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A30    world news
                    Diahuebs 10 Maart 2022

                         WHO Africa’s 1st woman leader helps continent fight COVID

                                                                      Moeti has made strides with-                              Moeti also acknowledges that
                                                                      in  WHO  Africa  to  follow  She  thinks  of  women  she  she was privileged to be raised
                                                                      through on her word — start-  knows and sees. The woman  in a family that valued educa-
                                                                      ing a leadership program that  who braids her hair, who lost  tion above all else. When she
                                                                      has  helped  promote  more  work  because  of  the  lock-  was young in apartheid South
                                                                      women by ensuring that fe-   down  and  is  scared  of  the  Africa where segregated, sub-
                                                                      male  applicants  for  jobs  are  vaccine.  An  elderly  woman  standard  Bantu  education
                                                                      taken as seriously as men.   who  must  carry  her  load  of  was enforced for Blacks, she
                                                                                                   food up and down steep hills.  had  to  commute  to  Swazi-
                                                                      Improved gender parity is ev-  Women  selling  produce  at  land for schooling and faced
                                                                      ident at WHO Africa, where  marketplaces  forced  to  close  scrutiny at the borders of the
                                                                      nearly equal numbers of men  their stalls.                small  country  encircled  by
                                                                      and  women  walk  around                                  South Africa. The  commute
                                                                      the sprawling campus, about  The way out of the pandemic  was too much, so her parents
                                                                      a  20-minute  drive  outside  is to reach these women with  moved the family to Botswa-
                                                                      Brazzaville along the Congo  awareness  campaigns  and  na where they could get bet-
                                                                      River.  In  her  time  in  office,  economic aid, she said.  ter, non-racist education.
                                                                      Moeti  said,  she  is  proud
                                                                      to  have  shifted  the  ratio  of  To this end, Moeti tries to get  The importance of education
                                                                      men to women — now, four  out  into  the  field  monthly.  has been a constant in her life.
            (AP)  —  People  stand  Ebola  outbreak,  in  West  Af-   female  directors  and  four  She’s  frequently  joined  by  When she pursued a master’s
            when     Dr.    Matshidiso  rica. She has also has had to  male  directors  flank  her  in  government  officials  and  degree  in  London,  she  was
            Moeti enters a room at the  handle lingering criticism of  the  grand  conference  room  journalists,  and  the  con-  separated from her daughters
            World  Health  Organiza-     WHO’s spending and hiring  where  meetings  and  Zoom  voy  can  attract  a  crowd  —  for  a  year,  and  her  marriage
            tion’s Africa headquarters  in Africa as it also deals with  calls  are  held.  Prior,  it  was  as  with  a  recent  trip  to  the  to  their  father  eventually
            in the Republic of Congo  allegations  of  sexual  assault  three women in the presence  dense Ouenze neighborhood  ended. She is now remarried
            and they listen intently to  by  contractors  during  Con-  of six men.                of  Brazzaville.  Women  and  to an epidemiologist who has
            what she says.               go’s Ebola crisis.                                        men jostled to get a glimpse  worked  on  many  outbreaks
                                                                      One  of  the  women  at  the  of  their  health  minister,  the  and commutes in and out of
            Small  in  stature  and  big  in  From  2020,  the  start  of  her  table  is  Dr.  Mary  Stephens  mayor and Moeti, at a small  the country, she said.
            presence,  Moeti  is  the  first  second term, Moeti has faced  who says that seeing Moeti as  yard outside a health center.
            woman  to  lead  WHO’s  re-  her toughest professional and  regional director means a lot                           Despite  the  challenges  she
            gional  Africa  office,  the  personal  challenge:  helping  to  her  and  others  in  Africa,  Moeti has nearly 40 years of  has  faced,  she  wouldn’t
            capstone  of  her  trailblaz-  Africa  respond  to  the  coro-  where  women  historically  experience  in  public  health,  change  her  life,  she  says.
            ing  career  in  which  she  has  navirus pandemic as the con-  and traditionally have had to  but the coronavirus pandem-  Her  family  and  education
            overcome  discrimination  in  tinent  trails  the  rest  of  the  take a back seat: “It gives us  ic  has  confronted  her  with  continue  to  motivate  her  to
            apartheid South Africa to be-  world in testing and vaccina-  hope  and  an  indication  that  new challenges.      improve Africa’s health care.
            come one of the world’s top  tion efforts. She has become  it can happen for any woman                              Thinking  of  young  African
            health administrators.       one of the world’s most com-  on the continent.”          The  women  in  her  fam-    girls  suffering  during  COV-
                                         pelling  voices  urging  bet-                             ily  helped  her  to  achieve  ID-19, Moeti says she wants
            As WHO Africa chief, Moeti  ter  consideration  of  Africa’s  In  Africa,  women  have  suf-  so  much,  she  says.  Moeti’s  to  help  improve  their  lives,
            initiates emergency respons-  people — especially women,  fered disproportionately dur-  mother was a doctor, and her  inspire them and make them
            es  to  health  crises  in  47  of  who’ve  in  many  ways  been  ing  the  pandemic  —  with  grandmother  a  teacher  who  into leaders.
            the  continent’s  54  countries  hit  hardest  by  COVID.  Her  lower vaccine rates, econom-  was widowed with seven girls
            and  recommends  policies  to  identity as an African woman  ic  turmoil,  rising  pregnan-  to raise in a South African so-  She  wants  them  to  know:
            strengthen  their  health  care  has been both a strength and  cies,  other  healthcare  issues,  ciety that looked more favor-  “I’m a child who was in the
            systems.                     an  obstacle  on  a  continent  increases  in  domestic  and  ably on educating sons. Moe-  South  African  township  and
                                         where much of society is still  gender-based violence — and  ti speaks of her as a hero — “a  running  around  the  streets.
            Since  her  appointment  in  dominated by patriarchal sys-  Moeti  has  made  addressing  very  determined,  soldiering-  I  hope  that  will  encourage
            2015,  Moeti  has  grappled  tems.                        that inequality a cornerstone  on type of woman.”         them.”
            with  the  world’s  deadliest                             of her work.

