Page 7 - MIN VOS FEB 3,2015
P. 7
WORLD NEWSTuesday 3 February 2015
Bomber blows herself up after Nigeria president’s rally
The Associated Press beries, and other armed up at a central traffic circle prosecutor urged partici- Goodluck Jonathan, a
MAIDUGURI, Nigeria (AP) — attacks.” The list encom- pants to refrain from vio- Christian southerner and
A female suicide bomber passes every state in the far and a man blew himself lence before, during and Muslim northerner Muham-
killed herself Monday when north, central Plateau state after the vote, with analysts madu Buhari, a former
she exploded a vehicle and Delta, Bayelsa and Riv- up at a timber market. All saying the presidential con- military dictator. Some 800
packed with explosives ers in the oil-rich south. test is too close to call. people died in protests in
near a stadium where Ni- Monday’s explosion oc- three bombers died, Atajiri Prosecutor Fatou Bensouda mainly Muslim northern Ni-
geria’s president had just curred about 1.5 kilometers said she would send a team geria after Buhari lost the
held an election rally in (1 mile) from the venue, said. to Nigeria before the elec- last election to Jonathan in
the northeastern city of which President Goodluck tion, noting: “Experience 2011.
Gombe, police said. They Jonathan had just left, said No one immediately has shown that electoral Prosecutors at The Hague-
said there were no other Deputy Superintendent competition, when gone based court already are
casualties. Fwaje Atajiri. claimed responsibility. astray, can give rise to vio- conducting a prelimi-
The U.S. State Department, Two other suicide bomb- lence and in the worst-case nary probe into alleged
meanwhile, published a ings in Gombe city on Sun- Most suicide bombings are scenarios, even trigger the war crimes committed by
warning urging U.S. citizens day injured a few people commission of mass crimes Boko Haram and by Ni-
not to travel to 17 of the but killed only the bombers, blamed on Boko Haram Is- that shock the conscience gerian security forces that
country’s 36 states “due to he said. A couple sharing of humanity.” could lead to a full-blown
the risk of kidnappings, rob- a bicycle blew themselves lamic extremists who are Front-runners are President investigation.q
against democracy and
have vowed to disrupt the
Feb. 14 elections for the
president, state governors
and legislators in Nigeria,
Africa’s richest and most
populous nation.
The attacks come as the In-
ternational Criminal Court
Large-scale human Ebola vaccines testing starts in Liberia
J. PAYE-LAYLEH A woman is injected by a health care worker, left, as she takes part in an Ebola virus vaccine an immune response.
Associated Press trial, at one of the largest hospital’s Redemption hospital in Monrovia, Liberia, Monday, Feb. 2, On Sunday in one densely
MONROVIA, Liberia (AP) 2015. A large-scale human trial of two potential Ebola vaccines got under way in Liberia’s capital populated neighborhood
— Large-scale human test- Monday, part of a global effort to prevent a repeat of the epidemic that has now claimed nearly of Monrovia, musicians
ing of two potential Ebola 9,000 lives in West Africa. sang songs explaining the
vaccines got under way in purpose and intent of the
Liberia’s capital Monday, (AP Photo/ Abbas Dulleh) trial in a bid to dispel fears.
part of a global effort to B. Emmanuel Lansana, 43,
prevent a repeat of the man use. By comparing tracting the disease. infected by taking part. a physician’s assistant, was
epidemic that has now them now with a dummy Despite the vaccine study’s Each vaccine uses a differ- the first to receive doses on
claimed nearly 9,000 lives shot, scientists hope to promise, authorities must ent virus to carry non-infec- Monday. Two shots were
in West Africa. learn whether they can combat fear and suspicion tious Ebola genetic mate- administered at different
Yet even as Liberians vol- prevent people from con- that people could become rial into the body and spark points on his right arm. His
unteered to take part, it re- wife had expressed appre-
mains unclear whether ei- hension about the vaccine
ther vaccine ultimately will trial, but Lansana said he
work, and if so how quickly still wanted to take part.
