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                                                                                                           local Monday 19 deceMber 2022

            Minister of Transport, Integrity, Nature and Senior Affairs, Mr. Ursell Arends

            Investments for an Animal Control Department in 2023

            ORANJESTAD  –  Last  week,  ing  these  dogs  is  very  lim-  “These  are  the  steps  were
            minister  of  Transport,  In-  ited.                      going  to  take  to  improve
            tegrity,  Nature  and  Senior                             where  these  dogs  are
            Affairs,  Mr.  Ursell  Arends  The  Dog  Control  Center  placed  when  they  are
            announced the microchip-     (CCC)  is  where  dogs  and  caught and removed from
            ping  campaign  for  local  cats  are  taken  when  they  the  street.  I  know  that  the
            pets,  in  order  to  help  fight  are rescued from the street  problem  exists  in  a  lot  of
            the issue of cats and dogs  and  have  no  owner.  At  neighborhoods, it is a prob-
            on the street. This is a topic  the  CCC  there  is  enough  lem for years already, and
            that  has  been  discussed  space  for  a  total  of  eight  we  are  approaching  this
            for  many  years,  particu-  dogs, the minister informed.  problem  aggressively  right
            larly the lack of housing for  There  is  space  for  puppies  now”, Arends added.
            dogs that are taken off the  and very limited space for
            streets.                     cats. “In my opinion it is not  With  the  microchipping
                                         the  most  humane  form  ei-  campaign,   the   minister
            During a press conference,  ther to attend to the cats”,  explains,  they  hope  that
            Arends  pointed  out  that  he added.                     they  can  help  minimize
            he  is  aware  of  the  prob-                             the amount of dogs on the  giving  resistance,  collabo-  that many times when dogs
            lem  caused  by  a  large  Seeing  the  dire  situation  street  by  using  information  rate and keep their dogs in  are  found  on  the  street,
            amount  of  dogs  on  the  regarding  space  for  these  that  will  help  locate  the  their yards.”               the  neighborhood  itself  is
            streets  in  many  neighbor-  animals,  the  minister  men-  owners of dogs that are on                             aware that the dog has an
            hoods  in  Aruba.  However,  tioned that in the 2023 bud-  the  streets  while  belong-  He   pointed   out   that  owner, but it is difficult to lo-
            aside  from  this  problem,  get there are funds allocat-  ing to a household. “I hope  once  the  dogs  are  micro-  cate the owner. The micro-
            even though dogs can be  ed  for  the  government  of  that  the  community  can  chipped,  they  can  be  re-      chip  will  make  it  easier  to
            rescued off the streets, the  Aruba  to  invest  in  an  Ani-  understand  the  steps  we  turned to their homes more  bring  the  dog  back  home
            available  space  for  hous-  mal Control Department.     are  taking  and  instead  of  easily. Arends commented  to its own family.q

            ATA Latin American team met with partners in Aruba

            ORANJESTAD – As part of Aruba Tourism Author-   The Latin American market took a little longer to  eration to the recovery and some of the part-
            ity (ATA)’s strategy, there are different moments  reopen after the pandemic compared to North  ners  who  produced  the  most,  but  also  those
            throughout  the  year  when  meetings  are  held  America and Europe, but it’s worth noting that  who took part in different marketing initiatives
            with  partners  in  Aruba,  as  well  as  ATA’s  team  the recovering is ongoing for this market as well.  and were interested in continuing growing this
            in  each  market.  Recently,  the  Latin  American  Until November, a recovery of 76 percent was  market, received a special certificate. Regard-
            Marketing Update Meeting took place, where  noted in the amount of visitors from Latin Amer-    ing hotels, recognition was given to Brickell Bay
            more  details  were  presented  about  the  plan  ica compared to the same period for 2019, so  Beach Club & Spa, Barcelo Aruba, Eagle Aruba
            and objective for 2023 to local partners.       it  is  expected  that  this  recovery  will  continue,  Resort  &  Casino,  RIU  and  Holiday  Inn  Aruba.
                                                            since the market indicates that the demand is  De Palm Tours also received recognition in the
            The  meeting  took  place  at  the  Hyatt  Place  there. The main recovery at this moment is com-  area of activities.
            Aruba  Airport,  where  an  extensive  presenta-  ing from Colombia, where numbers indicated  ATA thanks every partner supporting the Latin
            tion was given on what can be expected in the  that we are practically reaching the 2019 level  American market, which makes the strategy for
            2023  marketing  plan  for  Aruba.  Those  present  once again.                                 diversification  possible.  For 2023,  ATA will  con-
            received  some  new  and  out-of-the-box  ideas                                                 tinue focusing on diversifying our visitors to have
            to market the island of Aruba abroad, and at-   Taking  advantage  of  having  all  partners  to-  a  healthy  distribution  of  visitors  from  different
            tract even more visitors to our island.         gether, gratitude was expressed for their coop-  regions.q
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