P. 8

                  Thursday 8 March 2018

            EU turning the screws on Britain over post-Brexit relations

            By RAF CASERT                                                                                                       pean mainland.
            Associated Press                                                                                                    Last Friday, May laid out her
            BRUSSELS  (AP)  —  The  Eu-                                                                                         hope  that  of  "the  broad-
            ropean  Union  turned  the                                                                                          est  and  deepest  possible
            screws  on  Britain  Wednes-                                                                                        agreement  —  covering
            day,  insisting  that  Prime                                                                                        more  sectors  and  cooper-
            Minister   Theresa   May's                                                                                          ating  more  fully  than  any
            ambition  to  maintain  an                                                                                          free trade agreement any-
            intense  post-divorce  part-                                                                                        where in the world."
            nership where London can                                                                                            EU  leaders  have  warned
            pick  and  choose  the  sec-                                                                                        that  May's  insistence  on
            tors it maintains close eco-                                                                                        leaving  the  EU's  tariff-free
            nomic ties with was nothing                                                                                         single market and customs
            but a pipe dream.                                                                                                   union means the close ties
            Both  EU  President  Donald                                                                                         she  is  seeking  are  impos-
            Tusk and the European Par-                                                                                          sible.
            liament drafted texts mak-                                                                                          Beyond  the  economic  di-
            ing it clear that any hopes                                                                                         vergences,  Tusk  insisted
            Britain could "have its cake                                                                                        cooperation   should   be
            and eat it" after Brexit, were                                                                                      smooth  when  it  comes  to
            wildly  overambitious.  In-                                                                                         defense,   foreign   affairs
            stead, they painted a pic-                                                                                          and facing down common
            ture of drift and economic   Britain's Prime Minister Theresa May greets EU Council President Donald Tusk at 10 Downing Street   threats like terrorism and in-
            loss  for  a  country  that  has   in London.                                                                       ternational crime.
            been a member of the EU                                                                   (AP Photo/Frank Augstein)  And he sought to eke out a
            since 1973.                                                                                                         special place for the City of
            The  post-Brexit  economic  nations that Britain is nego-  what  is  its  biggest  trading  The  comparison  will  likely  London’s financial services.
            relationship  "will  only  be  a  tiating with.           partner.                     sting,  not  least  because  Hammond argues that the
            trade  agreement,"  similar  Though  Britain  is  due  to  Tusk  said  on  a  free  trade  Canada is some 5,000 kilo-  hub “is not just a British asset
            to  those  the  EU  has  with  leave the EU in March 2019,  agreement with Britain that  meters  (3,100  miles)  away  but a European asset too,”
            an  array  of  other  nations,  there is still uncertainty over  "we will do our best, as we  as  opposed  to  the  50-kilo-  and that it is in the interests
            said Tusk, who coordinates  how it will do so and what  did  with  other  partners,  meter  stretch  that  sepa-    of  both  sides  to  reach  a
            policy  between  the  27  EU  relationship it will have with  such as Canada recently."  rates Britain from the Euro-  deal on that.q

            EU criticizes 'aggressive' tax practices of 7 member states

            By RAF CASERT                have  tax  policies  that  un-  EU operates as a tax haven  ers and local companies.   one     tax-advantageous
            PAN PYLAS                    dermine the integrity of the  and  arguing  that  progress  "The  big  offenders  are  not  country — are estimated at
            BRUSSELS  (AP)  —  The  Eu-  European single market.      is being made among the  just  distant  tropical  loca-   between 50-70 billion euros
            ropean  Commission  criti-   "These  practices  have  the  seven,  Moscovici  said  it's  tions like Panama and Ber-  ($62-86 billion). Perhaps the
            cized seven member states  potential to undermine the  imperative  those  named  muda," said Sven Giegold,  most  high-profile  so-called
            Wednesday  for  "aggres-     fairness and the level play-  accelerate plans to amend  tax  justice  spokesperson  "sweetheart deal" involved
            sive"  tax  policies  designed  ing field in our internal mar-  aspects of their tax systems  for  the  Greens  in  the  Eu-  Apple.  The  Commission
            to  undercut  others  in  the  ket  and  they  increase  the  that  undermine  the  cred-  ropean  Parliament.  Many  concluded in 2016 that two
            race  to  lure  multinational  burden  on  EU  taxpayers,"  ibility of the EU.         campaigners  think  the  EU  Irish tax rulings allowed the
            companies, a censure that  said  Pierre  Moscovici,  the  The  criticism  follows  con-  should  have  a  minimum  world's  biggest  company
            prompted  a  sharp  rebuke  commissioner  responsible  cern over how some coun-        corporate  tax  rate  and  by  market  capitalization
            from  the  leader  of  one  of  for tax policy.           tries  have  used  their  tax  push for a tax regime that  to  pay  less  tax  than  other
            the countries named.         "We  must  be  sure  that  fair  regimes to attract multina-  reflects  where  companies  businesses  since  1991  by
            The European Union's exec-   taxation becomes the rule,  tionals  like  Amazon,  Face-  earn  their  profits.  Accord-  registering sales across the
            utive  branch  pointed  the  a  rule  without  any  excep-  book  and  Starbucks.  The  ing to the Commission, rev-  region  in  Ireland  at  a  far
            finger  at  Belgium,  Cyprus,  tions, outside the EU and in-  worry is that the companies  enue losses from profit shift-  lower  tax  rate.  In  2014,  it
            Hungary,  Ireland,  Luxem-   side the EU," he added.      end  up  paying  far  less  tax  ing  within  the  EU—  where  said  Apple  paid  an  effec-
            bourg, Malta and the Neth-   While dismissing the notion  than they should to the det-  companies report earnings  tive  corporate  tax  rate  of
            erlands,  arguing  that  they  than any one country in the  riment of European taxpay-  from  across  the  region  in  just 0.005 percent.q
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