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                                                                                                           local Friday 21 OctOber 2022
            Minister of Tourism received visit of General Consul of the United States

            ORANJESTAD  –  Yesterday                                                                                            less  Travel,  which  is  a  proj-
            morning, minister of Tourism                                                                                        ect  that  will  help  with  the
            and Public Health, Mr. Dan-                                                                                         flow of passengers for Aru-
            gui  Oduber  held  a  meet-                                                                                         ba  and  will  also  improve
            ing  with  American  Gen-                                                                                           the  experience  of  Ameri-
            eral  Consul,  Mrs.  Margaret                                                                                       can passengers.
            Bond.  During  this  meeting                                                                                        Consequently,  the  project
            they discussed various top-                                                                                         of  Queen  Beatrix  Interna-
            ics of interest which will re-                                                                                      tional  Airport  known  as
            inforce the bonds between                                                                                           Gateway  2030  was  also
            Aruba  and  the  United                                                                                             discussed.  This  project  will
            States.                                                                                                             greatly  help  with  the  flow
                                                                                                                                of passengers and will also
            One of the topics discussed                                                                                         expand  the  capacity  of
            was    the   pre-clearance                                                                                          Aruba’s airport.
            at  the  airport,  seeing  that
            currently  the  government                                                                                          Minister  Oduber  conclud-
            of  Aruba  is  negotiating  a                                                                                       ed by mentioning that “this
            new  agreement  with  the                                                                                           was a very fruitful meeting
            American      government.                                                                                           during  which  Mrs.  Bond
            The pre-clearance is some-                                                                                          expressed  how  happy  she
            thing  extremely  necessary                                                                                         is  with  the  cooperation
            and something that greatly                                                                                          between  Aruba  and  the
            helps  Aruba  in  the  devel-  his intention to maintain the  General Consul.          has with the United States,  United  States”.  The  Gen-
            opment  of  our  tourism  in  pre-clearance as it is, see-                             including  contact  with  all  eral Consul also offered the
            the  American  market,  ac-  ing the benefits this has for  Another  topic  discussed  American aviation compa-     Government of Aruba help
            cording to a press release.  our  tourism.  All  of  this  will  during the meeting was the  nies.  Oduber  also  brought  for any strategy or vision it
            Minister  Oduber  expressed  be done with help from the  close  contact  that  Aruba  forward the topic of Seam-    may have for the future.q

            Central Bureau of Statistics carrying out “Child & Youth Survey 2022”

            ORANJESTAD  –  Central  Bu-  with  their  parents,  use  of
            reau  of  Statistics  (CBS)  re-  smartphones, social media
            cently  began  carrying  out  and  gaming,  and  possible
            the  “Child  &  Youth  Survey  problems  related  to  this,
            2022”  with  the  purpose  of  smoking and use of vaping,
            getting  better  insights  of  use  of  alcohol  and  drugs,
            various  topics  of  impor-  and mental health.
            tance  for  children  and
            youth  in  Aruba,  minister  of  It  is  the  opinion  of  minister
            Economic Affairs, Commu-     Wever  that  the  survey  will
            nication  and  Sustainable  help  the  academic  world
            Development,      Geoffrey  and students in their inves-
            Wever, in charge of collec-  tigations. It will also provide
            tion and production of sta-  valuable  information  to
            tistics, explained.          inform  the  community  in
                                         general, children and ado-
            The  Survey  will  give  clarity  lescents.
            on  themes  like  activities  in
            which  the  youth  take  part  The  statistics  resulting  from
            in their free time, participa-  this  survey  will  be  sent  to
            tion in school, participation  ministers,  among  others,
            in  the  labor  market,  view  minister  of  Justice  and  So-
            on their future, relationship  cial Affairs, Mr. Rocco Tjon;

                                                                      minister of Tourism and Pub-  ute to the work being done  velop  and  monitor  policy.
                                                                      lic Health, Mr. Dangui Odu-  to achieve the sustainable  “When the National System
                                                                      ber and minister of Educa-   development goals (SDGs)  of  Statistic  (NSS)  is  imple-
                                                                      tion  and  Sport,  Mr.  Endy  regarding   children   and  mented,  relevant  statistics
                                                                      Croes to use in their policies  youth.                    like this will also be part of
                                                                      relating  to  children  and                               the  statistics  produced  by
                                                                      adolescents  in  Aruba.  The  Information  on  the  situa-  NSS”, minister Wever said.q
                                                                      information  resulting  from  tion  of  children  and  youth
                                                                      this survey will also contrib-  in  Aruba  is  relevant  to  de-
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