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                       Tuesday 29 May 2018
            Aruba Symphony Festival Needs Your Help

            ORANJESTAD  —  Unlike  the                                                             Latin America.               Darwin Cosme from Puerto
            other musical festivals held                                                                                        Rico with them. Both fami-
            in  Aruba  and  financed  by                                                           Hosting  a  student  of  the  lies  have  enjoyed  the  ex-
            enterprises  with  commer-                                                             Symphony  Festival  can  be  perience  and  have  volun-
            cial  interests,  the  Aruba                                                           a  rewarding  experience  teered again for this year.
            Symphony  Festival  has  a                                                             for  your  family,  creating  a
            very small budget. And un-                                                             unique  opportunity  to  ex-  The  students  will  need  a
            like  the  other  festivals  that                                                      perience  another  culture  hosting  family  from  July  19
            charge  sums  for  admis-                                                              and  establish  a  lifelong  to  July  30,  the  festival  will
            sions,  most  of  the  Aruba                                                           friendship. Who knows, the  take place from July 21 to
            Symphony  Festival  con-                                                               international  friend  might  July 29.
            certs  do  not  charge  for                                                            someday be a celebrated
            admission as its main goal                                                             musician. For most students,  As a token of appreciation,
            is  to  make  contemporary                                                             attending  the  Aruba  Sym-  Aruba  Symphony  Festival
            and classical music acces-                                                             phony  Festival  is  a  dream  will offer each hosting fam-
            sible to everyone.                                                                     come  true.  As  a  culturally  ily two tickets for the inau-
                                         Symphony  Festival  is  com-  in  the  Festival?    Lodging  diverse  island,  we  have  a  gural and closing concerts
            In  previous  years  we  have  pelled to appeal to the en-  means  a  clean  bed  and  lot  of  values  to  share  with  when  admission  will  be
            had  financial  help  from  tire  Aruban  community  for  bathroom. The guest is ex-   young  international  musi-  charged.  The  host  families
            businesses  and  institutions  help.                      pected  to  keep  his/her  cians,  including  of  course,  will  also  be  recognized  in
            that  have  recognized  the                               room  orderly.  If  on  occa-  our  much  lauded  Aruban  the official Festival program
            cultural,  educational  and  How can you help?            sion the family wants to in-  cordiality.  An  Aruba  Sym-  booklet. If you want to be a
            social  value  that  Aruba  One of the largest expens-    vite the guest to join them  phony  Festival  host  fam-  host family, please contact
            Symphony  Festival  contrib-  es on the Aruba Symphony  for  dinner,  that  would  be  ily  can  be  young,  not-so-  Johnny  Croes  at  +297  592
            utes  to  our  island.  UNOCA  Festival  is  lodging  for  the  appreciated,  and  we  en-  young,  with  children  or  no  3762  or  johnnycroes62@
            has contributed generously  students and masters. If 30  courage  the  host  families  children.  There  is  no  “typi- or Clyde Harms
            to cover the use of Cas di  families  volunteer  to  take  to interact as much as pos-  cal” host family.           at +297 738 8843 or clyde-
            Cultura.  The  Perret-Gentil  in  one  or  two  musicians  in  sible  with  their  guests.  But               July
            brothers  and  Mr.  Frans  Sy-  their homes for the duration  the  host  family  is  not  ob-  Last year two families gave  20 – July 29.
            dow gave free lodgings at  of the Festival it would help  ligated  to  prepare  meals  lodging  to  musicians:  Mel-
            their  condos  for  many  of  enormously.                 for  the  guests.  Most  of  our  vin  Loefstok  and  Sandra  Helping  Aruba  Symphony
            the masters and coordina-                                 participants will be from the  had Edith Peña from Spain  Festival to cut its costs, you
            tors.  Because  of  the  rising  What does it entail to give  United  States  and  several  as  guest  while  Benjamin  will  also  help  to  keep  the
            costs,  this  year  the  Aruba  lodging  to  a  participant  of them are originally from  and  Maya  Romero  had  festival in Aruba.q
            Memorial Day at my Second Home

                                                                      Continued from Page 13

                                                                      Maureen  gets  emotional
                                                                      when  I  ask  her  why  this
                                                                      ceremony has such an im-
                                                                      pact.  “All  these  people
                                                                      gave  their  lives  and  ser-
                                                                      vice  to  their  country.  My
                                                                      husband  did  not  want  this
                                                                      to stop and continuing this
                                                                      is  for  me  a  must.”  Jocelyn
                                                                      Nadal,  their  granddaugh-
                                                                      ter  recites  a  poem  during
                                                                      the  ceremony  while  the
                                                                      veterans stand in line.      this is my second home. We  years old veteran, who has
                                                                      A flower garland is offered   come  every  year  with  the  been  in  service  at  Europe
                                                                      to  the  sea  as  a  symbol  of   family”, Maureen says while  during  the  Second  World
                                                                      salute to the veterans that   her  daughter  and  grand-  War. He is talking to one of
                                                                      are not with us anymore. “I   daughter stay close to her.  the  initiative  takers  of  this
                                                                      have been coming to Aru-     A bit further, in the shadow  event,  a  veteran  too,  and
                                                                      ba for more than 20 years,   of the stand we meet a 92  both  of  them  are  highly
                                                                                                                                respected  by  the  people
                                                                                                                                around    them.   “Heroes
                                                                                                                                they are. They stand for our
                                                                                                                                With  all  these  generations
                                                                                                                                together  on  the  beach  in
                                                                                                                                honor  of  a  war  that  most
                                                                                                                                did not live creates a spe-
                                                                                                                                cial feeling. It is a connec-
                                                                                                                                tion  made  to  appreciate
                                                                                                                                the effort of those who pro-
                                                                                                                                tect  their  country  and  pri-
                                                                                                                                oritize human rights.q
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