Page 13 - MIN JUS 10 SEPT 2015
P. 13
U.S. NEWSThursday 10 September
Teen charged with encouraging her boyfriend to kill self
DENISE LAVOIE Michelle Carter listens at Juvenile Court in New Bedford, Mass. Carter, 18, of Plainville, Mass., is death.
AP Legal Affairs Writer “He got the generator, he
FAIRHAVEN, Massachusetts charged with involuntary manslaughter for allegedly pressuring Conrad Roy III, 18, of Fairhaven, devised the plan and he
(AP) — At first glance, the had to go find a spot. He
text messages appear to Mass., to commit suicide on July 13, 2014. (Peter Pereira/AP) parked, he had to get the
show a disturbing case of gas for the generator, he
cyberbullying: one teen Carter’s lawyer has stren- ly and recklessly” helping just do it, babe,” Carter had to turn the generator
urging another to kill him- uously denied that she him poison himself. texted him. on, he had to sit in that car
self. pushed him to kill himself Roy, 18, had a history of Carter’s lawyer, Joseph for a long period of time.
But the texts were not sent and has asked a judge to depression and had at- Cataldo, said her texts He caused his own death,”
by a school bully. They dismiss the case. tempted suicide two years amount to speech protect- Cataldo said.
were from a 17-year-old girl In their written response, earlier, taking an overdose ed by the First Amendment “He had thought this out.
to her boyfriend, whom she prosecutors included text of the painkiller acetamin- of theU.S. Constitution. He wanted to take his own
called the love of her life. exchanges between Cart- ophen. He said it’s clear from the life. It’s sad, but it’s not
“You can’t think about it. er and Roy that they say “You can’t keep living this exchanges that Roy had manslaughter.”
You just have to do it. You support their claim that way. You just need to do made up his mind to take After his earlier suicide at-
said you were gonna do Carter caused her boy- it like you did the last time his own life and Carter, tempt, Roy spent time in
it. Like I don’t get why you friend’s death by “wanton- and not think about it and now 18, did not cause his a psychiatric hospital and
aren’t,” Michelle Carter al- received counseling, said
legedly wrote to Conrad his aunt, Becki Maki. In the
Roy III the day he parked his weeks before his death, he
truck outside a Fairhaven was excited about gradu-
Kmart and killed himself ating from high school and
through carbon monoxide receiving his sea captain’s
poisoning. license, she said.
Prosecutors have charged “He did not have the signs
Carter with involuntary of someone who was con-
manslaughter in Roy’s 2014 sidering that,” Maki said.
death. They say that in the Carter and Roy met about
week before Roy killed two years earlier while
himself, Carter assisted by each was visiting relatives
urging him to overcome in Florida. They kept in
his doubts about taking his touch, mostly through texts
own life, pressuring him to and email, upon return-
do it and even telling him ing to Massachusetts. They
to get back in his truck af- lived about 50 miles apart
ter becoming frightened and hadn’t seen each oth-
that the plan was working. er for about a year before
Roy died.
Minnesota man pleads guilty in Islamic State case Roy used a gasoline-oper-
ated water pump to poi-
AMY FORLITI terial support to a foreign men arrested in April and cy flips, there is a cascad- son himself with carbon
Associated Press terrorist organization, spe- charged with terrorism-re- ing effect and more plea monoxide.
MINNEAPOLIS (AP) — One cifically, the Islamic State lated offenses. Authorities deals follow. While discussing the plan,
of seven men awaiting trial group. Musse admitted to described them as friends Authorities have said Carter appears to taunt
in Minnesota on charges of meeting with his co-defen- in the state’s large Somali about a dozen people Roy. “But I bet you’re gon-
plotting to travel to Syria to dants several times to plan community who recruited have left Minnesota to join na be like ‘oh, it didn’t work
join the Islamic State group travel to Syria. He said he and inspired each other jihadi groups in Syria. because I didn’t tape the
admitted Wednesday that made two attempts him- and met secretly to plan In court Wednesday, tube right or something
he knew its members had self, but was stopped. their travels. Another co- Musse admitted that he like that,” she wrote. “I bet
carried out beheadings, “I have committed a ter- defendant was arrested and his co-defendants you’re gonna say an ex-
taken hostages and raped rorist act and I’m guilty earlier this year. were part of the conspira- cuse like that ... you seem
women, but he believed of it, your honor,” Musse Musse’s guilty plea could cy, along with two others: to always have an excuse.”
they were fighting evil and told U.S. District Judge Mi- signal more to come. Abullahi Yusuf, who has al- Cataldo said Carter had
he wanted to join anyway. chael Davis. Musse faces Defense attorney Marsh ready pleaded guilty in the tried repeatedly to talk Roy
Hanad Mustafe Musse, 19, a maximum of 15 years in Halberg, who is not con- case and is cooperating out of killing himself and
pleaded guilty in U.S. Dis- prison; a sentencing date nected to this case, said with the government, and only decided to support his
trict Court to one count of has not been set. it’s common that once Abdi Nur, who traveled to plan when it became clear
conspiracy to provide ma- Musse is among a group of one person in a conspira- Syria in May 2014.q she could not change his