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                                                                                         WORLD NEWS Saturday 20 July 2024
            Drought threatens millions of children as school dropouts rise

            along with hunger in southern Africa

            By FARAI MUTSAKA                                                                                                    est El Nino.
            Associated Press                                                                                                    Regional  countries  also
            MUDZI,  Zimbabwe  (AP)  —                                                                                           devastated  by  weather
            It’s  Tuesday  morning,  and                                                                                        extremes face similar chal-
            5-year-old  Talent  should                                                                                          lenges. In Malawi, hit by a
            be in school. Instead, he’s                                                                                         vicious cycle of floods and
            foraging  for  the  fruit  that                                                                                     drought  in  the  past  three
            his family is counting on for                                                                                       years,  fewer  children  are
            food now that crops have                                                                                            attending  class.  At  some
            withered in the heat.                                                                                               schools, half the pupils are
            Blame the El Nino phenom-                                                                                           usually  absent,  according
            enon that altered weather                                                                                           to a report in May by local
            worldwide for over a year,                                                                                          and  international  humani-
            or the larger problem of cli-                                                                                       tarian   organizations   in-
            mate change that’s bear-                                                                                            cluding  the  Malawi-based
            ing  down  on  the  African                                                                                         Youth Net and Counselling.
            continent, the region most                                                                                          “Families must choose be-
            vulnerable  to  it.  The  boy’s                                                                                     tween  feeding  or  sending
            grandmother,  Winnie  Chi-                                                                                          children to school,” the re-
            hota,  knows  she’s  watch-                                                                                         port said.
            ing part of a generation slip                                                                                       Volunteer teachers are no
            away.                                                                                                               longer  reporting  at  some
            For  many  in  Zimbabwe’s    Villagers fetch water from a makeshift borehole in Mudzi, Zimbabwe, on July 2, 2024.   schools “further deteriorat-
                                                                                                               Associated Press
            rural  northeastern  Mudzi                                                                                          ing  the  quality  of  educa-
            district,  crops  mean  sur-  children’s  agency,  as  the                                                          tion.” q
            vival.  When  they  fail,  the   effects  of  El  Nino  worsen
            future can, too. No income   a  humanitarian  crisis  of
            means no way to pay the      economic  hardship  and
            $25  for  school  fees  or  for   outbreaks of diseases such
            school uniforms. Two of Chi-  as cholera.The larger prob-
            hota’s own children are at   lem is the children’s educa-
            risk of leaving school. Little   tion. School has become a
            Talent never had a chance    luxury.  Children  drop  out
            to start.                    to  work.  Teenage  girls  are
            No crops also mean noth-     forced  to  skip  class  be-
            ing for the children to eat   cause there is not enough
            for  lunch  even  if  they  do   water to wash during their
            make it to class.            periods,  or  because  they
            “One child fainted recently   must stay home to babysit
            at  the  school  due  to  hun-  their siblings as parents go
            ger,”  Chihota  said,  as  she   out in search of work. Some
            sorted through the fruit that   girls are forced to marry to
            Talent  and  other  children   ease financial burdens, ac-
            brought home. The fruit will   cording to the U.N humani-
            be  dried  for  future  meals.   tarian agency.
            Many families now only eat   The  crisis  is  overshadowed
            one  solid  meal  of  corn  or   by  others  in  places  like
            sorghum a day.               Ukraine, Gaza and Sudan,
            Children are the most at risk   humanitarian organizations
            after El Nino, a naturally oc-  say, meaning that funding
            curring  climatic  phenom-   from donors can be hard to
            enon, caused some of the     come by.
            hottest days in decades in   “There  should  be  a  sense
            parts of southern and east-  of urgency,” said Yves Wil-
            ern  Africa.  It  also  caused   lemot,  UNICEF  spokesman
            some of the worst flooding   for Zimbabwe.
            in memory.                   The drought puts the edu-
            It  destroyed  many  of  the   cation of close to 2 million
            tiny  farm  plots  that  keep   children at risk in Zimbabwe,
            families  going.  More  than   with some dropping out of
            60%  of  Zimbabwe’s  popu-   school  for  good  and  oth-
            lation  of  around  15  million   ers forced to miss class, the
            reside in rural areas where   U.N. humanitarian agency
            agriculture  is  the  major   has said. More than 45,000
            source  of  food  and  in-   children  dropped  out  of
            come.                        school during the previous
            The  immediate  concern      El  Nino  in  the  2015-2016
            is  hunger.  In  Zimbabwe,   farming season, 3,000 more
            580,000 children are at risk   than the annual average, it
            of  malnutrition,  accord-   said. The government is still
            ing  to  the  United  Nations   collating figures for this lat-
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