Page 15 - HOH
P. 15
CLASSIFIED Wednesday 4 december 2019
New Yorker gets 40 HEALTH
years in prison for DOCTOR ON DUTY
supporting Hezbollah Halley Time Travel FOR RENT Hospital 7:00 pm / 10:00pm
Paradise Beach Villas
Marriott Surf Club wk one Jan 4-11-2020 Tel. 527 4000
NEW YORK (AP) — A New ni was the first operative of Gold season 2 bedr suite San Nicolas
Yorker convicted of provid- the group to be convict- 2 br Garden View $ 5 K beach ocean front IMSAN 24 Hours
ing material support to He- ed and sentenced for his 2 br Ocean View $ 7 K call 941 343 1088 Usa Tel.524 8833
zbollah by seeking targets crimes against the U.S. 2 br Ocean side $ 8 K _________________________________212121 Women in Difficulties
in New York City for terror- Authorities said Kourani 2 br Ocean Front $14K PHARMACY ON DUTY
ist attacks was sentenced came to the U.S. legally in 3 br Ocean View $13K Oranjestad:
Tuesday to 40 years in 2003, earning a bachelor's Dakota Tel. 588 7364
prison. Ali Kourani, 35, was degree in biomedical en- Marriott Ocean Club San Nicolas:
sentenced in Manhattan gineering in 2009 and a Gold season San Lucas Tel. 584 5119
federal court by Judge Al- master's degree in business 1 br Ocean View $ 4 K Women in Difficulties
vin K. Hellerstein after the administration in 2013. He 1 br Ocean Front $ 9 K OTHER
Lebanon-born Kourani was became a naturalized U.S. 2 br Ocean View $ 8 K Dental Clinic 587 9850
convicted at a May trial. citizen in April 2009 and 2 br Ocean Front$14K Blood Bank Aruba 587 0002
Urgent Care 586 0448
He could have faced life in was issued a U.S. passport. Walk-In Doctor’s Clinic
prison. Prosecutors said Kourani Divi Phoenix +297 588 0539
U.S. Attorney Geoffrey S. was recruited by the ter- 2 br Penthouse wk 49 and 50 Women in Difficulties
Berman said in a release rorist group after a family building 7 on the 7 th floor EMERGENCY
that Kourani spent years residence was destroyed 32 weeks remain $ 24 K each Police 100
conducting surveillance at in 2006 during the conflict 2 br wk 50 building 6 3rd floor Oranjestad 527 3140
federal buildings, airports between Israel and Hezbol- 33 weeks remain $22 K Noord 527 3200
including Kennedy Inter- lah. They said he traveled Sta. Cruz 527 2900
national Airport and even to Lebanon in 2011, when Divi Village San Nicolas 584 5000
Police Tipline
daycare centers after he he learned to use a rocket- studio wk 47 and 48 $ 5 K each Ambulancia 911
was recruited, trained and propelled grenade launch- building a with 30 weeks Fire Dept. 115
deployed by Hezbollah's er, assault rifles, a subma- Paradise Beach Villas Red Cross 582 2219
Islamic Jihad Organization. chine gun, a machine gun 1 br WK # 47
The prosecutor said Koura- and a Glock pistol.q 2sd floor garden view $ 4500 TAXI SERVICES
Taxi Tas 587 5900
ASSOCIATED REALTORS TIMESHARE FOR SALE La Cabana beach and casino Prof. Taxi 588 0035
For Sale / Investment marriott surf club 1 br Wk # 47 $ 4.5 K Taxi D.T.S. 587 2300
House at Pos Abao/ Noord with 2 br Oceanside $9000 4th floor Thursday check in Taxi Serv. Aruba 583 3232
280 2828
A1 Taxi Serv.
4 apartments, being used now Gold season Week 31 2 br wk 48 and 49
for short term rentals and for Unit #1607 e - unit ocean front ground floor Women in Difficulties
$475,000 email: $15 K each
call mito at 593 6318 ________________________________212032 Aruba Airport 524 2424
_________________________________212110 Dutch Village American Airlines 582 2700
ASSOCIATED REALTORS 1 br wk 46 Avianca 588 0059
ASSOCIATED REALTORS For Sale 12 weeks remain $5 K Jet Blue 588 2244
For Sale commercial property close to 2 br wk 47 Surinam 582 7896
Lot of property land of 332 m2 the new container Port in 17 weeks remain contract expire
at Tanki Flip residence, built barcadera, build-up 424 m2, 2028 $5,5 K Women in Difficulties
your own dream house and for land 2400 m2 for $337,078. CRUISES
$66,400.00 For more details Renaissance Suites
call mito at 593 6318 contact mito at 593 6318 1 br wk 48 harbor V.
_________________________________212110 _________________________________212110 5th floor $5 K
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3 rd floor $6,5 K each December 4
1 br Wk 51 harbor view Mein Schiff 2 /Eurodam
5 th floor $ 9K December 5
carnival Horizon
explorer of the seas
Women in Difficulties
1 br wk 50
building c 3rd floor FAVI- Visually Impaired
17 weeks remain $ 6K Tel. 582 5051
Divi Links Alcoholics Anonymous
1 br wk 51 Tel. 736 2952
birdie 1 with 26 weeks remain Narcotics Anonymous
$12.5 K Tel. 583 8989
Women in Difficulties
Tel. 583 5400
Divi Links
1 br WK 48 birdie 2 Centre for Diabetes
Tel. 524 8888
with 30 weeks remain $ 5 K Child Abuse Prevention
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26 weeks remain $24 K Quota Club Tel. 525 2672
Women in Difficulties
Call: 630 1307 General Info
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