P. 3
U.S. NEWS Thursday 8 March 2018
Mexico, Canada and others may be exempted from US tariffs
economic warnings from The looming departure of degree of flexibility, I think
lawmakers and business White House economic ad- a very sensible, very bal-
groups. viser Gary Cohn, a former anced degree of flexibil-
Press secretary Sarah Huck- Goldman Sachs execu- ity,” Commerce Secretary
abee Sanders told reporters tive who has opposed the Wilbur Ross told CNBC.
the exemptions would be promised tariffs, set off anxi- “We’re not trying to blow
made on a "case by case" ety among business leaders up the world.”
and "country by country" and investors worried about
basis, a reversal from the a potential trade war. Trump signaled other trade
policy articulated by the "We urge you to reconsider actions could be in the
White House just days ago the idea of broad tariffs to works. In a tweet, he said
that there would be no avoid unintended nega- the “U.S. is acting swiftly on
exemptions from Trump's tive consequences to the Intellectual Property theft.”
plan. U.S. economy and its work- A White House official
The announcement came ers," 107 House Republicans said Trump was referenc-
White House press secretary Sarah Huckabee Sanders listens to
a reporter's question during the daily briefing at the White House as congressional Republi- wrote in a letter to Trump. ing an ongoing investiga-
in Washington, Wednesday, March 7, 2018. cans and business groups The White House said Trump tion of China in which the
(AP Photo/Susan Walsh) braced for the impact of was expected to make a fi- U.S. trade representative is
expected tariffs of 25 per- nal announcement as ear- studying whether Chinese
By KEN THOMAS Donald Trump's planned cent on imported steel and ly as Thursday and officials intellectual property rules
Associated Press steel and aluminum tar- 10 percent on aluminum, were working to include are “unreasonable or dis-
WASHINGTON (AP) — The iffs under national security appearing resigned to ad- language in the tariffs that criminatory” to American
White House said Wednes- "carve-outs," a move that ditional protectionist trade would give Trump the flex- business.
day that Mexico, Canada could soften the blow amid actions as Trump signaled ibility to approve exemp- “We urge the administra-
and other countries may threats of retaliation by upcoming economic bat- tions for certain countries. tion to take this risk serious-
be spared from President trading partners and dire tles with China. “He’s already indicated a ly,” Donohue said.q
Porn actress Daniels sues to end
silence over alleged Trump affair
By MICHAEL BALSAMO that she wants "to set the
CATHERINE LUCEY record straight." He said on
Associated Press NBC there was "no ques-
LOS ANGELES (AP) — An tion" Trump knew about the
adult film actress who has agreement, though he did
said she had sex with Don- not offer any proof.
ald Trump filed a lawsuit Avenatti said Daniels
seeking to invalidate a non- wasn't looking to profit from
disclosure agreement and her story. But he told CBS: "I
"set the record straight," her don't know whether she's
lawyer said Wednesday. going to ultimately seek
Stormy Daniels, whose real payment or not."
name is Stephanie Clifford, Asked about Avenatti's
filed a lawsuit in Los Angeles claims Wednesday, White
County Superior Court on House spokeswoman Sar-
Tuesday. She alleges that ah Huckabee Sanders said:
the agreement she signed "We've addressed our feel-
days before the 2016 presi- ings on that situation, and I
dential election, which pre- don't have anything else to
vented her from discussing add."
the alleged sexual encoun- He has also said that “nei-
ters, is "null and void and of ther the Trump Organization
no consequence" because nor the Trump campaign
Trump didn't personally sign was a party to the transac-
it. tion with Ms. Clifford, and
Her lawyer, Michael Av- neither reimbursed me for
enatti, said on morning the payment, either direct-
news shows Wednesday ly or indirectly.”q