                              Israel, Turkey vow to heal rift despite sharp differences

            (AP) — Turkey and Israel                                  ture state along with the West  tant  group  that  controls  the  stormed  a  Gaza-bound  flo-
            agreed  on  Wednesday  to  Herzog  said  his  visit  consti-  Bank and Gaza Strip.     Gaza  Strip.  Israel  considers  tilla  carrying  humanitarian
            rebuild  their  relationship  tutes a “very important mo-                              Hamas a terrorist group.     aid for Palestinians that broke
            despite  their  differences,  ment”  in  relations,  allowing  The Israelis and Palestinians                        an Israeli blockade. The inci-
            as  Israel’s  President  Isaac  the countries to “build bridg-  have  not  held  substantive  The   countries   withdrew  dent resulted in the deaths of
            Herzog  became  the  first  es essential to us all.”      peace negotiations to reach a  their  respective  ambassadors  nine Turkish activists.
            Israeli leader to visit Tur-                              two-state solution to the con-  in  2010  after  Israeli  forces
            key in 14 years.             Both leaders conceded how-   flict in over a decade.
                                         ever, that differences remain
            Appearing  before  cameras  —  not  least  on  the  issue  of  Herzog said: “We must agree
            following  talks  with  Her-  the Palestinians.           in  advance  that  we  will  not
            zog, Turkish President Recep                              agree  on  everything,  that  is
            Tayyip Erdogan described Is-  Israel captured east Jerusalem  the nature of relations with a
            raeli president’s visit as “his-  with  its  Jewish,  Christian  past as rich as ours.”
            toric”  and  “a  turning  point”  and Muslim holy sites — the
            in  Turkish-Israeli  relations.  emotional ground zero of the  Turkey and Israel once were
            He said Turkey was ready to  more than century-long con-  close allies, but the relation-
            cooperate  with  Israel  in  the  flict  —  in  the  1967  Mideast  ship  frayed  under  Erdogan,
            energy sector, adding that the  war and annexed it in a move  who  is  an  outspoken  critic
            Turkish  foreign  and  energy  unrecognized by most of the  of Israel’s policies toward the
            ministers  would  soon  visit  international   community.  Palestinians.  Israel  also  has
            Israel  for  more  talks  on  in-  The  Palestinians  seek  east  been  angered  by  Erdogan’s
            creased cooperation.         Jerusalem  as  capital  of  a  fu-  embrace of Hamas, the mili-
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