Page 18 - Minister Alex Schwengle
P. 18

                                                                                                                     Thursday 21 January 2016

Spreading Zika virus a new economic strain for Latin America

PEDRO MENDOZA                      across the country.            A health agent from Sao Paulo’s Public health secretary shows an army soldier Aedes aegypti
JOSHUA GOODMAN                     The outbreak comes as          mosquito larvae that she found during clean up operation against the insect, which is a vector for
Associated Press                   about 1 million people, a      transmitting the Zika virus, in Sao Paulo, Brazil, Wednesday, Jan. 20, 2016. A U.S. warning urging
BARRANQUILLA, Colombia             third of them foreigners,      pregnant women to avoid travel to Latin American countries where the mosquito-borne virus is
(AP) — A U.S. warning that         are expected to flood Rio      multiplying threatens to depress tourism to the region, one of its few bright spots at a time of deep
pregnant women should              de Janeiro in the coming       economic pain.
avoid Latin American               month to celebrate Carni-
countries where a mosqui-          val. And hoteliers and oth-                                                                                                            (AP Photo/Andre Penner)
to-borne virus is multiply-        ers have invested billions of
ing couldn’t have come at          dollars in anticipation of a   Sandra Howard Taylor, vice     the situation because we       and urging women to put
a worse time for a region          flood of visitors to the Sum-  minister of tourism in Co-     don’t know for sure how        off pregnancies for at least
that’s counting on tourism         mer Olympics in Rio in Au-     lombia, as she was head-       long it will last,” Howard     six months until the worst
to give it a boost at a time       gust.                          ing to Spain to promote the    said.                          of the epidemic passes. In
of economic crises.                “The Zika virus being in the   country at an international    In the Colombian port          total, there are more than
The alert issued Friday by         news could potentially         tourism fair. Last year, Co-   city of Barranquilla, home     13,500 confirmed or sus-
the Atlanta-based Centers          keep away people — even        lombia saw a 9 percent         to Latin America’s larg-       pected cases of the virus in
for Disease Control and            those who aren’t pregnant      jump in foreign tourists       est Carnival outside Bra-      Colombia.
Prevention covers 14 coun-         or have no risk of becom-      through October.               zil, health authorities have   Wendy Ferrer, whose
tries and territories in the       ing pregnant,” said Otto       “We’re trying to take the      been educating residents       daughter was born two
Americas where the Zika vi-        Nogami, an economist at        maximum advantage of           how to identify symptoms       weeks ago, said she consid-
rus has been detected.             the Insper  business  school
It’s especially hard for Bra-      in Sao Paulo.
zil, where there’s been a          Sagging demand from
wave of birth defects that         China has undercut Latin
officials there believe is re-     America’s export-depen-
lated to Zika at the same          dent economies at the
time it has been battling its      same time their currencies
deepest recession in three         have been battered by the
decades.                           rising values of dollars and
Brazilian health officials         euros. Plunging internation-
said Wednesday that the            al prices have hurt many of
number of cases of micro-          their mining and oil com-
cephaly, a rare brain de-          panies that had been dar-
fect in babies, has risen to       ling of investors the past
3,893, since authorities be-       decade, but cheaper cur-
gan investigating the surge        rencies make their resorts a
in cases, in October. Fewer        better bargain for visitors.
than 150 such cases were           “We’re one of the few sec-
seen in all of 2014 — be-          tors that isn’t crying over
fore Zika began to spread          the dollar’s surge,” said

Genetically modified mosquitoes combat Zika virus in Brazil

SAO PAULO (AP) — Geneti-           velop properly.                The genetically modified       tive, but if it is allowed to  Most of the 3,530 babies
cally modified mosquitoes          In a statement Tuesday,        mosquitoes themselves          proceed to full measure, it    the Health Ministry says
could help Brazil combat           the Oxitec biotech firm said   don’t spread disease be-       will “reduce the mosquito      have been born with mi-
the Zika virus, tests results re-  tests that began in April      cause only the females         population below disease       crocephaly in the country
leased this week by a British      2015 have shown that the       bite.                          transmission levels with min-  since October have been
biotech firm suggest.              release of genetically modi-   Piracicaba’s city health       imal effect on the environ-    concentrated in the coun-
The South American na-             fied sterile male mosquitoes   department confirmed the       ment.”                         try’s poorest regions, such
tion has been scrambling           succeeded in reducing a        tests and results.             He added that the Aedes        as the northeast. But worries
to contain the spread of           variety of disease-transmit-   Joseph Conlon, a techni-       aegypti “are notoriously dif-  about Zika have prompted
Zika, which has been linked        ting mosquito larvae by 82     cal adviser for the Ameri-     ficult to control by conven-   residents in wealthier cities
to a recent surge in birth         percent by year’s end in a     can Mosquito Control As-       tional spray methods such      such as Rio de Janeiro and
defects including micro-           neighborhood of the city of    sociation, called the results  as truck or aerial sprays.”    Sao Paulo to stock up on
cephaly, a rare condition          Piracicaba.                    “novel and potentially effi-   The Brazilian army has been    mosquito repellent.
in which newborns have             The Aedes aegypti mos-         cacious.”                      helping in efforts to control  Fewer than 150 cases of mi-
smaller than normal heads          quito also transmits dengue    Colon said the procedure       the mosquito population by     crocephaly were seen in all
and their brains do not de-        fever and chikungunya.         is not 100 percent effec-      eliminating standing water.    of 2014.q
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