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LOCAL Monday 22 July 2024
Dining in? Try making a local favorite
How to make “funchi hasa”
Bring water to a boil in a medium-
sized sauce pan. Add in some salt
and butter to taste in the boiling
water and let this dissolve and melt.
Then, gradually add the flour while
stirring with a wooden spoon. The
mixture will start to begin to harden
pretty fast, so be careful not to add
(Oranjestad)—A night in can be just too much. At this phase of cooking,
as fun as a night out on the town, you want a goopy thick mixture, but When your funchi is firm enough, cut
especially if you got the right snacks thin enough so you can continue to it into strips (size is up to you). Heat
to munch on. One of the most fa- stir to get all the lumps out. up some oil in a pan and fry those
mous Aruban snacks or appetizers is tizer is traditionally eaten alongside After reaching a semi-firm, yet flex- babies up! After frying, you can top
“funchi hasa” (fried polenta sticks). a warm meal. However, locals also ible texture, grab a baking pan or it with some cheese or enjoy it with
A super easy meal that adults and like to fry sticks of funchi for a quick any large, deep plate, and pour the your favorite dipping sauce.
children will both enjoy. Here’s how and filling snack.
to make it! mixture in. Be sure that this plate is Note: We recommend the FUNCHI
wet or greased so that the mixture FRESKU polenta flour brand that is
Ingredients (measured by heart) does not stick to the bottom. Let this
Before we start, get to know the 1. Polenta flour* sold in all supermarkets on the island.
basics 2. Water cool completely while it firms up for You can also use yellow corn flour
So what is funchi hasa? Funchi, or 3. Butter the last time. Once it’s cooled you from the brand PAN.q
Aruban polenta, is a popular side 4. Salt to taste can enjoy it as is, topped with some
butter or shredded cheese. Or, you
dish for local dishes, like soups, stews Photo credit of fried funchi sticks: Jac-
and fried fish. Made from a corn flour, can take it to another level of de- queline Felida on Pinterest.
water and butter mixture, this appe-
Create museum memories
ORANJESTAD — Museums are substructure, the high-rising Amerindian cultural heritage.
an integral part of conserving vertical shaft, and the tank This 21st century museum is
and honoring cultures, and at the top. The Water Tower especially designed to pre-
Aruba is no exception. Our was purchased by the Monu- serve valuable artifacts dat-
Island has a wide selection ments Fund in 2003 so it can ing back to the Pre-Ceramic
of various museums for our be restored and preserved as period of 2500 BC.
locals and visitors to see. Take one of Aruba's monuments. In the late 1980’s, AMA identi-
this opportunity to learn about The Museum of Industry is part fied its need for an adequate signed with the European permanent exhibit. This ex-
our island and experience of Aruba Museum Foundation housing for its collection and Development Fund and in hibit conveys information on
a different day beyond the (Fundacion Museo Aruban), activities. After studying vari- 2006, restoration and con- the origin and culture of the
beach. Let us introduce to which is a foundation set to ous options, a project pro- struction work began on the first inhabitants of the island
you these museums. maintain, preserve, and pro- posal was drawn up, including monumental buildings and through archaeological ob-
tect the Aruban cultural sec- the acquisition and restora- the soon-to-be exhibition jects and modern exhibition
Museum of Industry Aruba tor, history, and nature. The tion of historical buildings in space. In December 2007, techniques. The new perma-
The Museum of Industry is lo- museum of Industry is open downtown Oranjestad. the key to the complex was nent exhibit gives the visitor
cated in San Nicolas—better daily from 9 am till 6 pm. delivered and the museum’s an insight into the cultures
known as the art capital of For more information, check These historical buildings employees moved to the new that inhabited the island in
Aruba. This museum exhibits out their Facebook page Mu- were formerly the property location. The final design for Pre-Historical and Early His-
the industrial history of gold, seum of Industry Aruba. of the Ecury family. The “Ecury the exhibit was completed torical times. The museum
aloe, phosphate, oil and Complex”, is a cluster of single in November 2007 and the also hosts attractive public
tourism through elaborated Archaeological Museum of and two-story historic build- permanent exhibit, financed programs, including lectures,
displays and multimedia in- Aruba ings, mainly Dutch colonial by the Aruban Government educational projects, tempo-
stallations. The Archaeological Museum architecture from the late 19th and the Union of Cultural Or- rary exhibits and workshops.
The Museum of Industry is situ- of Aruba is located at Schelp- and 20th century on a plot ganizations (UNOCA), opened
ated in the Water Tower in San straat 42 in downtown Oran- of approximately 1.700 m2. in July 2009. The museum is open daily
Nicolas and narrates Aruba's jestad. The renovated historic In 1997, the Aruban Govern- from 9:30 am till 4:30 pm. For
industrial history, which began Ecury complex in the area ment bought the complex for At the new location, the more information check out
in the 19th century. The Water has been transformed from a the National Archaeological National Archaeological the Facebook page Museo
Tower was built in 1939 and family home to a modern mu- Museum project. In 2004, a Museum Aruba disposes of Arqueologico Nacional
consists of three sections: the seum that preserves Aruba’s financial agreement was approximately 500 m2 for its Aruba.q