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Wednesday 5 July 2023
Playa Linda Beach Resort
40 years of exceptional vacation experiences
played their part in contributing to the Playa
Linda as it is today, distinctive for its design and 40 years of countless memories
remarkable for its upscale, yet still homey at- Playa Linda down through the decades
Playa Linda officially marks its 40th anniversary
this year in July. Its long history is full of island firsts
Rene Nieuwkerk, Playa Linda’s first general as it continues to fulfill the vacation goals of its
manager when the resort opened in 1983, re- many members and guests.
calls the early years, when Aruba’s tourism as
well as its timeshare product was still in its in- 1953 – 1978: Before the Playa Linda there was
fancy. “At that time, people were not famil- Playa Linda’s idyllic location, with one of the
iar with timeshare, but once potential buyers best spots on Palm Beach used for the island’s
received a view of the Playa Linda, from the first beachfront hotel. Plans for the “Basiroeti”
ORANJESTAD - The Playa Linda Beach Resort site as well as from sea, with a special boat were first formed in 1953 and realized in 1957,
is highly identifiable for its many-tiered design contracted just for that purpose, it was an when the “Basi-Ruti” first officially opened its
that has been a part of the island landscape easy sell,” comments René smiling, as he nos- doors. The collection of bungalows spread
for almost the entire length of Aruba’s tour- talgically remembers the first days of the Playa along Palm Beach was picturesque as well as
ism industry, and holds the distinction of be- Linda Beach Resort. historic, hosting the then Dutch Princess Beatrix
ing one of the island’s first timeshare options. on a visit to Aruba in 1958.
It celebrates its 40-year history this month, with The success of the resort throughout the years
employees, members and guests joining the is clearly demonstrated in its sold-out status 1981: Construction of the first wing (its south
celebration from its prized location on Palm year-round, almost right from the start, and wing) of the Playa Linda first began in 1981. Aru-
Beach. Over its longhistory, this beachside with many of the original owners of the resort ban developer Raymond Maduro had the fore-
resort has become a beloved place to stay, still returning each year as well as also bringing sight to realize how successful timeshare could
for its high level of guest care and small com- in other family members and friends. Today, be in Aruba, and after establishing the Aruba
munity experience at the center of the island’s owners at the Playa Linda Beach Resort can Beach Club a few years previously, found the
best places to eat, shop and play. compose different generations of the same island’s second timeshare resort, christened as
family group. Loyalty and love of the Playa the Playa Linda Beach Resort.
The resort first opened its doors back in 1983, Linda is not only shown in its number of origi-
after the completion of its first wing. There were nal owners, but also in several members of the 1983: The first phase of the Playa Linda opened,
only 78 units at its opening, but immediately staff who are still at the resort, thirty-plus and and was soon followed by the completion of all
drew interest for itsprime location and intimate forty years later. of its three phases, and quickly established itself
appeal. Its appeal grew with the resort main- as an emblem of island comfort and ambiance.
taining its community-minded environment, In the present day, Playa Linda GM Peter van It was the first to put chickees (aka palapas) on
and remains a particular favorite among fami- Grinsven, together with Operations Director the beach, bringing in Seminole Indians from
lies. Today it offers217 suites, with a wide diver- Sulaika Kelly and Finance Director Ann Brink- Florida for their construction, and the first resort
on Aruba to offer a free-form pool as well as a
sity of ways to vacation with options includ- man, continues to guide the resort as it evolves lush, mature garden.
ing studio, one-bedroom, two-bedroom, and its high-end appeal while maintaining a warm,
lanai suites, townhouse apartments as well as welcoming atmosphere. Peter, who has been 2005: Sustainable, environmentally-friendly
outstanding views from penthouse and roof- with the Playa Linda for 21 years and its gen- goals came to the forefront with the adoption
top suite accommodations. eral manager for the last seven years, remarks of ISO 14001 standards. Playa Linda was the first
that the resort’s charm is very much based on Palm Beach area resort to institute the higher
All three of its construction phases were real- the familiarity of home. “A lot of our employ- environmental ISO benchmarks, building upon
ized through the efforts of a team of local, vi- ees have been with the resort for many years. the Green Globe 21 certification it held for
sionary industry leaders, including developer As much as we strive for our guests to enjoy many years previous.
Raymond Maduro of Sun Development, ar- a home-away-from-home setting, we do the
chitect Dan Oduber, contractor HenkBijen of same for our employees. The quality of our ac- 2008 – 2011: Playa Linda underwent its first full
Albo Aruba and René Nieuwkerk, who was commodations, combined with the commu- renovation in its 25th year, and introduced new
Playa Linda’s first general manager. Each nity feel, is what helps set us apart.” room categories of townhome, penthouse and
spa lanai, and improvement of facilities with a
Since its opening, the Playa Linda Beach Re- new fitness center, kids activity center and new
sort has led the way in defining island comfort restaurant and shopping options.
andwarm hospitality as well as demonstrating
a dedication to sustainable development. The 2018: Contemporary aesthetics and the well-
established traditions of hospitality were again
Playa Linda was the first to put chickees on brought to the forefront when the Playa Linda
the beach, bringing in Seminole Indians from underwent another major renovation soon after
Florida for their construction, and was the first remaking its pool deck the year before, with the
resort on Aruba to offer a free-form pool as introduction of a brand new adult pool option.
well as a lush, mature garden. In recent years, The 35th year was marked with a brand new
Playa Linda has endeavored to realize envi- lobby, and improved amenities of multi-func-
ronmentally-friendly operations, and was the tional meeting space and luggage room as well
first resort on Palm Beach to achieve ISO-14001 as a refresh of all rooms.
2023: Playa Linda is reaching another zenith
Comfort, community and unrivaled island and in its 40th year, with itssuccess based on warm
oceanfront views continue to be at the heart hospitality as well as an ability to heighten the
of the Playa Linda’s success. After forty years, vacation experience, having evolved through
the beachfront, timeshare property looks for- various renovations and with services expand-
ward to impressing its members and guests, ed and enhanced withthe use of new technolo-
from all parts of the globe, for many decades gies.
to come. q