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                 Aruba’s ONLY English newspaper ruba’s ONLY English newspaper                                                                Page 31
            As Memorial Day tempts people outdoors, virus rebound feared

            By BEN FINLEY,               stay  home,  avoid  crowds
            CARLA  K.  JOHNSON  and  and  connect  with  family
            MICHAEL BIESECKER            and friends by phone or vi-
            Associated Press             deo chat.
            Millions  of  Americans  are  Dr.  Seth  Cohen,  an  infec-
            set  to  emerge  from  co-   tious disease expert at the
            ronavirus  lockdowns  and  University  of  Washington
            take  tentative  steps  out-  Medical  Center-Northwest
            doors to celebrate Memo-     in  Seattle,  advised  that
            rial  Day  weekend  at  bea-  people  who  do  celebrate
            ches, cookouts and family  keep  their  distance  from
            gatherings, raising concern  one  another,  wear  masks
            among  public  health  offi-  and  avoid  sharing  food
            cials  that  large  gatherings  and drinks.
            could  cause  outbreaks  to  “Punch  bowls.  Nachos.
            come roaring back.           These things are a no-no,”
            Medical experts warn that  Cohen said.
            the virus won’t take a holi-  The  holiday  weekend  ar-
            day for the traditional start  rives  amid  the  bleakest
            of  summer.  The  Centers  economy in decades.
            for  Disease  Control  and                                People walk past American flags flying at half-staff at the Washington Monument, Friday, May 22,
            Prevention  continues  to                                 2020, in Washington
            recommend  that  people             Continued on Page 25                                                                       Associated Press
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