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                                                                                                 U.S. NEWS Friday 22 december 2017
            House backs temporary spending bill to avert shutdown

                                                                                                   bipartisan  efforts  to  smash  overseas  wiretapping  pro-
                                                                                                   budget  limits  that  are  im-  gram  aimed  at  tracking
                                                                                                   posing a freeze on the Pen-  terrorists.
                                                                                                   tagon and domestic agen-     Failure  to  pass  the  tem-
                                                                                                   cies, a long-term extension  porary  spending  measure
                                                                                                   of  the  popular  Children’s  would  trigger  a  govern-
                                                                                                   Health  Insurance  Program  ment  shutdown  at  mid-
                                                                                                   for  9  million  low-income  night  Friday,  which  would
                                                                                                   kids and Senate legislation  amount    to   a   political
                                                                                                   aimed  at  stabilizing  health  pratfall  just  after  the  GOP
                                                                                                   insurance markets.           scored a major win on the
                                                                                                   Instead,  lawmakers  strug-  landmark tax bill.
                                                                                                   gled  to  achieve  the  bare  Trump  weighed  in  on  Twit-
                                                                                                   minimum:  A  $2.1  billion  fix  ter Thursday morning to of-
                                                                                                   for  an  expiring  program  fer a boost — and a slap at
                                                                                                   that  pays  for  veterans  to  Democrats.
                                                                                                   seek  care  outside  the  De-  “House Democrats want a
                                                                                                   partment  of  Veterans  Af-  SHUTDOWN for the holidays
                                                                                                   fairs  system;  a  temporary  in order to distract from the
                                                                                                   fix  to  ensure  states  facing  very  popular,  just  passed,
                                                                                                   shortfalls  from  the  Chil-  Tax Cuts.
                                                                                                   dren’s  Health  Insurance  House  Republicans,  don’t
                                                                                                   Program  won’t  have  to  let  this  happen.  Pass  the
                                                                                                   purge  children  from  the  C.R.  TODAY  and  keep  our
            An staffer sets up a table for an enrollment ceremony for the final version of the GOP tax bill at the   program, and a short-term  Government OPEN!” Trump
            Capitol in Washington, Thursday, Dec. 21, 2017.                                        extension  for  an  expiring  tweeted.q
                                                                         (AP Photo/Andrew Harnik)
            Continued from Front         versed a tortured path, en-
                                         countering resistance from
            The  wrap-up  measure  al-   the GOP’s most ardent al-
            lows  Republicans  control-  lies of the military, as well as
            ling  Washington  to  savor  opposition from Democrats
            their win on this week’s $1.5  who  demanded  but  were
            trillion tax package — even  denied  a  vote  on  giving
            as they kick a full lineup of  immigrants  brought  to  the
            leftover  work  into  the  new  country as  children and  in
            year. Congress will return in  the country illegally an op-
            January  facing  enormous  portunity  to  become  citi-
            challenges on immigration,  zens.
            the federal budget, health  President Donald Trump re-
            care and national security  scinded  a  Barack  Obama
            along with legislation to in-  order  giving  these  so-
            crease  the  government’s  called  Dreamers  protec-
            authority to borrow money.   tion  against  deportation,
            Each of those items is sure  kicking  the  issue  to  Con-
            to test the unity that Repub-  gress  with  a  March  dead-
            licans are enjoying now.     line.
            “The  more  stuff  that’s  “They  embody  the  best
            pushed  into  January,  it’s  in  our  nation:  patriotism,
            unfortunate  because  we’ll  hard work, perseverance,”
            have  to  do  this  all  over  House  Democratic  Leader
            again,”  said  Republican  Nancy  Pelosi  of  California
            Sen.  John  Thune  of  South  told  the  chamber’s  Rules
            Dakota. “But at some point  Committee  on  Thursday.
            we’ve  got  to  make  the  “We should not leave them
            hard decisions.”             to celebrate the holidays in
            The House then passed, by  fear.”
            a bipartisan 251-169 tally, a  Trump  and  Republicans
            $81  billion  measure  to  de-  are  pushing  for  additional
            liver rebuilding aid to hurri-  border  security  and  other
            cane victims in Texas, Flor-  immigration  steps  in  ex-
            ida, Puerto Rico and other  change.
            parts  of  the  Caribbean  as  “The  vast  majority  of  Re-
            well as fire-ravaged states.  publicans  want  to  see  a
            But the Senate was unlikely  DACA  solution.  They  just
            to  go  along  as  both  Re-  want to see a DACA solu-
            publicans  and  Democrats  tion that’s balanced,” said
            want changes.                House  Speaker  Paul  Ryan,
            The   stopgap    legislation  R-Wis., referring to the pro-
            would  keep  the  govern-    gram’s name, Deferred Ac-
            ment from closing down at  tion for Childhood Arrivals
            midnight  Friday.  It  has  tra-  Also  left  unfinished  were
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