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a8    local
                     Saturday 20 July 2024

            Restaurant Review: Infini Aruba

            Nestled in the heart of Aruba,  The menu is a testament to  balance of flavors and tex-
            Infini Aruba has emerged as  the  chef’s  Urvin  ingenuity  tures. A succulent dish with
            a culinary beacon since the  and  dedication  to  purity.  an array of flavors prepared
            pandemic, setting new stan-  Each dish is crafted with an  of which I am still craving for
            dards in fine dining. I had the  artistry  that  highlights  the  more. As a matter of fact,
            pleasure to experience the  natural flavors and textures  all of the dishes except one.
            new season menu firsthand  of the ingredients. The ab-
            and, I can confidently say  sence of heavy spices and  My wife’s favorite dish was
            that  this  establishment  has  sauces  places  a  greater  the scallops, prepared with
            redefined  the  gastronomic  emphasis  on  the  freshness  such  precision  that  their
            landscape  with  its  unique  and quality of the produce,  natural  sweetness  shone
            philosophy  of  utilizing  only  which is sourced locally and  through. Prepared with fer-
            fresh,  unprocessed  ingre-  sustainably. The menu con-   mented carrots, giving the
            dients.  This  approach  not  sisted of 8 dishes and this is  acidity needed for the dish,
            only  elevates  the  natural  the eleventh menu prepared  banana di rif, foraged on the   The  service  at  Infini  Aruba  fresh,  unprocessed  ingre-
            flavors but also emphasizes  by Chef Urvin.               beach infront of the restau-  is  impeccable.  The  staff  is  dients results in dishes that
            a profound respect for the                                rant.                        attentive  and  knowledge-   are not only flavorful but also
            integrity  of  the  ingredients  Our  meal  began  with  a                             able,  providing  insightful  nourishing and true to their
            themselves.                  dish  called  Pasa  Palo  di  I am not a fond fan of mush-  recommendations and en-    essence. This establishment
                                         Lechuga  which  translated  rooms but we has Arubian      suring that each guest feels  has set a new benchmark in
            We  were  welcomed  and  from Papiamento to English  mushrooms.                        pampered. Their passion for  the culinary world, making it
            greeted in the open patio  is pasapalo (small bites) of                                the restaurant’s philosophy  a must-visit for any discerning
            with  champagne,  which  lettuce.  An  exquisite  med-    For the main course, we had   is  evident,  adding  to  the  food lover. This restaurant is
            is next to the pool area at  ley of vibrant, crisp lettuce  two exceptional dishes, the   overall  exceptional  dining  a resemblance of Traditional
            the Blue Residences. Upon  in the form of a tart alette  Quail  which  was  concoct-   experience.                  Caribbean food served on
            entering Infini Aruba, one is  taco and Croquet, provid-  ed using Asian flavors with                               the  island  of  Aruba.  Being
            immediately  struck  by  the  ing a refreshing crunch, are  a unique quail topped egg   Infini Aruba is more than just  a  world  traveler  and  one
            serene  and  elegant  ambi-  complemented by delicate  fried rice and was perfectly    a  fine  dine  restaurant;  it  is  who  surely  likes  good  cui-
            ance. The decor is a harmo-  herbs to enhance the natural  seared infused with a subtle   a sanctuary for those who  sine  strongly  recommends
            nious blend of contemporary  purity and earthiness of the  smokiness from the grill. The   appreciate  the  art  of  fine  this restaurant as the ultimate
            chic and natural elements,  greens.                       other dish was one a tender   dining in its purest form. The  Hallmark of excellence cui-
            creating a warm and invit-                                Prime  Sirloin  served  with  a   commitment  to  using  only  sine to visit.q
            ing atmosphere. The open  The second dish, my favor-      confit potato covered with
            kitchen concept allows din-  ite  of  the  night,  consisted  a creole salsa.            Aruba to me
            ers to witness the meticulous  of king fish, in a smoked eel
            preparation of their meals,  leche tigre, consisting of Kaf-  Dessert  was  a  fitting  finale   ORANJESTAD  —  You  are  Please do note: By submit-
            adding an element of trans-  fir,  anchovies,  and  yellow  to this culinary journey. The   back or still enjoying your  ting photos, text or any other
            parency and trust.           beets, creating a delightful  first dessert was a delicate   vacation?... we would like  materials, you give permis-
                                                                      fruit sorbet, capturing the es-  to portrait you! By inviting  sion  to  The  Aruba  Today
                                                                      sence of tropical freshness.   you to send us your favor-  Newspaper,   Caribbean
                                                                      The second was a rich, vel-    ite vacation picture while  Speed Printers and any of
                                                                      vety  carrots  cake  mousse    enjoying our Happy Island.  its affiliated companies to
                                                                      served with bolo preto ice                                use said materials, as well
                                                                      cream (Black Cake); the car-   Complete  the  sentence:  as names, likeness, etc. for
                                                                      rot cake comes in the shape    Aruba to me is ……. Send  promotional purposes with-
                                                                      of a carrot in a planter. Not   your picture with that text  out compensation.
                                                                      to  be  compared  with  any    (including your name and  Last but not least: check out
                                                                      other traditional ice cream    where  you  are  from)  to:  our website, Instagram and
                                                                      desserts. If you want to get a  Facebook page! Thank you
                                                                      taste of what authentic Aru-   and  we  will  publish  your  for supporting our free news-
                                                                      ban deserts taste like than    vacation  memory.  Isn’t  paper, we strive to make
                                                                      you need to try this.          that a special way to keep  you a happy reader every

                                                                                                     your best moments alive?  day again.q
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