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                                                                                                 U.S. NEWS Wednesday 1 april 2020
               US consumer confidence sinks as virus begins having impact

               Continued from Front                                                 Kathy Bostjancic, chief U.S. financial economist at Oxford Economics,
                                                                                    said the March decline, while steep, still understates the damage to
               “The intensification of Covid-19 and extreme volatility in the financial  confidence because a dramatic surge in layoffs didn’t begin until af-
               markets have increased uncertainty about the outlook for the econo-  ter the survey had been completed in mid-March.
               my and jobs,” said Lynn Franco, senior director of economic indicators  “A much steeper plunge is in store for April,” she said, noting that a re-
               at the Conference Board.                                             cent Washington-Post/ABC News poll revealed that one-third of Ame-
               “March’s decline in confidence is more in line with a severe contrac-  ricans report that either they or an immediate family member has lost
               tion — rather than a temporary shock — and further declines are sure  their job. And more than 60% in the survey said they think this recession
               to follow.”                                                          will be as bad as or worse than the 2007-2009 Great Recession.q

            U.S. State Department official

            dies from virus

            WASHINGTON  —  Secretary  of  State  Mike  handful  of  the  220  U.S.  embassies  and
            Pompeo says a State Department official  consulates abroad.
            has  died  from  the  coronavirus,  the  first  On Monday, State Department health of-
            American  fatality  among  the  U.S.  diplo-  ficials  said  at  least  two  locally  employed
            matic corps from the pandemic.             staff members had died from the virus.
            Pompeo didn't give details about the of-   Those officials say they were tracking 105
            ficial who passed away or where the per-   confirmed  cases  among  the  agency’s
            son contracted the disease. He says about  global workforce of about 75,000.           President Donald Trump and Vice President Mike Pence arrive
            four to five dozen State Department em-    Of  those,  75  are  overseas  and  30  are  at   to speak about the coronavirus in the Rose Garden of the White
                                                                                                   House, Monday, March 30, 2020, in Washington. (AP Photo/Alex
            ployees  had  tested  positive  for  the  virus,  State  Department  offices  in  the  United   Brandon)
            including  locally  employed  staffers  at  a  States in nine cities.q                                                          Associated Press

