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Diamars 16 di Juni 2020 Email: Tel: 582-7800 Fax: 582-7044 1,75 Florin
‘Cortamento di • Reduccion di
gasto AZV na
salario ta un vigor 1 di juli
Pagina 2
hecho caba’ • Fundacion:
ilegal abou
Pagina 4
• Di cuatro
morto den
trafico pa
Pagina 17 Pagina 12
June 16, 2020
T: 582-7800 Black Lives Matter movement
on Aruba Page 31
Aruba’s ONLY English newspaper ruba’s ONLY English newspaper
U.S. revokes emergency use of drugs touted by Trump vs. virus
By MATTHEW PERRONE the known and potential
AP Health Writer risks.”
WASHINGTON (AP) — U.S. The decades-old drugs,
regulators on Monday also prescribed for lupus
revoked emergency au- and rheumatoid arthritis,
thorization for malaria can cause heart rhythm
drugs promoted by Pre- problems, severely low
sident Donald Trump for blood pressure and mus-
treating COVID-19 amid cle or nerve damage.
growing evidence they The agency reported
don’t work and could Monday that it had re-
cause serious side effects. ceived nearly 390 reports
The Food and Drug Admi- of complications with the
nistration said the drugs drugs, including more
hydroxychloroquine and than 100 involving serious
chloroquine are unlikely heart problems. Such re-
to be effective in treating ports represent an incom-
the coronavirus. Citing plete snapshot of com-
reports of heart com- plications with the drugs
plications, the FDA said because many side ef-
the drugs’ unproven be- fects go unreported. In this April 9, 2020 file photo, a chemist displays hydroxychloroquine tablets in New Delhi, India.
nefits “do not outweigh Associated Press
Continued on Page 25