P. 32
Tuesday 10 March 2020
Cameron and Lauren share lessons, life after 'Love Is Blind'
By RAGAN CLARK the tree. So, it’s wild. of made it like right at the mit before this show, like, I SPEED: We cry a lot. We’re
Associated Press AP: What has taken place forefront. Like every time stayed in my apartment. a crying relationship.
NEW YORK (AP) — Cam- over the last year and a we sat down, it’s like, ‘You And now I’m talking about AP: You do see men cry on
eron Hamilton had never half? know, I’m black and you’re being married and shar- the show.
seen Lauren Speed when HAMILTON: We’ve been white.’ ‘Hey, you’re white ing a space and having a SPEED: It’s so important for
he got down on one knee. men to be comfortable
Speed had never seen with their emotions. It’s like
Hamilton when she said men feel like you can’t be
yes. masculine and also willing
The couple met on “Love Is to be vulnerable when it
Blind,” a Netflix reality show comes to love or even just
where couples who have in general with, you know,
never seen each other showing your emotions. So I
face-to-face can decide think that a lot of people re-
to get engaged based on ally appreciated that with
the emotional connec- you.
tion they make while dat- HAMILTON: And my view-
ing in “pods.” After getting point on it is ... if you’re will-
engaged, they finally see ing to be that vulnerable to
each other, take a trip, show how sensitive you are,
meet the family and have to me, it’s a sign of strength.
a wedding. I’m not afraid to show my
AP recently sat down with emotions. I know people
the married couple to find might think it’s not mascu-
out what’s happened in line to cry, but I mean, I’m a
the year and a half since very sensitive person, emo-
the show was filmed and tional person. So, I’m go-
their feelings about the ex- ing to put it out there and
perience. This image released by Netflix shows Cameron Hamilton, left, and Lauren Speed in a scene from that’s just how it is.
the romance reality series "Love is Blind."
Answers have been edited Associated Press AP: What was the biggest
for brevity and clarity. thing you learned?
AP: How has it been since growing together every and I’m black.’ But it wasn’t husband and becoming a SPEED: That vulnerability is
the show? day. I think we’ve started like that. wife. So that’s a big thing. strength. And that love is
LAUREN SPEED: It’s been to kind of mirror each other HAMILTON: And it was im- So, I really thought about it not aesthetic. It’s so much
amazing. Just the outpour- and pick up some of our portant to us to talk about, thoroughly, and I’m happy deeper than that. Like it’s
ing of love from people, attributes that we have. I of course. So, it’s good that with my choice. about your heart. I know
you know, not only here in mean, everyone sees Lau- it was covered in the show, HAMILTON: It’s hard to say that sounds cheesy, but it’s
the States, as they say, but ren. She’s such an outgo- absolutely. I would have what day, you know, in the so true. Like it’s not surface.
from around the world, just ing, fun person. So, I look up liked to have seen even process, but, it had got- HAMILTON: Yeah. And
people saying that they’re to that aspect of her. I want more content of our dates ten to a point where I had on that same vein, I think
inspired by our story, that to be more like that. and the things that we asked Lauren all the ques- that people shouldn’t be
they can relate to our story. SPEED: Ahh, babe. Well talked about, you know, tions that I felt like I needed afraid to be who they are.
CAMERON HAMILTON: yeah, just continuing to like how we were going to ask. You know, they shouldn’t
Yeah, we never imagined blend our lives and blend to raise a family together, You know, ruled out any feel pressure to perform.
that our love story would our families, raise our fur you know, how we would possible red flags. You You know, I think people
have this type of impact. I baby. ... You know, it’s al- discipline our kids together. know, we talked about can relate to you the most
think, when we fell for each most like we’re still dating You know, these types of long-term compatibility, when you are just yourself.
other, that was the focus, because we got married conversations that added family values, how we’re Even if it’s a little awkward
was making our relation- and then we’re kind of more layers to our relation- going to balance a house- or goofy.
ship work. like dating each other. So, ship. hold together, responsi- SPEED: And love who you
AP: Was it a challenge hid- we’re in a fun dating ad- AP: Lauren, did you decide bilities, all these different love. There’s somebody out
ing your relationship? venture. to keep your apartment? things. there who will love you for
HAMILTON: Absolutely. AP: You talked about being SPEED: After we got mar- And I mean, every conver- you exactly how you are.
And, you know, we wanted an interracial couple on ried, I ended up keeping sation we had, I never had Like, you don’t have to
to live our lives and, you the show. Did you feel that my apartment for about any doubt instilled in my change yourself to make
know, like we went to va- was over-dramatized? three months... But after mind from the conversa- somebody like you. Be
cation together in Cancun SPEED: I feel like, you know, three months, I was like, tions, it just felt right. yourself.
and some of the fans saw as an interracial couple, you know what? I’m all in. SPEED: Yeah, I was like, ‘You AP: What’s next?
the reflection of Lauren in it’s definitely something So, I ended up getting rid don’t have any doubts? SPEED: So, Cameron and
my sunglasses and dissect- that we addressed and of my apartment and (I’m) Not one? Come on. You’ve I, we know that there has
ed it. we talked about and we fully in our house. Now, I got one. And he was like, been a lot of supporters
SPEED: Literally zoomed in, communicated about. just have my space in our ‘No.’ So, I mean… it helped that are like, you know,
like, ‘Wait, that’s Lauren. And I was very transparent house where I just go and me realize, like, ‘Wow, this ‘What are you guys doing
That’s her shape, that’s the with Cameron about how I close the door if I need man really loves me.’ Like now?’… So, we’re starting
color she had on.’ So that was feeling. And even with some space. I’ve never had someone YouTube to kind of contin-
was kind of crazy. the show, talking to the AP: When did you know that was so ready and lov- ue letting our family, as we
HAMILTON: Yeah. Even like people or the audience, that you would say ‘yes’ at ing and willing. call them, into our life, like
the Christmas tree. Lauren you know, just sharing my the altar? Like, ‘No, I know you’re my our day to day. It’s called
had a Christmas tree on emotions and feelings, I SPEED: It was a decision wife.’ Like, no doubts. So, ‘Hanging with the Hamil-
Facebook. I think I had one wanted to be authentic. that I didn’t take lightly… yeah, that was beautiful… tons.’ So, we’re excited to
on Instagram, (they) com- I wanted to be real… But So, I would say even up Are you crying? continue our journey with
pared the decorations on it seems like the show kind until that day… I was a her- HAMILTON: No, I’m not. you guys.q