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A32    sports
                    Diahuebs 10 Maart 2022

                               Brian Flores wants lawsuit against NFL heard in court

            (AP) - Brian Flores wants                                                                                           $100,000 per loss during his
            the NFL to reject the Mi-                                                                                           first season with the team in
            ami Dolphins’ request for                                                                                           2019 in an effort to receive a
            an arbitration hearing re-                                                                                          top draft pick.
            garding  his  class-action
            lawsuit  against  the  team                                                                                         The NFL has maintained the
            and  the  league  alleging                                                                                          lawsuit  is  “without  merit,”
            racist hiring practices.                                                                                            although Goodell said before
                                                                                                                                the  Super  Bowl  that  “all  of
            Flores’ lawyer sent a letter to                                                                                     the allegations, whether they
            NFL  Commissioner  Roger                                                                                            were based on racism or dis-
            Goodell on Wednesday, urg-                                                                                          crimination  or  the  integrity
            ing  him  to  turn  down  Mi-                                                                                       of  our  game,  all  of  those  to
            ami’s  request  and  have  the                                                                                      me were very disturbing.”
            case settled in court.
                                                                                                                                The  Dolphins  requested
            “Arbitration  is  not  transpar-                                                                                    the  arbitration  hearing  last
            ent,”  attorney  Douglas  H.                                                                                        month.
            Wigdor  wrote  in  his  letter.
            “Indeed,  arbitration  is  by  its                                                                                  “We  also  are  hopeful  that,
            very  nature  a  secretive  pro-                                                                                    upon  reading  this  letter  and
            cess  that  takes  place  behind                                                                                    reflecting  further,  the  Dol-
            closed  doors  and  outside  of                                                                                     phins  will  reconsider  their
            the  public  eye.  The  lack  of                                                                                    position  and  withdraw  their
            transparency  in  arbitration  burgh  Steelers  last  month,  the  Dolphins  and  their  at-  low this case and future race  arbitration  request  so  that
            only  serves  to  continue  the  filed  his  lawsuit  against  the  torneys, Quinn Emanuel and  discrimination claims to play  Mr. Flores’ claims of race dis-
            status  quo—which  in  this  NFL,  Dolphins,  New  York  Paul Weiss, are trying to push  out in a transparent and pub-  crimination and other unlaw-
            case,  is  one  that  you  have  Giants  and  Denver  Broncos  the  claims  against  the  Dol-  lic legal process, or continue  ful conduct can be heard in a
            conceded must be fairly eval-  following  his  dismissal  by  phins  into  secret  arbitration  along the same unacceptable  fair and transparent manner,
            uated  and  potentially  over-  Miami.  Flores  led  the  Dol-  proceedings  that  lack  trans-  path?”             in front of a judge and a jury
            hauled.  That  cannot  happen  phins to consecutive winning  parency. There are currently                           of  his  peers,”  Wigdor  wrote
            in arbitration. In addition to  seasons before he was fired in  ongoing  legislative  efforts  Flores’  lawsuit  alleges  the  to  Goodell.  “If  the  NFL  is
            being secret and confidential,  January.                  to end forced arbitration for  league  has  discriminated  truly  committed  to  ‘ending
            it is a well-accepted fact that                           claims of race discrimination,  against him and other Black  racism,’  as  it  has  repeatedly
            arbitration presents a barrier  “The  claims  that  we  filed  which I fully support.   coaches for racial reasons, de-  claimed, the league will reject
            to justice for victims of dis-  involve  important  issues  of                         nying them positions as head  Miami’s  request  for  arbitra-
            crimination  and  other  mis-  systemic  race  discrimina-  I  would  hope  that  the  NFL  coaches, offensive and defen-  tion.  Race  discrimination
            conduct.”                    tion and the integrity of NFL  and  Dolphins  would  also  sive  coordinators  and  quar-  cannot  be  eradicated  behind
                                         football  games,”  Flores  said  support  those  efforts.  Com-  terbacks  coaches,  as  well  as  closed  doors  and  the  integ-
            Flores, hired as a senior de-  in  a  statement  provided  by  missioner  Goodell  now  has  general managers. Flores also  rity of the game depends on
            fensive assistant for the Pitts-  his  lawyer.  “Unfortunately,  a choice to make. Will he al-  claims  Miami  offered  him  transparency.”

                      Jessica Berman new leader of National Women’s Soccer League

            (AP)  -  Jessica  Berman,  a  former  executive  for  the  NHL  and  the  National  Lacrosse  League,  has
                                                                                    been  named  commissioner  of  Recently,  the  league  appears  more
                                                                                    the  National  Women’s  Soccer  stable.  A  new  collective  bargain-
                                                                                    League.                             ing  agreement  was  struck  with  the
                                                                                                                        NWSL Players Association, and two
                                                                                    Berman replaces Lisa Baird, who re-  expansion  teams  —  Angel  City  FC
                                                                                    signed  last  October  amid  a  scandal  and the San Diego Wave — will open
                                                                                    involving allegations of sexual harass-  their  inaugural  seasons  and  expand
                                                                                    ment  and  coercion  brought  against  the league to 12 teams.
                                                                                    one of the league’s most prominent
                                                                                    coaches.                            “Working on behalf of, and in part-
                                                                                                                        nership with, our players is my num-
                                                                                    Berman’s  appointment  was  an-     ber  one  priority,”  Berman  said  in  a
                                                                                    nounced  Wednesday  and  her  four-  statement. “Having been involved in
                                                                                    year term will start on April 20. In-  professional sports for many years, I
                                                                                    terim CEO Marla Messing, hired to  know how critically important a gen-
                                                                                    oversee the league following Baird’s  uine  partnership  with  players  is  for
                                                                                    departure,  will  continue  in  her  role  us all to be successful and continue
                                                                                    and advise Berman during the transi-  to grow.”
                                                                                    tion until May 31.
                                                                                                                        Berman  has  served  as  deputy  com-
                                                                                    Berman takes over the league after a  missioner  and  executive  vice  presi-
                                                                                    turbulent  2021.  Five  league  coaches  dent  of  business  affairs  at  the  Na-
                                                                                    either  resigned  or  were  dismissed.  tional Lacrosse League for more than
                                                                                    Among  them  was  North  Carolina  two years. Before that, she was a vice
                                                                                    Coach Paul Riley, who was fired after  president and deputy general counsel
                                                                                    The Athletic detailed claims of sexual  for the NHL.
                                                                                    misconduct.  He  denied  the  allega-
                                                                                    tions.                              The  NWSL’s  preseason  Challenge
                                                                                                                        Cup opens on March 18. The regu-
                                                                                    Baird  stepped  down  in  the  fallout,  lar-season  schedule  for  the  league’s
                                                                                    and both U.S. Soccer and the NWSL  10th season has not been announced.
                                                                                    opened independent investigations.
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