they could be mass pro- “From the counseling, all
duced. There is currently of the reservations I have
no licensed treatment for were explained, my doubts
Ebola, a ghastly virus that were cleared,” he said in a
has killed at least 60 per- room where he was being
cent of even its hospital- observed for 30 minutes
ized victims. afterward.Up to 600 volun-
The studies in Liberia are teers are taking part in the
taking place after smaller first phase, and trial orga-
tests determined that the nizers have said eventually
vaccines were safe for hu- as many as 27,000 people
could take part. q
Uganda: Rebel commander’s remains believed discovered
RODNEY MUHUMUZA aided Ugandan troops are to a grave he said con- dog group Enough Project. now vastly weakened as a
Associated Press hunting down Joseph Ko- tained the body of Odhi- In a rebel group known for fighting force amid an in-
KAMPALA, Uganda (AP) — ny’s Lord’s Resistance Army ambo, who once was Ko- savagery that sometimes ternational hunt for its lead-
Ugandan troops in Cen- rebel fighters, said Lt. Col. ny’s deputy and was one included chopping off the ers across different parts of
tral African Republic have Paddy Ankunda. of those indicted by the In- limbs of victims, Odhiambo central Africa.
found the remains believed Ugandan military officials ternational Criminal Court stood out for his alleged If Odhiambo is confirmed
to be those of a top Lord’s said last year they believed for alleged war crimes and ruthlessness. His ICC arrest dead, it would mean
Resistance Army com- rebel commander Okot crimes against impunity. warrant cited one account only Kony is still at large
mander who had been Odhiambo had died in late Odhiambo was a member that described him as “the among the group’s top five
presumed dead, a Ugan- 2013 after being wounded of the “control altar” of the one who killed the most.” leaders indicted in 2005 by
dan military spokesman in an attack by African Lord’s Resistance Army, a Watchdog groups and the International Criminal
said Monday. troops near the town of small group of Ugandan- Ugandan military officials Court. Another rebel com-
Ugandan authorities will Djema in Central African born rebel commanders believe the Lord’s Resis- mander, Dominic Ongwen,
be conducting DNA tests Republic. who planned and imple- tance Army, which origi- surrendered last month
on a skeleton exhumed Ankunda said Monday a mented the group’s many nated in Uganda in the and has since been trans-
from a bush in Central Af- defector from the rebel atrocities over the years, 1980s as a tribal uprising ferred to The Hague to
rican Republic, where U.S.- group led Ugandan soldiers according to the watch- against the government, is face trial.q
WORLD NEWSTuesday 3 February 2015
Bomber blows herself up after Nigeria president’s rally
The Associated Press beries, and other armed up at a central traffic circle prosecutor urged partici- Goodluck Jonathan, a
MAIDUGURI, Nigeria (AP) — attacks.” The list encom- pants to refrain from vio- Christian southerner and
A female suicide bomber passes every state in the far and a man blew himself lence before, during and Muslim northerner Muham-
killed herself Monday when north, central Plateau state after the vote, with analysts madu Buhari, a former
she exploded a vehicle and Delta, Bayelsa and Riv- up at a timber market. All saying the presidential con- military dictator. Some 800
packed with explosives ers in the oil-rich south. test is too close to call. people died in protests in
near a stadium where Ni- Monday’s explosion oc- three bombers died, Atajiri Prosecutor Fatou Bensouda mainly Muslim northern Ni-
geria’s president had just curred about 1.5 kilometers said she would send a team geria after Buhari lost the
held an election rally in (1 mile) from the venue, said. to Nigeria before the elec- last election to Jonathan in
the northeastern city of which President Goodluck tion, noting: “Experience 2011.
Gombe, police said. They Jonathan had just left, said No one immediately has shown that electoral Prosecutors at The Hague-
said there were no other Deputy Superintendent competition, when gone based court already are
casualties. Fwaje Atajiri. claimed responsibility. astray, can give rise to vio- conducting a prelimi-
The U.S. State Department, Two other suicide bomb- lence and in the worst-case nary probe into alleged
meanwhile, published a ings in Gombe city on Sun- Most suicide bombings are scenarios, even trigger the war crimes committed by
warning urging U.S. citizens day injured a few people commission of mass crimes Boko Haram and by Ni-
not to travel to 17 of the but killed only the bombers, blamed on Boko Haram Is- that shock the conscience gerian security forces that
country’s 36 states “due to he said. A couple sharing of humanity.” could lead to a full-blown
the risk of kidnappings, rob- a bicycle blew themselves lamic extremists who are Front-runners are President investigation.q
against democracy and
have vowed to disrupt the
Feb. 14 elections for the
president, state governors
and legislators in Nigeria,
Africa’s richest and most
populous nation.
