P. 10

                  Thursday 8 March 2018

            Saudi prince says Qatar won’t be barred from Arab summit

            By HAMZA HENDAWI             June, accusing the tiny but  "We  will  not  accept  any  day in the Al-Shorouk news-  Iran,  Turkey  and  militant
            CAIRO  (AP)  —  Qatar  will  super-rich Gulf state of sup-  resolutions to the crisis (with  paper.  He  said  the  crisis  groups  as  the  "contempo-
            not  be  barred  from  an  porting militant groups and  Qatar)  outside  an  Arab  or  with Qatar "could last for a  rary triangle of evil."
            Arab summit in Riyadh later  cozying  up  to  Shiite,  non-  a Gulf framework, but that  long time," comparing it to  He  said  the  Muslim  Broth-
            this  month,  but  the  stand-  Arab  Iran.  Qatar  has  long  does not mean we will bar  the United States' decades-  erhood,  an  Islamist  group
            off  between  Doha  and  a  denied  funding  extremists,  Qatar  from  attending  the  long  embargo  on  Cuba.  declared  a  terrorist  orga-
            Saudi-led,  four-nation  al-  though  it  supports  Islamist  upcoming  Arab  summit,"  Saudi  Arabia  sealed  Qa-  nization by Egypt and out-
            liance  could  last  a  "long  opposition   movements  said Crown Prince Moham-        tar's  only  land  border  last  lawed  in  most  Gulf  Arab
            time," Saudi Arabia's crown  that are considered terrorist  med bin Salman, who flew  June, and the four nations  states,  had  taken  advan-
            prince  said  in  comments  groups by other countries in  to London Tuesday night at  have  cut  off  air  and  sea  tage  of  democratic  elec-
            published Wednesday.         the region. It has long had  the end of a three-day visit  access,  forcing  Qatar  to  tions. He said Turkey, which
            Saudi  Arabia,  the  United  warm  ties  with  Iran,  with  to  Egypt.  His  comments,  divert  flights  over  Iran  and  supports  the  Brotherhood,
            Arab Emirates, Bahrain and  which  it  shares  a  massive  made  to  Egyptian  editors,  transit goods through other  was  trying  to  resurrect  the
            Egypt cut ties with Qatar in  undersea gas field.         were  published  Wednes-     ports. The prince described  Ottoman Empire.q

