Page 11 - HOH
P. 11
Friday 21 OctOber 2022 locAl
Honoring of loyal visitors at Bucuti & Tara Beach Resort
EAGLE BEACH - Recently, Aruba
Tourism Authority representative
Marouska Heyliger had the great
pleasure in honoring many loyal
Aruba visitors with their distinctive
certificates. These certificates are
a way to say “Masha Danki” for
continuously choosing Aruba as a
favorite vacation destination. The
titles are as following: 10+ years
“Distinguished Visitor”, 20+ years
“Goodwill Ambassador” and 36+
years “Emerald Ambassador”.
The honorees were Jay and Deb-
bie Jones resident of Massachu- ty Aruba has.
setts, United States.
During the ceremony Ms. Olga
This symbolic honorary title is pre- Ruiz representing the Aruba Tour-
sented on behalf of the Minister of ism Authority (A.T.A), and members
Tourism as a token of appreciation of Bucuti & Tara Beach Resort be-
to the guests who visit Aruba be- stowed the certification of the Am-
tween the 10-20-35 and more con- bassadors, and presented the Am-
secutive year mark. bassadors with gifts, and thanked
them on behalf of the Government
The couple loves coming to the of Aruba for choosing Aruba as
island for its friendly people, es- their favorite vacation destination
pecially at Bucuti, fantastic res- for so many years. Aruba can now
taurants, wonderful beach and be considered by the Honorees,
weather, great beer and the safe- their Home Away from Home!q
Honoring of loyal visitors at Divi Dutch Village Beach Resort
EAGLE BEACH - Recently, Aruba Tourism Au- dents of Pennsylvania, United States. During the ceremony Ms. Olga Ruiz represent-
thority representative had the great pleasure This symbolic honorary title is presented on ing the Aruba Tourism Authority (A.T.A), and
in honoring many loyal Aruba visitors with their behalf of the Minister of Tourism as a token of members of the Divi Dutch Village Beach Resort
distinctive certificates. These certificates are appreciation to the guests who visit Aruba be- bestowed the certification of the Ambassadors,
a way to say “Masha Danki” for continuously tween the 10-20-35 and more consecutive year and presented the Ambassadors with gifts, and
choosing Aruba as a favorite vacation destina- mark. thanked them on behalf of the Government of
tion. The titles are as following: 10+ years “Dis- Aruba for choosing Aruba as their favorite va-
tinguished Visitor”, 20+ years “Goodwill Ambas- The couple loves coming to the island for the cation destination for so many years.
sador” and 36+ years “Emerald Ambassador”. fact that they got engaged on Aruba, the peo-
ple they have met, the beautiful beaches, the Aruba can now be considered by the Honor-
The honorees were Fred & Linda Dietzel, resi- casual atmosphere and the sunsets. ees, their Home Away from Home!q