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P. 26

                   Wednesday 1 april 2020
            Virus dead in nursing homes are often its uncounted victims

            By LORI HINNANT and                                                                                                 ment is bracing for a wave
            ARITZ PARRA                                                                                                         of  sickness  in  the  next  14
            Associated Press                                                                                                    days, went from forbidding
            PARIS (AP) — One by one,                                                                                            visitors to nursing homes on
            elderly  residents  of  French                                                                                      March 11 to asking the fa-
            nursing  homes  are  going                                                                                          cilities to take even sharper
            into  forced  isolation  into                                                                                       measures last weekend.
            their  rooms.  Their  caregiv-                                                                                      “I’m  asking  the  establish-
            ers  are  walling  themselves                                                                                       ments to isolate residents in
            in as well, against both the                                                                                        their rooms,” Olivier Véran,
            known  and  the  unknown.                                                                                           France’s  health  minister,
            They  are  running  out  of                                                                                         said Saturday. “We have to
            body bags.                                                                                                          give  priority  to  testing  per-
            .  Governments  in  Europe's                                                                                        sonnel.”
            hardest-hit  countries  —  It-                                                                                      At  many  nursing  homes,
            aly,  Spain  and  France  —                                                                                         staff members are also vol-
            are not routinely testing for                                                                                       unteering to confine them-
            coronavirus among elderly                                                                                           selves with their charges
            residents who fall ill in nurs-                                                                                     “This  is  not  something  we
            ing  homes  or  even  those                                                                                         do  lightly.  It’s  just  that  we
            who  eventually  die  there,                                                                                        have  no  choice,”  Eric-An-
            including  those  who  suf-                                                                                         gelo  Bellini,  director  of  a
            fered from symptoms of the                                                                                          nursing home in the central
            disease.                                                                                                            Vienne region, told Europe
            The three countries togeth-                                                                                         1 radio. “Test us! Test all the
            er make up around a third                                                                                           staff, the residents!”
            of  the  global  pandemic's                                                                                         It  is  an  especially  sensitive
            confirmed  cases,  and  the                                                                                         subject  in  France,  where
            lack  of  testing  leaves  hun-                                                                                     every worker is required by
            dreds,   potentially   thou-                                                                                        law  to  dedicate  a  day  of
            sands, of victims of the dis-                                                                                       “solidarity” pay annually to
            ease uncounted as health                                                                                            the elderly and disabled af-
            authorities  try  to  trace  its                                                                                    ter a heat wave in 2003 left
            path, The Associated Press   Firefighters wearing protective suits wait outside a nursing home before disinfecting it in efforts   15,000  vulnerable  people
            has found.                   to  prevent  the  spread  of  the  new  coronavirus  in  Barcelona,  Spain,  Monday,  March  30,  2020.   dead across the country.
            The  heavy  dependency       Governments  in  Europe's  hardest-hit  countries  have  yet  to  systematically  test  the  residents  of   While  most  people  suf-
            upon  hospitals  to  count   nursing homes or those who receive in-home care. In Spain, Italy and France, which together   fer  only  mild  or  moderate
            coronavirus fatalities poses   account for a third of the world's confirmed coronavirus cases, no one knows for sure how many   symptoms  from  COVID-19,
            particular problems for eval-  people  have  become  sick  and  died  of  coronavirus,  especially  among  the  elderly.  The  new   the  elderly  are  vulnerable
                                         coronavirus causes mild or moderate symptoms for most people, but for some, especially older
            uating  its  spread  among   adults and people with existing health problems, it can cause more severe illness or death. (AP   to more severe illnesses, in-
            the oldest citizens. Hospitals   Photo/Felipe Dana)                                                                 cluding pneumonia.
