Page 33 - MIN.VOS JUNI 16,2015
P. 33

                                                                                                                                                                        Tuesday 16 June 2015

 AHRA Organizes Successful Stress Resilience Workshop

10th, 2014 in La Cabana
Beach Resort & Casino’s
Ballroom, AHRA (Aruba
Human Resources Asso-
ciation) hosted a 2 hour
workshop on ‘Stress Resil-
ience’. The workshop was
facilitated by Doctor and
Trainer Henry Does. Dr.
Does is an Occupational
Health physician in the
Netherlands and a fellow
of the American Institute
of Stress (AIS). During this
fascinating workshop Dr.
Does discussed amongst
other things, workload and
other possible stressors that
people can experience
on the job and in their per-
sonal lives. How one can
become more mentally re-
silient in coping with these
stressors, and thereby
achieving a certain de-
gree of fulfillment, mean-
ing, and develop resonant
relationships in the process.
Dr. Does discussed these

by sharing with AHRA mem-      the support and develop-    man Resources Manage-           on Wednesday July 15th.       ing our website:
bers interesting current sci-  ment of human resources     ment in Aruba. AHRA in-         Those that are interested
entific insights on the ‘mind  professionals in Aruba, by  vites all professionals in the  in attending a meeting as     and Facebook page www.
and brain’ dynamics, re-       providing their members     field of “Human Resources”      a guest/or apply for mem-
silience, and the optimal      through workshops, lec-     who are not members yet,        bership can contact AHRA      sourcesaruba.� Remem-
functioning of it all com-     tures and seminars, the     to join them for a meeting.     by phone at 5201131, by       ber: Save the Date-Octo-
bined. AHRA is a non-profit    knowledge and tools to      The next General Meet-          e-mail info@arubahuman-       ber 23rd AHRA’s first Con-
organization, dedicated to     enhance the quality of Hu-  ing of AHRA will be held / or by visit-  ference in Aruba.q
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