative partnership
            In  a  74-page  report  re-  with  Michigan,  the  report
            leased Thursday, the EPA’s  said.  In  Flint,  the  quest  for
            inspector  general  report  “partnership  limited  effec-
            pointed to “oversight laps-  tive EPA oversight.”
            es”  at  the  federal,  state  Rep.  Dan  Kildee,  who  was
            and  local  levels  in  the  re-  traveling  to  Flint  on  Thurs-
            sponse  to  Flint’s  contami-  day  to  inspect  work  done
            nated drinking water.        on the city’s water system,
            “While oversight authority is  said  the  state  bore  most
            vital, its absence can con-  of  the  blame  for  the  slow   In this Tuesday, July 10, 2018, photo, flames fly from the lit torch, signifying the start of the 62nd
            tribute  to  a  catastrophic  response  to  the  health  cri-  annual Flint Olympian Games opening ceremonies at Southwestern Classical Academy in Flint,
            situation,”  the  inspector  sis,  but  also  said  “the  EPA   Mich.
            general,  Arthur  A.  Elkins,  should  have  been  more                                                                        Associated Press
            said in a statement. His of-  aggressive.”                a water regulations official  EPA’s  definition  of  “toxic  more  aggressive  in  test-
            fice has concluded the EPA  “EPA  should  not  have  tak-  in  EPA’s  Chicago  office,  waste.”                     ing  the  water  and  requir-
            was too slow and passive in  en  the  state  of  Michigan  contacted  officials  with  Snyder  ordered  the  Na-    ing  changes  but  said  the
            responding to the Flint crisis.  at its word” that everything  Michigan’s  Department  of  tional  Guard  to  distribute  federal  agency  “couldn’t
            The  finding  comes  as  the  was  fine  with  Flint’s  water,  Environmental  Quality.  Del  bottled  water  and  filters,  get a straight answer” from
            Trump administration seeks  said Kildee, D-Mich. “Water  Toral  also  alerted  superiors  requested federal aid and  Michigan  officials  about
            to cut the EPA’s budget, in-  quality is too serious a ques-  at  EPA  who  decided  not  eventually  accepted  the  what  was  being  done  in
            cluding  some  drinking-wa-  tion ... without doing more  to  make  the  information  resignation  of  his  top  envi-  Flint.
            ter  programs.  The  admin-  to  assure  the  rule  is  being  public,  instead  prodding  ronmental  official.  Flint  re-  Republican lawmakers ac-
            istration also has called for  properly enforced.”        the  state  agency  to  act  turned to the Detroit water  cused  McCarthy  and  the
            reining  back  federal  envi-  The switch to the Flint River  behind the scenes. After a  system.                   Obama  EPA  of  incompe-
            ronmental regulation over-   was to be temporary, until  draft  of  Del  Toral’s  report  In  January  2016,  the  EPA  tence and neglect.
            all  and  transferring  more  the  city  could  connect  to  was leaked, EPA’s regional  notified  Michigan  that  its  Snyder  ended  water  dis-
            oversight authority of some  a  planned  regional  pipe-  administrator   apologized  actions  were  inadequate  tribution  in  Flint  last  April,
            programs to the states.      line  from  Lake  Huron.  At  to the city.                and ordered stronger inter-  saying  water  quality  had
            The EPA said in a statement  that time, the impoverished  In  emails  later  released  vention.  The  agency’s  re-  improved     significantly.
            it agrees with the inspector  majority-black city of near-  through  public-records  re-  gional administrator in Chi-  The  state  environmental
            general’s    recommenda-     ly  100,000  residents  was  quests,  Del  Toral  voiced  cago,  Susan  Hedman,  re-   agency this week said tests
            tions and is adopting them  under  control  of  an  emer-  frustration  over  EPA’s  slow  signed the next month. The  during  the  latest  six-month
            “expeditiously.”             gency  financial  manager  pace  and  described  the  preliminary  inspector  gen-     monitoring  showed  lead
            “The  agency  is  actively  appointed  by  Republican  agency as a “cesspool.”         eral’s review later that year  levels  were  beneath  the
            engaging  with  states  to  Gov. Rick Snyder.             State  officials  finally  ac-  found that the regional EPA  action threshold and better
            improve  communications  Residents  complained  the  knowledged the lead con-          office should have had “a  than  those  of  some  other
            and  compliance  with  the  river  water  smelled  and  tamination  in  September  greater  sense  of  urgency”  Michigan cities.
            federal Safe Drinking Water  tasted bad and was caus-     2015 after doctors reported  and was too deferential to  The    Michigan    attorney
            Act  to  safeguard  human  ing  skin  rashes  and  other  high  levels  of  lead  in  Flint  the state.             general’s  office  has  filed
            health,” the statement said.  health  problems.  Local  of-  children’s blood and Virgin-  Former  EPA  Administrator  criminal charges against 15
            But  the  internal  watchdog  ficials insisted it was safe.  ia Tech University research-  Gina  McCarthy  acknowl-  state  and  local  officials  in
            said the agency’s proposal  After  tests  showed  high  ers said their testing of Flint  edged  during  congres-    the Flint matter, which also
            for  stepping  up  oversight  levels of lead in a home in  water samples found some  sional  hearings  that  her  has  spawned  numerous
            falls short.                 April 2015, Miguel Del Toral,  with  lead  levels  meeting  agency should have been  lawsuits.q
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