P. 25

BUSINESS                 Tuesday 10 March 2020

            AP Explains: The oil market meltdown and its global impact

            By DAVID McHUGH              FALLING?                                                                               take a lot of U.S. capacity
            AP Business Writer           A:  First  came  the  corona-                                                          offline and thereby remove
            FRANKFURT,  Germany  (AP)  virus  outbreak,  which  re-                                                             U.S. producers as a source
            — A clash of two oil titans  duced travel and transport,                                                            of  competition.  The  other
            -  Saudi  Arabia  and  Russia  sharply  reducing  demand                                                            thing  that  is  on  their  mind
            -  is  sending  shock  waves  for  fuel.  The  international                                                        in all this is that if they cut
            through  energy  markets,  Brent  benchmark  had  fall-                                                             then that will also primarily
            with  wide-ranging  implica-  en from $69 at the start of                                                           benefit U.S. producers."
            tions  for  consumers  and  the year to around $50 last                                                             "So they've decided they're
            oil  companies,  including  week.                                                                                   going  to  take  some  short-
            those in the No. 1 produc-   Then  came  last  week's                                                               term pain in order to inflict
            ing  country,  the  United  meeting  between  OPEC                                                                  damage  on  one  of  their
            States.                      and  non-member  coun-                                                                 major  competitors,"  Ads-
            The spat between these vi-   tries.  On  the  agenda:  a                                                            head said.
            tal oil suppliers comes at a  production  cut  of  1.5  mil-                                                        Stephen  Innes,  chief  mar-
            critical  moment;  the  coro-  lion barrels a day, or about                                                         ket  strategist  at  financial
            navirus outbreak is squeez-  1.5%  of  global  production.                                                          services firm AxiCorp., says
            ing economies around the  The idea was to keep pric-      In this Thursday, Aug. 31, 2017, file photo, a flame burns at the   Russian  President  Vladimir
                                                                      Shell Deer Park oil refinery in Deer Park, Texas.
            globe  to  the  point  where  es from sagging even more                                            Associated Press  Putin  may  also  have  de-
            world  oil  demand  is  fore-  as demand is expected to                                                             cided  to  hit  back  at  the
            cast to shrink in 2020 for the  fall this year. Saudi Arabia,  Second, Saudi Arabia may  for their state budgets. But  U.S. industry after Washing-
            first time since 2009.       the  world's  No.  2  oil  pro-  hope  that  the  pain  of  low  Russia says it can balance  ton  placed  sanctions  on
            Oil  prices  fell  Monday  by  ducer,  wanted  No.  3  Rus-  prices  will  force  a  Russian  its  budget  at  around  $42  Russian  state  oil  company
            the  most  in  one  day  since  sia and other nonmembers  rethink.  "Saudi  Arabia  has  a barrel for its own bench-  Rosneft for marketing Ven-
            the 1991 Gulf War. The price  to take 500,000 barrels per  de facto launched a price  mark  crude.  Saudi  Arabia,  ezuela's oil.
            of  U.S.  crude  fell  as  much  day of the cuts. Since 2016,  war against Russia, promis-  whose  economy  is  less  di-  Q:  WHAT  DOES  THIS  MEAN
            as 34% to $27.34 a barrel, a  the Saudis and the Russians  ing to sell its oil at a discount  verse, needs more than $80  FOR US PRODUCERS?
            stunning  drop  for  one  day  have  worked  together  on  in  order  to  maximize  its  oil  per  barrel,  according  to  A:  The  current  low  prices
            and the lowest price since  production issues.            revenues,"  say  analysts  at  the International Monetary  could  constrain  activity  in
            early 2016.                  But  this  time  the  Russians  UniCredit bank. "It appears  Fund, even though its costs  the  American  shale  oil  in-
            The  decline  followed  Rus-  balked. They refused to join  Saudi  Arabia  wants  to  ce-  are  much  lower  than  Rus-  dustry.  A  downturn  in  oil
            sia's  refusal  last  week  to  new cuts, or even to extend  ment  its  position  as  the  sia's.                   prices  in  2014-2016  hurt
            join  the  OPEC  oil  cartel  in  previous  production  cuts  world's top oil exporter and  What  Saudi  Arabia  has  companies  in  places  like
            proposed  production  cuts  that were due to expire at  to  persuade  Moscow  to  done  is  to  send  prices  so  the  Permian  Basin  in  west
            aimed  at  supporting  pric-  the end of March. And the  return  to  the  negotiating  low that both will feel a seri-  Texas  and  eastern  New
            es.  Thwarted  in  its  search  Saudis hit back, telling cus-  table."                 ous crunch.                  Mexico.  According  to  the
            for  cuts,  Saudi  Arabia,  the  tomers  that  they  were  go-  ___                    And Russia may have a lon-   Federal  Reserve  Bank  of
            leading  OPEC  member,  ing to ramp up production  Q: WHAT'S BEHIND RUSSIA'S  ger-term target: the U.S. oil  Dallas, $50 per barrel is the
            sharply  changed  course  and  slash  prices  for  Asian  REFUSAL?                     industry.                    price at which it becomes
            over  the  weekend  by  cut-  customers.                  A: Russia may have seen no  "The Russians are doing this  profitable to drill a new well
            ting  prices  and  signaling  it  ___                     point in cutting production  out  of  long-term  strategic  in the U.S. Large producers
            will ramp up production.     Q: WHAT IS SAUDI ARABIA'S  only to lose market share as  considerations,"  said  Tom  such as Exxon have already
            Here  is  a  look  at  the  oil  GOAL?                    U.S. shale producers in Tex-  Adshead,  research  direc-  scaled back with prices at
            price war and what it could  A:  First,  protecting  market  as  and  New  Mexico  take  tor  for  the  Macro-Advisory  $50  a  barrel.  In  Texas,  the
            mean over the longer term  share.  Both  Saudi  Arabia  up  the  slack.  Analysts  say  consulting  firm  in  Moscow.  number  of  active  rigs  fell
            in  the  industry  as  well  as  and  Russia  have  seen  U.S.  Saudi  Arabia  may  be  un-  "Their  view  is  that  by  do-  from  553  in  October  2018
            for  consumers  at  the  gas  producers  take  a  chunk  derestimating  Russia's  abil-  ing  this  they  can  damage  to  398  in  January  2020.
            pump.                        of their market, and falling  ity  to  weather  low  prices.  the financial health of U.S.  Around the same time, the
            ___                          prices help keep customers  Both  countries  are  heavily  shale-oil  producers  and  oil  industry  in  Texas  shed
            Q:  WHY  ARE  OIL  PRICES  on board.                      dependent on oil revenues  that by doing this they can  about 14,000 jobs.q
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