            are  increasingly  reluctant                                                                       Associated Press  In  Spain,  soldiers  disinfect-
            to  admit  elderly  coronavi-  tics for the month.        the  national  toll,  which  so  ing  homes  said  they  strug-  ing nursing homes last week
            rus patients judged to have  In Madrid, one of the most  far only includes those who  gled  to  get  residents  into  discovered  that  residents
            little  chance  of  successful  affected  cities  in  Europe,  have sought care in a hos-  hospitals,  and  1  in  4  had  at several facilities were liv-
            treatment.                   a  leading  regional  official  pital.  The  government  has  problems properly isolating  ing  among  the  bodies  of
            Indications  are  they  have  acknowledged  that  the  promised to include nursing  those  who  tested  positive  people suspected of dying
            paid  a  steep  toll  in  ano-  coronavirus  infection  of  home  residents  early  this  for the virus.            from the virus.
            nymity.  In  France,  the  two  one  elderly  woman  was  week but has yet to imple-   Britain, too, is trying to trace  In  the  United  States,  sev-
            regions  hit  earliest  by  the  confirmed  after  her  death  ment  widespread  testing  the  disease  among  those  eral  facilities  have  seen
            pandemic     reported   an  only  because  the  nursing  of  residents.  The  supply  of  who  never  make  it  to  the  unusually  high  death  tolls.
            over  30%  increase  in  the  home’s  physician  “insist-  body bags is dwindling, ac-  hospital. The Office for Na-  Federal officials found that
            number  of  deaths  from  ed.” Around the Italian city  cording to Marc Bourquin of  tional  Statistics  added  40  staff  at  multiple  long-term
            March  1-16  compared  to  of Bergamo, the epicenter  the French hospital federa-      deaths Tuesday for a toll of  care  facilities  contributed
            the previous year, accord-   of  the  country's  outbreak,  tion, an umbrella organiza-  210 in England and Wales,  to the spread of COVID-19
            ing to the national statistics  400 people died in a single  tion for half of the country’s  to  include  people  who  among  the  elderly  in  the
            agency,  which  released  week in early March — four  7,000 nursing homes.             died in nursing homes and  Seattle area.
            the figures for the Haut-Rhin  times the number who died  A  study  by  Italy’s  national  other settings.          In  multiple  nursing  homes
            and  southern  Corsica  re-  the  same  week  the  previ-  health  institute  used  sam-  In Germany, where deaths  in France, including one for
            gions late last week. Spain  ous year, according to the  pling  to  approach  the  so  far  have  been  much  Holocaust survivors in Paris,
            and  Italy  have  not  yet  re-  Bergamo  mayor’s  office.  question  of  how  many  el-  lower than elsewhere in Eu-  the number of dead reach-
            leased  initial  death  statis-  Only 91 of those had tested  derly in nursing homes died  rope and the United States,  es  into  the  double-digits,
                                         positive for the virus.      with  the  virus  that  causes  testing is routine for anyone  with  far  more  believed  in-
                                         In  France,  once  two  resi-  COVID-19.  In  the  hardest-  with flu-like symptoms who  fected. The fear is that their
                                         dents  of  the  same  nursing  hit region of Lombardy, half  visited  a  high-risk  area  or  deaths will go unremarked.
                                         home  test  positive,  any  of  all  residents  of  nursing  had  contact  with  some-  “For  the  nursing  homes,
                                         other residents who fall sick  homes who died since Feb.  one confirmed to have the  there will always be uncer-
                                         and  ultimately  succumb  1 either had the virus or its  virus. So if a case appears  tainty,”  Bouquin  said.  “The
                                         to  the  disease  are  “as-  flu-like symptoms, but most  in a nursing home and pa-    procedure  is  a  doctor  has
                                         sumed” to have the illness,  only cited flu as tests were  tients or staff fall ill, testing is  to  indicate  the  cause  of
                                         but  they  are  not  actually  not  carried  out  irregularly.  available to everyone.  death.  And  for  that,  there
                                         tested  or  counted  among  About  1  in  10  Italian  nurs-  France, where the govern-  has to be tests.”q
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