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                                                                                            technology Saturday 23 May 2020
            Coronavirus pandemic claims another victim: Robocalls

            By TALI ARBEL                                                                                                       many  fewer  complaints
            AP Technology Writer                                                                                                overall but says those also
            Have  you  been  missing                                                                                            fell 50% in March, to 10,000,
            something  amid  the  lock-                                                                                         and 60% in April, to 7,500.
            downs  and  stay-at-home                                                                                            None of which is to say that
            orders?  No,  not  human                                                                                            nuisance  calls  and  phone
            contact.  Not  even  toilet                                                                                         scams  and  texts  have  dis-
            paper.                                                                                                              appeared.
            Robocalls.                                                                                                          "While  reports  of  robocalls
            Industry  experts  say  ro-                                                                                         are  way  down  overall,
            bocalls  are  way  down  —                                                                                          we're  now  hearing  about
            scam calls as well as nag-                                                                                          callers  invoking  the  CO-
            ging from your credit-card                                                                                          VID-19  pandemic  to  pre-
            company  to  pay  your  bill.                                                                                       tend  to  be  from  the  gov-
            The coronavirus pandemic                                                                                            ernment,  or  making  illegal
            has  inflicted  millions  of  job                                                                                   medical  or  health  care
            losses, and scammers have                                                                                           pitches,"  an  FTC  blog  post
            not been immune.                                                                                                    declared  in mid-April. q
            YouMail,  which  offers  a
            robocall-blocking  service,
            says  2.9  billion  robocalls
            were placed in April in the
            U.S.,  down  from  4.1  billion
            in  March  and  4.8  billion  in
            February. That's a daily av-
            erage  of  97  million  calls  in   This Aug. 1, 2017, file photo, shows a call log displayed via an AT&T app on a cellphone in Orlando,
            April, down from 132 million   Fla.
            in March and 166 million in                                                                        Associated Press
            The  main  reason:  many  went into effect in India in  the  scammers  are  back,  wanted  calls  are  going  to
            global  call  centers  have  late  March,  "we  saw  the  however. In recent months,  slip through," said Maureen
            closed  or  are  operating  volume  of  calls  basically  federal  agencies  have  fo-  Mahoney, a policy analyst
            with  fewer  workers,  said  half  the  next  day,"  Quilici  cused  on  going  after  the  with Consumer Reports.
            YouMail  CEO  Alex  Quilici.  said.                       small    telecom  providers  Complaints    about    un-
            While it may be odd to think  That   means    scammers  that  were  allowing  calls  wanted calls to the Federal
            of  scams  being  run  out  of  will  probably  be  back  in  from  COVID-19  scammers,  Trade  Commission  have
            call  centers  rather  than  a  force  once  the  call  cen-  citing  the  urgency  of  the  been   steadily   trending
            dark,  creepy  basement  or  ters  come  back  online.  pandemic.                      down since late 2018, and
            a  garage,  that's  often  the  Stepped-up  enforcement  "What  we  do  hear  from  dropped by more than half
            case,  particularly  in  coun-  from  industry  groups  and  consumers  is  call  blocking  in March from the year be-
            tries such as India and the  the U.S. government  could  tools are effective in reduc-  fore, to 240,000.
            Philippines, experts said.   nibble  around  the  edges  ing  a  significant  number  The    Federal   Communi-
            After  a  lockdown  order  of those call volumes when  of  robocalls  but  some  un-   cations  Commission  gets
            AT&T to drop misleading ‘5G’ marketing for

            non-5G networks

            By TALI ARBEL                nected to the network. But
            AP Technology Writer         it was not 5G. It was merely
            AT&T says it will stop adver-  the  existing  4G  network
            tising its wireless network as  with minor speed boosts, at
            "5G  Evolution"  after  a  divi-  least compared to the fast-
            sion  of  the  Better  Business  est type of 5G networks.
            Bureau determined that its  Now, a division of the Bet-
            language  was  misleading.  ter  Business  Bureau  that
            The network AT&T branded  regulates  the  ad  industry
            this way is not, in fact, 5G —  has  recommended  that
            a  new  technology  for  fast  AT&T stop using "5G Evolu-
            wireless data.               tion" and "5G Evolution, The   In this Sept. 26, 2018, file photo visitors stand near a 5G logo at a
            While AT&T and other wire-   First Step to 5G" claims in its   display the PT Expo in Beijing.
            less carriers in the U.S. have  marketing.  Rival  T-Mobile                                        Associated Press
            now  begun  rolling  true  5G  had  brought  a  complaint
            wireless  networks,  AT&T  in  about AT&T's language.     will  comply  with  the  de-  phones carry a "5G E" icon
            December  2018  began  The  panel  found  that  this  cision.  It's  not  clear  what  when  you  connect  to  the
            talking  about  a  "5G  Evo-  language "will mislead rea-  that means and how much  4G  network.  AT&T  spokes-
            lution"  service    that  was  sonable consumers into be-  AT&T  uses  the  "5G  Evolu-  woman  Kate  MacKinnon
            already  available  in  hun-  lieving that AT&T is offering  tion"  branding  today  in  its  declined  to  comment  on
            dreds  of  markets,  and  a 5G network."                  stores  and  ads  today.  "5G  how AT&T uses the "5G Evo-
            placed  a  "5G  E"  icon  on  AT&T said it disagreed with  Evolution"  is  on  the  com-  lution"  branding  today  or
            phones  when  they  con-     the  group's  reasoning  but  pany's  website,  and  AT&T  what would change.q
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