Page 27 - ARUBA BANK
P. 27

20                                                            AWEMainta                                       Diabierna, 22 December 2017

             Orario di Departamento di

       Aduana pa cu dianan di fiesta

        Centrale Bank van Aruba
        The Centrale Bank van Aruba (CBA) is responsible for maintaining the value of the Aruban florin and
        for  the  solidity  and  integrity  of  the  financial  system.  It  also  advises  the  Minister  of  Finance  on
        financial issues and publishes relevant sta�s�cal data and economic reports.

        Informa�on Security Department
        The Informa�on Security Department is responsible for:
          The development, implementa�on, and maintenance of a comprehensive informa�on security
           program.  The  program  comprises  ongoing  ac�vi�es  aimed  at  preserving  the  availability,
           integrity  and  confiden�ality  of  CBA’s informa�on  resources  in  compliance with  interna�onal
           best prac�ces.
          The oversight of the IT risk controls at the ins�tu�ons supervised by the CBA, including but not   DEPARTAMENTO di Aduana ta infor-
           limited to the policies, procedures, and measures in place to ensure, inter alia, the con�nuity of   ma publico en general y su clientela en espe-
           the IT-systems  and  the  integrity  of  electronic  data  and  to  mi�gate  IT  risks,  including  cyber
           security risks.                                                                     cial cu, tur oficina di Aduana ta habri dianan

        The Informa�on Security Department has an opening for a:                               22 y 29 di december 2017.

          DEPUTY MANAGER INFORMATION SECURITY                                                  Tur oficinanan di Departamento di Aduana

                                                                                               lo ta cera riba e dianan 25 y 26 di december
        Main responsibili�es of the Deputy Manager Informa�on Security
          Plan, coordinate and monitor  the  execu�on  of  informa�on  security  related  ac�vi�es  and   2017 como tambe riba dianan 1 y 2 di janu-
           projects, including the implementa�on of IT security measures.                      ari 2018.
          Ensure  a proper  implementa�on  and  compliance  monitoring of informa�on security policies
           and procedures, based on a best prac�ce IT Security Framework.
          Support the Manager Informa�on Security in managing IT related risks for the CBA.
          Advise  Manager  Informa�on  Security  on  advanced  persistent  threat  (APT)  mi�ga�on,   SDepartamento di Aduana ta desea comuni-
           vulnerability scanning, and other relevant areas with the main goal to maintain the security   dad di Aruba felis dianan di fiesta y un aña
           level of CBA’s IT environment at required standing.
          Support the  day  to  day  IT (security)  tasks on all resources in use and monitoring  of the  IT   2017 yen di bendicion y prosperidad pa un
           infrastructure in the broadest sense.
          Support the Manager Informa�on Security in promo�ng cyber security awareness within the   y tur.
           CBA and the financial sector.
          Overseeing compliance by the financial sector with the policies issued by the CBA in the area of
           informa�on technology.

        Profile of the Deputy Manager Informa�on Security
          Master’s  degree in  computer science,  informa�on  management systems  or  related  field.  RE,
           CISSP, CISA, CISM or other security cer�fica�ons are regarded as a plus
          Minimum 7 years of relevant work experience, of which 3 years in a managerial suppor�ng role
          Good understanding of all IT ma�ers in the broadest sense, and in the area of IT security and
           network administra�on in par�cular
          Excellent analy�cal and advisory skills
          Solu�on-oriented and stress resistant
          Excellent oral and wri�en communica�on skills
          Able to work independently and accurate

        Applica�on procedure
        Qualifying candidates should send their applica�ons, including curriculum vitae, within two weeks
        from date of publica�on to the President of the Centrale Bank van Aruba, J.E. Irausquin Boulevard
        8, Oranjestad, Aruba. An ap�tude test, a background check, as well  as a pre-employment screening
        form part of the selec�on procedure.

        More informa�on
        For  further  informa�on,  please  contact  Mrs.  Kristel  de  Nobrega,  Manager  Informa�on  Security
        Department, phone: +297-525-2225 or e-mail:
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