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                                                                                     PEOPLE & ARTS Tuesday 10 March 2020
            Zeppelin wins latest battle of the bands in `Stairway' fight

            By ANDREW DALTON                                                                                                    the  plaintiffs  could  prove
            AP Entertainment Writer                                                                                             that  an  alleged  song  thief
            LOS ANGELES (AP) — A fed-                                                                                           had  access  to  the  origi-
            eral appeals court on Mon-                                                                                          nal material, the lower the
            day restored a jury verdict                                                                                         standard became for find-
            that  found  Led  Zeppelin                                                                                          ing the two works similar.
            did  not  steal  "Stairway  to                                                                                      The judge in the trial court
            Heaven."                                                                                                            did not instruct the jury on
            The 9th U.S. Circuit Court of                                                                                       the rule. Monday's decision
            Appeals  in  San  Francisco                                                                                         found that he did not need
            handed  the  major  win  to                                                                                         to.
            guitarist  Jimmy  Page  and                                                                                         Emails  seeking  comment
            singer  Robert  Plant  and                                                                                          from  attorneys  for  both
            dealt a blow to the estate                                                                                          sides were not immediately
            of Randy Wolfe of the band                                                                                          returned.
            Spirit.  The  estate  claimed                                                                                       At issue is the classic acous-
            that  the  1971  mega-hit                                                                                           tic introductory lick to "Stair-
            "Stairway  to  Heaven"  vio-                                                                                        way to Heaven," constantly
            lated  the  copyright  of  the                                                                                      played by amateurs in gui-
            1968 song "Taurus."                                                                                                 tar shops for nearly 50 years,
            A  majority  of  an  11-judge                                                                                       and the riff at the center of
            panel  overturned  a  previ-                                                                                        the Spirit instrumental "Tau-
            ous  ruling  that  the  jury  in                                                                                    rus," which follows a similar
            the  2016  trial  should  have   This Oct. 9, 2012 file photo shows Led Zeppelin members, from left, Jason Bonham, Robert Plant,   musical line.
            heard  the  recording  of    John Paul Jones and Jimmy Page at the "Led Zeppelin: Celebration Day" premiere in New York.  The  ruling,  which  can  be
                                                                                                               Associated Press
            "Taurus"  and  was  given                                                                                           appealed  to  the  U.S.  Su-
            poor instructions before ju-  that Page did have access  "Stairway  to  Heaven"  was  "You've  got  to  get  your  preme  Court,  is  a  poten-
            rors found in favor of Page  to  the  song  that  the  issue  created, it said.        sound  recording  in  to  win,  tially precedent-setting win
            and Plant.                   was  irrelevant,  and  play-  "Once  the  jury  made  that  don't you?" Judge Andrew  for  musical  acts  accused
            The composition of the two  ing  the  recording  might  finding,    the    remaining  D. Hurwitz said as he ques-   of  plagiarism,  and  comes
            songs, not their recordings,  have prejudiced the jury to  questions on the jury verdict  tioned  Wolfe  estate  attor-  in a period when many star
            were  at  issue  in  the  case,  consider more than just the  form  related  to  substantial  ney  Francis  Malofiy.  "You  songwriters  have  lost  high-
            but the plaintiffs had sought  compositions.              similarity of the works."    lose  the  case  unless  you  profile cases.
            to play the two recordings  "When  Page  testified,  he  Many  of  the  judges  were  do. A hundred times out of  Jurors  decided  in  a  2015
            for jurors as part of their ar-  candidly admitted to own-  skeptical  at  the  case's  a hundred."                 trial  that  Robin  Thicke's
            gument that Page had ac-     ing  'a  copy  of  the  album  hearing in September over  The  9th  Circuit  also  broke  "Blurred Lines" copied Mar-
            cess to the song "Taurus" as  that contains 'Taurus,' " the  the  playing  of  the  record-  with  its  own  precedent  on  vin  Gaye's  "Got  to  Give
            required  to  prove  a  copy-  ruling states. The jury found  ing,  suggesting  that  it  was  the question of jury instruc-  It  Up,"  and  a  jury  last  year
            right violation.             that  both  Page  and  Plant  a  backdoor  way  for  the  tions  and  rejected  the  so-  year  found  that  Katy  Per-
            Monday's ruling found that  'had access to the musical  plaintiffs  to  get  the  jury  to  called  "inverse  ratio"  rule,  ry's hit "Dark Horse" copied
            because  the  jury  found  composition  Taurus  before  hear the record.               which  held  that  the  more  from a Christian rap song.q

               Despite drama, Megan Thee Stallion happy to release music

               By MESFIN FEKADU                   nine-track album, “Suga,” on Fri-  and  her  associates  regarded  as
               Associated Press                   day.  It  comes  after  the  release  threatening and intimidating.
               NEW  YORK  (AP)  —  Megan  Thee  of the projects “Fever” and “Tina  Stallion accused the label of not
               Stallion  says  she  works  extremely  Snow” that helped establish Stal-  sharing  data  on  her  music  sales
               hard  in  the  studio  writing  music,  lion’s name in hip-hop, and even  with  her  management.  She  said
               and so became more than a little  on the pop charts. Last year she  that when they sought to renego-
               worried when she almost couldn’t  made  the  2019  TIME  100  Next  tiate terms of her record contract
               release her new album because  List, was named one of the AP’s  as  a  result,  the  threats  and  at-
               of a dispute with her record label.  Breakthrough  Entertainers  of  the  tempts at intimidation increased.
               “I was super nervous,” she said in  Year, won prizes at the MTV Video  Representatives  for  1501  didn’t
               an interview with The Associated  Music  Awards  and  BET  Hip-Hop  immediately  reply  to  an  email
               Press  this  week  after  a  Houston  Awards, and was honored by Va-  from The Associated Press seeking
               judge ordered the Friday release  riety and Billboard magazines.     comment.
               of  her  album  as  her  bitter  court  But not everything has been go-  Stallion  got  a  small  win  in  court
               battle with her label continues.   ing smoothly.                     Monday  when  State  District
               “I’m super passionate about mu-    Megan Thee Stallion.              Judge Robert Schaffer issued the
               sic.  I  love  the  fact  that  music  is  The  performer  posted  on  social  initial temporary restraining order
               what connects me to my hotties,  media that she and her manage-      that barred 1501 from withholding   In this Dec. 7, 2019 file photo, Megan
               so not being able to put out mu-   ment  team  at  Jay-Z’s  Roc  Na-  release of her music on schedule.   Thee  Stallion  attends  the  2019
               sic,  that  would  hurt  my  relation-  tion  company  tried  to  renegoti-  State  District  Judge  Beau  Miller   Variety's  Hitmakers  Brunch  at  Soho
               ship  with  my  listeners,”  she  con-  ate  a  bad  contract  she  signed  reaffirmed the order Wednesday   House in West Hollywood, Calif.
               tinued.  “I’m  like,  ‘Oh  thank  you  years  ago  with  Houston-based  while denying 1501′s appeal, and                  Associated Press
               Lord’  when  I  found  out  I  could  record  label  1501  Certified  En-  a  March  13  hearing  has  been  Stallion said she’s happy she de-
               drop new music.”                   tertainment.  It’s  become  a  bat-  scheduled  for  her  request  for  a  cided  to  sign  with  Roc  Nation
               Megan Thee Stallion.               tle  marked  by  rancorous  social  temporary injunction against the  to  help  manage  her  growing
               The  25-year-old  released  the  media  exchanges  that  Stallion  label.                               career.q
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