The attacks come as the In-
ternational Criminal Court
Large-scale human Ebola vaccines testing starts in Liberia
J. PAYE-LAYLEH A woman is injected by a health care worker, left, as she takes part in an Ebola virus vaccine an immune response.
Associated Press trial, at one of the largest hospital’s Redemption hospital in Monrovia, Liberia, Monday, Feb. 2, On Sunday in one densely
MONROVIA, Liberia (AP) 2015. A large-scale human trial of two potential Ebola vaccines got under way in Liberia’s capital populated neighborhood
— Large-scale human test- Monday, part of a global effort to prevent a repeat of the epidemic that has now claimed nearly of Monrovia, musicians
ing of two potential Ebola 9,000 lives in West Africa. sang songs explaining the
vaccines got under way in purpose and intent of the
Liberia’s capital Monday, (AP Photo/ Abbas Dulleh) trial in a bid to dispel fears.
part of a global effort to B. Emmanuel Lansana, 43,
prevent a repeat of the man use. By comparing tracting the disease. infected by taking part. a physician’s assistant, was
epidemic that has now them now with a dummy Despite the vaccine study’s Each vaccine uses a differ- the first to receive doses on
claimed nearly 9,000 lives shot, scientists hope to promise, authorities must ent virus to carry non-infec- Monday. Two shots were
in West Africa. learn whether they can combat fear and suspicion tious Ebola genetic mate- administered at different
Yet even as Liberians vol- prevent people from con- that people could become rial into the body and spark points on his right arm. His
unteered to take part, it re- wife had expressed appre-
mains unclear whether ei- hension about the vaccine
ther vaccine ultimately will trial, but Lansana said he
work, and if so how quickly still wanted to take part.
they could be mass pro- “From the counseling, all
duced. There is currently of the reservations I have
no licensed treatment for were explained, my doubts
Ebola, a ghastly virus that were cleared,” he said in a
has killed at least 60 per- room where he was being
cent of even its hospital- observed for 30 minutes
ized victims. afterward.Up to 600 volun-
The studies in Liberia are teers are taking part in the
taking place after smaller first phase, and trial orga-
tests determined that the nizers have said eventually
vaccines were safe for hu- as many as 27,000 people
could take part. q
Uganda: Rebel commander’s remains believed discovered
RODNEY MUHUMUZA aided Ugandan troops are to a grave he said con- dog group Enough Project. now vastly weakened as a
Associated Press hunting down Joseph Ko- tained the body of Odhi- In a rebel group known for fighting force amid an in-
KAMPALA, Uganda (AP) — ny’s Lord’s Resistance Army ambo, who once was Ko- savagery that sometimes ternational hunt for its lead-
Ugandan troops in Cen- rebel fighters, said Lt. Col. ny’s deputy and was one included chopping off the ers across different parts of
tral African Republic have Paddy Ankunda. of those indicted by the In- limbs of victims, Odhiambo central Africa.
found the remains believed Ugandan military officials ternational Criminal Court stood out for his alleged If Odhiambo is confirmed
to be those of a top Lord’s said last year they believed for alleged war crimes and ruthlessness. His ICC arrest dead, it would mean
Resistance Army com- rebel commander Okot crimes against impunity. warrant cited one account only Kony is still at large
mander who had been Odhiambo had died in late Odhiambo was a member that described him as “the among the group’s top five
presumed dead, a Ugan- 2013 after being wounded of the “control altar” of the one who killed the most.” leaders indicted in 2005 by
dan military spokesman in an attack by African Lord’s Resistance Army, a Watchdog groups and the International Criminal
said Monday. troops near the town of small group of Ugandan- Ugandan military officials Court. Another rebel com-
Ugandan authorities will Djema in Central African born rebel commanders believe the Lord’s Resis- mander, Dominic Ongwen,
be conducting DNA tests Republic. who planned and imple- tance Army, which origi- surrendered last month
on a skeleton exhumed Ankunda said Monday a mented the group’s many nated in Uganda in the and has since been trans-
from a bush in Central Af- defector from the rebel atrocities over the years, 1980s as a tribal uprising ferred to The Hague to
rican Republic, where U.S.- group led Ugandan soldiers according to the watch- against the government, is face trial.q