Page 19 - Minister Alex Schwengle
P. 19
LOCALThursday 21 January 2016
Documentary Film on Aruba’s Champion Windsurfer Sarah-Quita Offringa
Entitled “Cabeibusha: The Curly Gem” Now Showing at Aruba’s Theaters!
PALM BEACH – A fantastic PORTUNITY to do so this published to accompany
film premier was held re- week at The cinemas at the film, which Sarah-Quita
cently for “Cabeibusha: Paseo Herencia weekdays personally inscribes. It is ac-
The Curly Gem.” This out- at 5:00pm & 6:30pm and companied by a USB card
standing film is a docu- at Renaissance weekdays containing the 73 minute
mentary portrait about at 5:00pm while Saturday movie. It can be purchased
Sarah-Quita Offringa, Aru- and Sunday at 3:00pm. by calling 593-9066 and will
ba’s champion windsurfer, The very last screening will be delivered.
produced by the German be on January 25th in the For more information on
filmmaker Julian Robinet. Cinemas at Renaissance at the Aruban Gem go to her
Together they travelled 3:00pm. website www.sarah-quita.
halfway around the globe. A beautiful, oversized cof- com or follow her on face-
They set out in search of the fee table book has been book Sarah-Quita ARU-91q
highest waves in Australia,
visited Aruba, the home of
Sarah-Quita, explored un-
known territories in Iceland
and travelled to Europe to
document Sarah-Quita’s
fight for the world champi-
onship title.
For those who missed out
during the weeks gone by
to see the film in the the-
ater you have a LAST OP-