P. 24

                    Tuesday 10 March 2020
            Amid virus crisis, officials announce health care tech rules

            By    RICARDO     ALONSO-                                                                                           won’t fall into the hands of
            ZALDIVAR                                                                                                            third parties that could ex-
            WASHINGTON (AP) — With                                                                                              ploit it for profit.
            coronavirus topping Ameri-                                                                                          CMS  says  it  intends  im-
            cans’    concerns,   senior                                                                                         prove  on  health  care  pri-
            Trump  administration  offi-                                                                                        vacy standards in the smart
            cials tried to switch subjects                                                                                      phone  industry  to  provide
            Monday by announcing fi-                                                                                            consumers  with  a  higher
            nal  rules  aimed  at  deliver-                                                                                     level of protection.
            ing on the unfulfilled prom-                                                                                        In addition to Azar, among
            ise of electronic health re-                                                                                        the  top  administration  of-
            cords.                                                                                                              ficials  joining  to  make
            It did not go smoothly as re-                                                                                       the  announcement  were
            porters veered back to the                                                                                          White  House  health  policy
            global  outbreak  increas-                                                                                          chief  Joe  Grogan,  CMS
            ingly  affecting  U.S.  com-                                                                                        Administrator  Seema  Ver-
            munities.                                                                                                           ma,  and  Donald  Rucker,
            “The  notion  that  we  can’t                                                                                       the government’s National
            do  our  day  jobs  and  work                                                                                       Coordinator  for  Health  In-
            on  this  very  serious  issue                                                                                      formation Technology.
            (coronavirus)  is  absurd,”                                                                                         The  administration’s  plan
            said  a  frustrated  Health                                                                                         had been to make the an-
            and  Human  Services  Sec-   Health and Human Services Secretary Alex Azar speaks during a television interview outside the   nouncement  at  a  global
            retary  Alex  Azar  after  one   White House in Washington, Monday, March, 9, 2020.                                 health  technology  con-
            reporter  noted  that  finan-                                                                      Associated Press  ference  sponsored  by  the
            cial  markets  had  opened  nalized  by  the  Trump  ad-  cut  down  on  duplicative  standards  for  privacy  that  Healthcare    Information
            sharply lower over fears of  ministration aim to finally fix   tests, and help patients be-  are imposed on hospitals.   and   Management   Sys-
            global economic damage  that.                             come  smarter  consumers  “This  could  lead  to  third  tems Society in Orlando this
            from the outbreak.           The  regulations  are  highly   of health care services.  party  apps  using  personal  week.  But  that  event  was
            Azar recapped administra-    complex.  Hospitals  and  a   But  Rick  Pollack,  president  health  information  in  ways  canceled due to concerns
            tion  actions  to  try  to  con-  consumer group objected,   of  the  American  Hospital  in  which  patients  are  un-  about   large   gatherings
            tain the spread of the virus  saying that patient privacy   Association,  said  a  new  aware,”  Pollack  said  in  a  where travelers can unwit-
            in  the  U.S.,  develop  tests,  would be undermined.     generation  of  health  care  statement.                  tingly spread coronavirus.
            treatments  and  vaccines,  One  rule  from  the  HHS     apps could put the person-   The  consumer  advocacy  “Sorry  we  can’t  see  you
            work  with  local  officials  in  agency   that   oversees   al information of patients at  group  Public  Citizen  also  in  Orlando,  which  was  our
            areas  that  are  seeing  out-  health  care  technology   risk, since the app develop-  criticized the new rules, say-  original  plan  here,”  tech-
            breaks,  and  care  for  the  would implement congres-    ers  would  not  be  required  ing  they  fail  to  guarantee  nology coordinator Rucker
            sick.  Announcement  of  sional  requirements  that       to  meet  the  same  legal  that  sensitive  information  told reporters.q
            the  technology  rules  was  hospitals  and  other  health
            originally  planned  at  a  care entities put a stop to   Twitter in deal with Silver Lake, Elliott;
            health care conference in  practices  that  can  block
            Florida, but that event was  the  digital  transfer  of  in-  Dorsey still CEO
            canceled over coronavirus  formation.  Some  systems
            concerns.                    don’t allow screen shots or
            The   long-awaited    rules  video to be shared, for ex-  By The Associated Press
            could  take  several  years  ample.                       Twitter says it’s reached an
            for consumers and patients  The  health  care  technol-   investment  deal  with  Silver
            to start seeing the practical  ogy office rule also tries to   Lake  and  Elliott  Manage-
            effects.                     address  access  problems    ment  that  will  keep  Jack
            They  are  intended  to  get  at the patient’s level. It re-  Dorsey as the social media
            at  one  of  the  major  prob-  quires  hospitals  and  other   company’s CEO.
            lems with electronic health  health  care  service  pro-  Twitter  Inc.  said  Monday
            records: the systems of hos-  viders  to  allow  access  to   that  Silver  Lake  will  make
            pitals  and  doctors  often  records  via  software  used   a  $1  billion  investment  in
            don’t ‘talk’ to each other,  by smartphone apps, such     the company. That money,
            and  patients  struggle  to  as  the  ones  that  already   along with cash on hand, is
            get  their  medical  informa-  handle banking and credit   expected to be put toward
            tion  digitally  transmitted,  card  transactions.  Patients   a $2 billion stock buyback.
            defaulting  to  CDs  and  could  literally  access  their   Elliott  Management  Corp.,   In this June 7, 2019, file photo, Twitter CEO Jack Dorsey leaves
            faxed paper records.         records via the smartphone   which  owns  about  4%  of   after  his  talk  with  French  President  Emmanuel  Macron  at  the
            The  federal  government  in their back pocket.           Twitter’s stock, will get one   Elysee Palace in Paris.
            invested  more  than  $30  CMS will also require hospi-   seat  on  Twitter’s  board.                                          Associated Press
            billion  a  decade  ago  to  tals  to  electronically  notify   Silver  Lake  will  also  get  a  hind  businesses  like  Face-  reminiscent  of  Instagram
            help hospitals and doctors  a patient’s outside doctors   board seat.                  book and Google in terms  and  Facebook  “stories”
            convert  to  computerized  when that patient is admit-    Prior  media  reports  had  of user growth and adver-     and   Snapchat’s    snaps,
            records. But it never solved  ted,  discharged  or  trans-  suggested Elliott was plan-  tising  revenue.  CEO  Jack  which  let  users  post  short-
            the problems of getting the  ferred.                      ning to nominate four peo-   Dorsey left the company to  lived  photos  and  mes-
            different  medical  systems  The hope is that easier ac-  ple  to  Twitter’s  board  and  start  payments  company  sages.  Such  features  are
            to seamlessly interact, and  cess  and  authorized  shar-  oust Dorsey.                Square  Inc.,  but  returned  increasingly  popular  with
            of providing a pathway for  ing  of  individuals’  health   But  the  new  agreement  in  2015.  Now  he  splits  his  social-media  users  looking
            patients  to  easily  access  care  information  will  help   makes it seem likely he will  time between Square and  for smaller groups and and
            their  records.  Two  rules  fi-  prevent  medical  errors,   stay. Twitter has lagged be-  Twitter.  The  new  feature  is  more private chats.q
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