Page 27 - HOH_Neat
P. 27

10                                                          AWEMainta                                             Diamars, 16 Juni 2020

                                                                                              Den e normal nobo, IVA lo

                                                                                              atende cu keho via cita of

                                                                                              email, telefon y whatsapp


                                    JULY 23, 2020

                    On Thursday July 23, 2020, at 11 AM, at the Conference
                    Room of the Chamber  of  Commerce,  Aruba, will be
                    auctioned in public. ex. art. 3:268 jo. 3:254 Civil Code of


                    A residential house with apartments, locally known
                    as                                                                      Inspectie Volksgezondheid Aruba (IVA) kier a pone
                                                                                            tur cliente na altura cu den e normal nobo aki no lo
                           BOEGOEROEI 20-A                                                  tin ‘walk in’ mas pa cliente na oficina di IVA cu kier

                                                                                            entrega un keho.
                    standing  on  a  parcel  of  public  land  600  m2  m2  in  size,       Pues, e no ta posibel mas pa sinta cu e funcionario
                    situated at Boegoeroei in Aruba, locally recorded as First              di keho di IVA pa entrega  un keho y/of pa ricibi
                    Division Section L number 702.  The lease rights will expire            conseho personalmente  sin un cita  prome. Esaki
                    on April 17, 2030.                                                      ta pa minimalisa  e contacto  personal entre  cliente
                                                                                            y empleadonan  di  IVA lo  mas  posibel  p’asina  por
                                                                                            salvaguardia e seguridad di ambos.
                    Starting bid: P.M.

                    _______________________________________________                         IVA su protocol pa por entrega  un keho durante e
                                                                                            normal  nobo ta  cu  tur keho  mester  wordo entrega
                    A residential house, locally known as                                   via  email:, telefon  526-2160 of
                                                                                            whatsapp 593-6373. A base di e email, yamada of
                        SALINJA CERCA 13-E                                                  whatsapp e seccion di Meldpunt unda e keho ta drenta
                                                                                            ta determina si ta necesario pa traha un cita personal
                                                                                            cu e cliente of si e keho por wordo atendi via email

                    standing  on  a  parcel  of  public  land  729  m2  m2  in  size,       of telefon mes.
                                                                                            Si bo tin un cita personal, por fabor yega 5 min prome
                    situated  at  Salinja  Cerca  in  Aruba,  locally  recorded  as
                    Second Division Section C number 1010. The lease rights                 cu e cita (pues no mucho tempran).
                    will expire on November 11, 2054.
                                                                                            Tambe IVA ta permiti e cliente pa bin cu un maximo
                    Starting bid: P.M.                                                      di un extra persona na e cita, pero lo mester avisa
                    _______________________________________________                         esaki na Inspectie prome cu e cita. Si acaso e cliente
                                                                                            no por pasa personalmente of si e cliente ta malo, lo
                    AUCTION NOTARY: T.R. JOHNSON                                            planea un video call.

                                                                                            Den e caso cu e cliente tin un keho riba papel caba,
                 •   The auction is subject to the general conditions for foreclosure auctions and   por entrega esaki den e postbus y (si e situacion ta
                     special auction conditions which will be determined by civil law notary T.R.
                     Johnson.                                                               permiti esaki) na balie tambe, pero no lo por sinta cu
                 •   Seller has the right to not accept any bid, at his sole discretion.    e funcionaro di keho sin un cita mas.
                 •   The auction may be stopped or postponed at any time.                   Riba e website di IVA: por haya e
                 •   Each bidder must be able to submit a bankguarantee issued by a reputable
                     bank in Aruba to the amount of the highest bid increased with an amount equal   formulario di keho y un ehempel di un carta di keho
                     to the auction costs.                                                  den Hulandes, Ingles y Spaño cu e cliente por uza.
                 •   A private bid can be submitted until July 8, 2020, 5 PM.
                                                                                            IVA kier a pidi tur hende pa por fabor tene cuenta cu
                                                                                            e cambionan aki y kier a sigura pueblo cu lo keda
                                         For more information:                              atende cu tur keho. Nos ta encurasha tur cliente pa
                     WWW.JOHNSONNOTARY.COM                                                  haci uzo di e medionan digital pa comunica cu nos

                                                                                            y pa sigui Inspectie  Volksgezondheid  Aruba riba

                                                                                            facebook pa cualkier actualisacion.
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