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Tuesday 7 July 2015
La Cabana Resort Helps the Community:
An Act of Kindness Done for Koningin Wilhelmina Fonds
EAGLE BEACH - During tors. The fight against can- every service, item, equip- opment came along with and other cancer aware-
the month of April, La Ca- cer impacts the patient ment and care is provided cancer and its exorbitant ness products. These efforts
bana’s Green and Health and the whole family. KWF free of charge. expenses. Residents must brought in over Fl.7000.00
Committee together with is there to provide support How does KWF accomplish undergo a change of life which was presented to
the Human Resources held for the patient and the all this? The expenses are style and take control of Mrs. Lupina Croes, Treasur-
two lunch presentations for family. If necessary they astronomic. It is no secret their life. Think quality of life er of KWF.
their associates with invited can arrange for psycho- that more and more peo- after a chemo or radiation The Green and Health
guest Mrs. Lily Prins, Presi- logical aid. KWF supplies ple in our community get therapy. Committee is aware that
dent of the Koningin Wil- prosthesis, silicone, bras- stricken by cancer. Major The Green and Health the foundation did not
helmina Cancer Founda- siere, wigs in order to re- fundraising is done in April Committee together with meet their goal this year
tion. In these presentations, store the women’s dignity. and part of May when vol- Human Resources felt that despite the wonderful con-
Mrs. Prins spoke about the They arrange transporta- unteers hit the streets with it was necessary to assist tribution of the local com-
history of the foundation; tion for the patients who collection bins. In Septem- KWF in their noble work munity due to the increase
the types of assistance don’t have such when ber KWF organizes “Ride by joining forces and help in expenses involved. The
they offer to those stricken the time comes to go for for the Roses” a walk and raise funds. The Committee Committee thanks KWF
by cancer and how the chemo treatment on island bike tour to raise additional members sold handmade for the opportunity to help
monies are raised to cover or for radiation in Curacao. income. The Aruba com- ribbons to fellow associ- raise funds. It was a plea-
the cost involved. Due to the lengthy treat- munity is generous; howev- ates, stood alongside the sure and it was done from
The KWF does not receive ments abroad KWF will er the funds raised do not streets with collection bins, the heart as a way to thank
any financial support and cover the travel expenses cover the yearly expenses. held a bazaar and lastly KWF for all they do for the
all the members of the of a family member to re- Aruba’s growth and devel- sold beverage containers community. The Commit-
foundation do volunteer place the one covered by tee is therefore considering
work. KWF does not help AZV that needs to return organizing another fund
those with a specific can- due to work schedule. They raising bazaar in the com-
cer only, but provides aid also provide special beds, ing months to assist KWF in
to anyone suffering with equipment and profes- their endeavors and is call-
any type of cancer. There sional care for the terminal ing upon all organizations,
are over 100 types of can- patients. Besides the team hotels, business entities to
cer with different risk fac- of the free-lance nurses, follow their example and
help raise funds for KWF.
Our Island citizens desper-
ately rely on KWF and their
unconditional help when
cancer knocks on the
Give of your Hands to
Serve and your Heart to
Love - Mother Thereseq