            Ships with people from ill-fated cruise beg Florida to dock

            By ADRIANA GOMEZ LICON       said  they  are  sick.  More                                                           with  supplies  and  staff  last
            MIAMI  (AP)  —  Two  ships  than 300 U.S. citizens are on                                                           week.  The  Zaandam  origi-
            carrying  passengers  and  both ships combined.                                                                     nally  departed  from  Bue-
            crew from an ill-fated South  “We cannot afford to have                                                             nos  Aires  on  March  7  —  a
            American cruise are plead-   people  who  are  not  even                                                            day  before  the  U.S.  State
            ing  with  Florida  officials  Floridians   dumped   into                                                           Department  issued  an  ad-
            to  let  them  carry  off  the  South Florida using up those                                                        visory to avoid cruise travel
            sick  and  dead,  but  Gov.  valuable  resources,”  De-                                                             and before any substantial
            Ron  DeSantis  says  Florida's  Santis  told  Fox  News.  “We                                                       restrictions were in place in
            health  care  resources  are  view this as a big big prob-                                                          Florida.  DeSantis  declared
            already stretched too thin.  lem  and  we  do  not  want                                                            a  state  of  emergency  in
            As  the  Zaandam  and  its  to  see  people  dumped  in                                                             the state two days later.
            sister  ship  the  Rotterdam  Southern Florida right now.”                                                          The  ship  originally  was
            make  for  Florida,  pas-    Holland  America  President                                                            scheduled to travel to San
            sengers  confined  to  their  Orlando  Ashford  penned                                                              Antonio,  Chile,  and  then
            rooms  are  anxious  for  re-  an  opinion  column  in  the   In this March 28, 2020 photo provided by Juan Huergo, Laura   depart  on  March  21  for  a
            lief,  hoping  DeSantis  will  South  Florida  Sun  Sentinel   Gabaroni and her husband Juan Huergo take a selfie on board a   20-day  cruise  to  arrive  in
            change his mind and allow  to  plead  with  officials  and   tender after they were evacuated from the Zaandam, a Holland   Fort  Lauderdale  in  early
            them to disembark despite  residents to let the passen-   American  cruise  ship,  near  the  Panama  Canal.  The  Orlando-   April. But beginning March
                                                                      area  couple  was  transferred  to  the  Rotterdam,  together  with
            confirmed coronavirus cas-   gers disembark.              others who were deemed healthy. Four people have died on   15,  the  Zaandam  was  de-
            es aboard.                   “Already  four  guests  have   board the Zaandam and many others have are suffering from   nied entry by South Ameri-
            The  governor  said  he  has  passed  away  and  I  fear   flu-like symptoms. (Juan Huergo via AP)                  can  ports,  even  before
            been  in  contact  with  the  other lives are at risk,” Ash-                                       Associated Press  passengers  reported  their
            Coast  Guard  and  the  ford wrote. “The COVID-19  night  after  days  of  wran-       to leave our rooms, haven't  first  flu-like  symptoms  on
            White  House  about  divert-  situation is one of the most  gling with local authorities.  had fresh air in days.”  March 22.
            ing  them,  and  local  offi-  urgent tests of our common  Laura  Gabaroni  and  her  At  least  two  of  the  four  Canal       administrator
            cials  were  meeting  Tues-  humanity. To slam the door  husband  Juan  Huergo,  of  deaths  on  the  Zaandam  Ricaurte Vásquez said Pan-
            day  to  decide  whether  to  in the face of these people  Orlando, had wanted to ex-  were caused by the coro-     ama allowed them through
            let  them  dock  at  Broward  betrays  our  deepest  hu-  plore  the  southernmost  tip  navirus, according to Pan-  for  humanitarian  reasons,
            County's  Port  Everglades  man values.”                  of South America for years  amanian  authorities.  The  but  won't  make  another
            cruise  ship  terminal,  where  With  authorities  in  country  —  to  see  the  penguins  on  company  said  eight  oth-  exception  for  vessels  with
            workers who greet passen-    after  country  sealing  bor-  the Falkland Islands and the  ers have tested positive for  positive coronavirus cases.
            gers  were  among  Florida's  ders  and  imposing  quar-  glacial  landscapes  of  the  COVID-19, and that most of  Passenger  Emily  Spindler
            first  confirmed  coronavirus  antines  in  response  to  the  Strait of Magellan. But their  the  passengers  and  crew  Brazell,  of  Tappahannock,
            cases.                       coronavirus pandemic, the  vacation turned harrowing  on both ships appear to be  Virginia, said the company
            Holland  America  said  the  Zaandam  and  then  its  sis-  as countries shunned them  in good health.              has  been  accommodat-
            Rotterdam  took  on  nearly  ter  ship  became  pariahs.  and people fell ill.         Gabaroni  and  hundreds  ing,  offering  extravagant
            1,400  people  who  appear  Passengers  were  asked  to  “It's been a trying time, es-  of  others  who  were  fever-  meals,  wine  and  unlimited
            to  be  healthy,  leaving  450  keep their rooms dark and  pecially  because  of  the  free  and  not  showing  any  phone  calls  —  but  they
            guests and 602 crew mem-     leave  their  drapes  closed  many ups and downs we've  symptoms were transferred  have to stay in their rooms,
            bers  on  the  Zaandam,  in-  as they passed through the  seen  along  the  way,”  said  to  the  Rotterdam,  which  avoiding any contact with
            cluding more than 190 who  Panama Canal on Sunday  Gabaroni. “We are unable  replenished  the  Zaandam  others. q
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