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The Bushiribana Gold Mill
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July 8, 2024
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Aruba’s ONLY English newspaper
A r u b a ’ s O N L Y E n g l i s h n e w s p a p e r
Can you 'Trump-proof' NATO? As Biden falters, Europeans look to
safeguard the military alliance
Associated Press
ing skepticism about Presi-
dent Joe Biden's reelection
chances has European
leaders heading to the
NATO summit in Washington
confronting the prospect
that the military alliance's
most prominent critic, Don-
ald Trump, may return to
power over its mightiest
NATO — made up of 32 Eu-
ropean and North American
allies committed to defend-
ing one another from armed
attack — will stress strength
through solidarity as it cel-
ebrates its 75th anniversary
during the summit starting
Tuesday. Event host Biden,
who pulled allies into a glo-
bal network to help Ukraine
fight off Russia's invasion, has
called the alliance the most
unified it has ever been. NATO Secretary General Jens Stoltenberg, right, speaks with President Joe Biden during a NATO summit in Vilnius, Lithuania, July
12, 2023.
Continued on Page 3 Associated Press