             Reports: Syrian troops split rebel-held enclave near capital

            By PHILIP ISSA                                                                                                      the enclave. The Syrian Ob-
            BEIRUT  (AP)  —  Syrian  gov-                                                                                       servatory for Human Rights
            ernment forces seized vast                                                                                          said that by nightfall, Syrian
            swaths of territory including                                                                                       government troops and al-
            farmland in the opposition-                                                                                         lied militias had seized half
            held  suburbs  of  Damascus                                                                                         of the territory held by reb-
            on Wednesday, effectively                                                                                           els  in  eastern  Ghouta  and
            dividing  the  besieged  en-                                                                                        split  the  enclave  in  two
            clave  in  two  and  further                                                                                        halves — a north and south-
            squeezing  rebels  and  tens                                                                                        ern part. By slicing the terri-
            of  thousands  of  civilians                                                                                        tory, the Syrian government
            trapped  inside,  state  me-                                                                                        succeeds in further squeez-
            dia  and  a  war  monitor  re-                                                                                      ing  rebels,  making  it  more
            ported.                                                                                                             difficult for them to contin-
            The  government,  deter-                                                                                            ue to hang on to the territo-
            mined to wrest the eastern                                                                                          ry.  Rebel  spokesman  Wael
            Ghouta  suburbs  from  the                                                                                          Olwan  dismissed  the  offer
            control of rebels after seven                                                                                       on  Tuesday,  saying  it  was
            years  of  war,  has  resorted                                                                                      “psychological   warfare.”
            to  extreme  levels  of  shell-                                                                                     Olwan  said  Wednesday
            ing  and  bombardment  to                                                                                           that  rebels  had  plugged
            clear the way for its troops                                                                                        their  defensive  lines  after
            to advance on the ground.    This photo shows a member of the Syrian Civil Defense group helping a man who was wounded   they crumbled in the early
            Hundreds have been killed    after airstrikes and shelling hit in Ghouta, a suburb of Damascus, Syria, Wednesday, March 7, 2018.   days of the assault. The op-
            in  the  past  two  weeks,  in-                                             (Syrian Civil Defense White Helmets via AP)  position  generally  rejects
            cluding  dozens  reported                                                                                           evacuation    agreements,
            Wednesday.                   of  the  hospitals  in  eastern  pendently  confirmed.  The  of  smoke  rising  above  the  saying they amount to de-
            Doctors  and  residents  re-  Ghouta, said that staff was  government  has  repeat-    town  as  explosions  and  mographic       engineering
            ported intense shelling and  overwhelmed  with  chlo-     edly  denied  using  chlorine  rockets  could  be  heard  —  a  tactic  through  which
            cases  of  suffocation  and  rine odor and that he had  gas.                           flying   overhead.   Syria's  the  government  forcibly
            difficulty breathing, accus-  treated 29 children with dif-  Earlier  on  Wednesday,  the  Central Military Media said  displaces  its  opponents.
            ing  the  government  of  us-  ficulties breathing.       state-affiliated   al-Ikhbari-  troops  took  control  of  the  It  said  the  plane  did  not
            ing  chlorine  gas  Wednes-  Such  reports,  which  have  ya  TV  station  broadcast  town of Beit Sawa and most  come  under  fire  and  that
            day  night.  Hamza  Hassan,  been  recurrent  in  the  past  live  shots  from  the  region,  of Misraba, both rebel-held  the crash was likely caused
            a  surgeon  working  at  one  weeks,  could  not  be  inde-  showing  dense  columns  communities in the heart of  by a technical failure. q

            Arab FMs affirm Jerusalem as future Palestinian capital

            By SAMY MAGDY                League     member-states.  to  the  United  Nation  Se-   eral  mechanism”  to  assist  said  Arab  League  chief
            CAIRO  (AP)  —  Arab  for-   It  came  amid  a  wave  of  curity  Council  in  February  the two parties in resolving  Ahmed  Aboul-Gheit  in  a
            eign  ministers  insisted  on  anger  at  U.S.  President  and his call for an interna-  all  final  status  issues  and  televised press conference.
            Wednesday  that  Jerusa-     Donald  Trump’s  decision  tional  peace  conference  implementing  them  within  Trump’s  declaration  de-
            lem must be the capital of  in  December  to  recognize  by  mid-2018  with  the  key  a set time frame. “The Arab  parted  from  decades  of
            a  future  Palestinian  state,  Jerusalem  as  Israel’s  capi-  goals  of  full  U.N.  member-  league  has  already  de-  U.S.  policy  and  upended
            even  as  the  U.S.  prepares  tal and move the embassy  ship  for  the  state  of  Pales-  cided to stand against the  longstanding  international
            to move its embassy there  there,  sparking  protests  in  tine and a timeframe for a  negative consequences of  assurances  that  the  fate
            in a step that has angered  the  West  Bank  and  Gaza  two-state solution. The plan  the  American  dangerous  of the city would be deter-
            the Arab world.              Strip at the time. In their fi-  calls for mutual recognition  and illegal decision of mov-  mined in negotiations.
            A  ministerial  meeting  held  nal statement, the ministers  by  the  states  of  Israel  and  ing  the  U.S.  embassy  from  Most  countries  around  the
            in the Egyptian capital Cai-  endorsed  a  peace  plan  Palestine  based  on  1967  Tel  Aviv  to  Jerusalem  and  world have not recognized
            ro brought together foreign  presented  by  Palestinian  borders,  and  formation  of  recognizing  the  occupied  Israel’s  1967  annexation  of
            ministers  from  the  Arab  President Mahmoud Abbas  “an  international  multilat-     city as a capital of Israel,”  east Jerusalem. q
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