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BUSINESS                 Thursday 5 March 2020

            Looking for hand sanitizer? Good luck finding it

            By JOSEPH PISANI                                                                                                    demand  for  cleaning  sup-
            AP Retail Writer                                                                                                    plies  and  other  items,  simi-
            NEW YORK (AP) — The hand                                                                                            lar  to  when  shoppers  start
            sanitizers  on  Amazon  were                                                                                        preparing  for  a  hurricane.
            overpriced. A Walmart this                                                                                          The  world's  largest  retailer
            weekend  was  completely                                                                                            says  it  is  working  with  sup-
            sold  out.  Only  on  his  third                                                                                    pliers to stock up again on
            try  was  Ken  Smith  able  to                                                                                      those items, including hand
            find  the  clear  gel  —  at  a                                                                                     sanitizer.
            Walgreens,  where  three                                                                                            At  a  Costco  in  Los  Ange-
            bottles  of  Purell  were  left.                                                                                    les  Tuesday,  hand  sanitizer
            He bought two.                                                                                                      was  gone  and  shoppers
            "I didn't want to hoard," says                                                                                      clogged  the  back  of  the
            Smith, a retired biomedical                                                                                         cavernous    store   where
            technician  in  Wichita  Falls,                                                                                     workers were wheeling out
            Texas.                                                                                                              pallet after pallet of bottled
            Fear of the coronavirus has                                                                                         water.  "Don't  believe  the
            led people to stock up on                                                                                           hype," one worker shouted.
            the germ-killing gel, leaving                                                                                       On  Amazon,  most  hand
            store  shelves  empty  and                                                                                          sanitizers were gone. Ones
            online retailers with sky-high                                                                                      that remained were serious-
            prices  set  by  those  trying                                                                                      ly overpriced, even though
            to  profit  on  the  rush.  More                                                                                    the  company  has  said  it
            is on the way, although it's                                                                                        is  policing  its  site  for  price
            not  clear  how  long  it  will                                                                                     gougers. Two 8-ounce bot-
            take retailers to restock.                                                                                          tles  of  Purell,  for  example,
            Sales  of  hand  sanitizers  in                                                                                     were being offered for $119
            the U.S. were up 73% in the                                                                                         by a third-party seller; such
            four weeks ending Feb. 22                                                                                           vendors can list their items
            compared to the same pe-                                                                                            for sale on di-
            riod  a  year  ago,  accord-                                                                                        rectly.
            ing to market research firm   In this Feb. 28, 2020 file photo, rows of hand sanitizer are seen empty at a Walgreens in Idaho Falls,   Gaelen  Gates  says  she
            Nielsen.                     Idaho.                                                                                 trekked  to  two  Walgreens,
            The  alcohol-based  gunk                                                                           Associated Press  a Safeway  and a CVS  this
            is  convenient,  but  hand                                                                                          week and couldn't find any
            sanitizer  isn't  the  best  way  soap  to  wash  hands,  says  Coperalcool,  a  brand  of  In  the  U.S.,  Bath  &  Body  hand sanitizer.
            to  clean  your  hands.  For  Nancy  Foster,  the  Ameri-  hand sanitizer in Brazil, says  Works,  which  sells  hand  The  attorney,  who  lives  in
            that,  soap  and  water  still  can  Hospital  Association's  it  sold  1  million  bottles  last  sanitizers  with  scents  like  San  Francisco,  is  not  wor-
            reigns supreme, according   head of quality and patient  month,  up  from  200,000  in  "vanilla  rose"  and  "pineap-  ried  about  the  new  virus,
            to  the  U.S.  Centers  for  Dis-  safety.  But  there  are  no  February  2019.  The  com-  ple  colada,"  says  its  been  she's  just  trying  to  avoid
            ease  Control  and  Preven-  good alternatives to masks  pany that makes the brand  able  to  keep  bottles  in  getting  a  cold  at  a  music
            tion.  The  agency  recom-   for nurses and doctors.      says  it  is  adding  another  stock at its 1,700 stores. An  and  film  festival  she  plans
            mends  first  washing  hands  Malls and sports arenas are  shift  at  its  factory  in  Piraci-  executive  for  Bath  &  Body  to attend later this month in
            with  warm  or  cold  water  adding more hand sanitizer  caba,  Brazil.  And  it  is  con-  Works  owner  L  Brands  said  Austin, Texas.
            and then lathering soap for  stations.  And  some  work-  sidering exporting it for the  last week that hand sanitiz-  If she can't find any by the
            20 seconds to get it on the  places  have  said  they  are  first  time  after  being  ap-  ers made up 5% of its total  time  of  her  trip,  she  has  a
            backs  of  hands,  between  stocking up, too.             proached  by  companies  business and that it's grow-     plan: wash her hands more
            fingers  and  under  finger  Purell, the best-selling hand  in China, South Korea and  ing "at a very high rate."   frequently  and  "try  not  to
            nails before rinsing off.    sanitizer, is pumping up pro-  Thailand.                  Walmart  has  seen  higher  touch anything."q
            If  you're  not  near  a  sink,  duction. Walmart and oth-
            hand  sanitizer  will  do.  But  er stores say they are talk-
            keep in mind that it doesn't  ing to suppliers to stock up
            kill  all  germs,  the  health  bare shelves, but didn't say
            agency  says.  Read  the  la-  how  long  that  could  take.
            bel  and  make  sure  you're  Kroger,  which  runs  nearly
            using one that has at least  2,800  supermarkets  across
            60% alcohol. After applying  the  country,  is  limiting  the
            it, rub it all over your hands  amount  of  hand  sanitizer
            until  they're  dry.  Another  shoppers can buy to five.
            tip:  don't  touch  your  face,  Purell says it has seen high-
            since health officials say vi-  er  demand  from  health
            ruses could enter your body  care  facilities  in  addition
            from  your  eyes,  mouth  or  to stores. It is adding more
            nose.                        shifts  and  having  employ-
            Hospitals  are  more  con-   ees  work  overtime  at  the
            cerned  about  a  shortage  two  Ohio  facilities  where
            of face masks, which peo-    most  Purell  is  made,  says
            ple have also been snatch-   Samantha      Williams,   a
            ing  up  despite  pleas  from  spokeswoman for its parent
            health officials. Patient and  company Gojo Industries.
            treatment  rooms  in  hospi-  Others  are  trying  to  keep
            tals always have a sink and  up, too.
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