P. 12
Thursday 8 March 2018
Brazil yellow fever outbreak largest in decades LATIN BRIEFS
SAO PAULO (AP) — Brazil's have confirmed 846 cases long been at risk for yellow break is hitting the popu- Colombian rebel
‘Timochenko’ is
yellow fever outbreak has of the mosquito-borne dis- fever. But the previous out- lous states of Sao Paulo
now infected more peo- ease. Of those, 260 have break and the current one and Minas Gerais hard and ok after surgery
ple than the previous one, died. In the 2016-2017 out- are happening in areas encroaching on major cit-
which had been the largest break, Latin America's larg- not previously considered ies. In response, Brazil has BOGOTA, Colombia (AP) —
in decades. est nation saw 777 cases at risk for the disease and launched a campaign to Doctors in Colombia have
The Health Ministry said and 261 deaths. where vaccination rates vaccinate more than 23 successfully performed
Wednesday that officials Large swaths of Brazil have were low. The current out- million people.q heart surgery on Rodrigo
Londono, the leader of
Puerto Rico: the country's once-largest
guerrilla group who is run-
Many still stranded in hotels 6 months after storm ning for president. A state-
ment from Bogota's Shaio
Clinic says Londono is in
By CLAUDIA TORRENS "satisfactory" condition fol-
Associated Press lowing Wednesday's coro-
From the lobby of a hotel nary bypass surgery. The
on the outskirts of Boston, ex-rebel was also diag-
Jesenia Flores fills out an on- nosed with chronic lung
line job application, hoping disease and a clogged ar-
to find work that will get her tery. Londono is more com-
small family back to normal monly known by his nom-
for the first time since Hur- de-guerre — Timochenko.
ricane Maria flooded their After the Revolutionary
home in Puerto Rico. Armed Forces of Colom-
The hotel along the inter- bia disarmed following a
state has been a refuge for peace agreement with
her and other Puerto Rican Colombia's government,
families, but it's frustrating Londono announced his
"to be cooped up here presidential candidacy.
without knowing what will But his campaign has been
happen to us," the 19-year- marred by protests and
old mother said as her complicated by his own
15-month-old son squirmed health problems, includ-
and cried in her lap. ing a stroke last year. Ana-
Danaliz Pujol is staying in a lysts expect Timochenko to
hotel, too, near Orlando, come in last in the presi-
Florida. She and her hus- In this Tuesday, Feb. 27, 2018 photo, Jesenia Flores, 19, holds her son Jose, both of Aibonito, Puerto dential election. But his
Rico, while watching her mother-in-law Luisa Mercedes, center left, play dominos with Ivan Lopez,
band are trying to find an 14, second from right, Eric Lanzo, 13, right, and Carlos Delgado, 17, bottom left, all of Bayamon, party will be awarded 10
affordable apartment to Puerto Rico, at a hotel, in Dedham, Mass. congressional seats under
replace the one in Puerto (AP Photo/Steven Senne) the 2016 peace deal.q
Rico that was damaged in
the storm and then rented financial support, they will the Puerto Rican city of groups helped Maria Reyes Guatemala plans
to someone else after they have nowhere to go, many Bayamon was flooded by when her FEMA hotel as-
fled to the mainland. She storm victims say. the worst storm to strike the sistance ended after two to pull army out
looks every day, "but there's "I could end up on the island in decades. The res- months. She was able to from police work
nothing," she said. street just as I'm trying to taurant where she and her move from one hotel near
And then there is Carmen get back on my feet," said husband worked was de- Boston to another while
Acosta, who longs to go Pujol, 23, who earns money stroyed. She is now staying caring for her 7-year-old GUATEMALA CITY (AP) —
home from the hotel where by cleaning hotel rooms. in a hotel in Dedham, Mas- grandson. Guatemala's president
she has been living in Puer- Her husband is disabled sachusetts, with aid from Her former home in San said Wednesday he will
to Rico with 40 families dis- and cannot work. FEMA. Juan public housing has withdraw army troops from
placed by the storm. She Dozens of Puerto Ricans So far, FEMA has provided been deemed habitable, day-to-day law enforce-
received $4,000 from the interviewed by The Associ- $113 million in rental assis- but she wants to stay on ment duties following ac-
federal government to re- ated Press expressed simi- tance to 129,000 people the mainland to get better cusations that soldiers
pair her nearby house, but lar fears as the deadline who were in Maria's path medical care. She doesn't were involved in corrup-
the work has been slow loomed. Many are poor, across the island. Puerto know how long she will be tion and criminal activities.
because it includes remov- living on fixed incomes or Rico Gov. Ricardo Rossello able to stay in this hotel, or President Jimmy Morales
ing black mold that quickly getting by in low-wage has asked for the deadline where she will go next. said that starting March 31,
spread in the tropical heat. jobs. They have no relatives to be extended to May 14, “The only entertainment I soldiers will be detailed to
Nearly six months after the who can help or savings to and the government says it have is my son,” she said. secure border areas and
storm, almost 10,000 Puerto fall back on, and they did is reviewing the request. Her husband managed to other strategic points. ."I
Ricans scattered across not own their homes. Nonprofit groups, churches find work as a cook but she want to guarantee the
37 states and the U.S. terri- Some like Flores struggle and state and local gov- has had no luck. It doesn’t public that we are not di-
tory still receive temporary to find work because they ernments have also provid- help that she doesn’t have minishing the army, nor are
housing assistance from the don't speak English well. ed temporary housing help a car and her hours will we going to diminish it. We
Federal Emergency Man- Others have children with and other forms of support have to be limited be- are going to post it strate-
agement Agency. That special medical or educa- to the tens of thousands of cause she has to care for gically when it is needed ...
help has been renewed tional needs. Puerto Ricans who fled to her baby. in public safety, disasters,
repeatedly, but it's now "To start all over again is the mainland in the after- “I’ve applied for everything food and public health ef-
scheduled to end for ev- really hard," said Ivette math of the Sept. 20 storm. I see, but I don’t hear any- forts," Morales said while
eryone March 20. Without Ramirez, whose home in Several Massachusetts thing,” she said.q accompanied by army of-
ficials. q