Page 16 - KPA
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Diamars, 28 November 2017                                      AWEMainta                                                                    11

          Chollernan a

        fiesta den cas                                                                             AUCTION

       di pareha den                                                                              ex. 3:268 Civil Code of Aruba

         Indianenweg                                                                            THURSDAY

                                                                                         December 7, 2017

                                                                             On Thursday December 7, 2017, at 11 AM, at the Conference
                                                                             Room of the Chamber  of Commerce, Irausquin  Boulevard 10,
                                                                             Aruba, will be auctioned in public:

                                                                             1. A residential house locally known as:

                                                                                                  CATIRI 12-E

                                                                               standing on a parcel of public land, 741 m2 in size, situated at Catiri
       DEN fin di siman, esta diasabra, Central di                             in Aruba, locally recorded as First Division Section L number 2958.
                                                                               The lease rights expire on May 11, 2048
       Polis  ta manda patruya di Playa den Indi-
       anenweg pa un situacion sospechoso.                                     Starting price: Afl. 214.000,--

       Na e sitio e Polisnan ta papia cu e bisiña SF,                        2. A residential house locally known as:

       kende a declara cu e no a mira su bisiñanan
       pa varios luna. El a sigui bisa cu el a mira cu                                            MADIKI 95-B

       e hekwerk di e cas ta habri y a dicidi pa yama
                                                                               standing on a parcel of public land, 606 m2 in size, situated at Madiki
       polis.                                                                  in Aruba, locally recorded as First Devision Section N number 1469.

                                                                               The lease rights expire on July 30, 2056
       E ta sospecha cu e pareha lo a bay Hulanda
       di vakantie, unda cu nan tin un yiu ta biba.                            Starting price: Afl. 140.370,--

       El a  bisa cu e no conoce ningun famia di e                           3. A residential house, locally known as

       bisiñanan pa e por a avisa nan di e situacion
       sospechoso.                                                                            BACOBASTRAAT 1

       Polis a mira cu e porta dilanti y patras di di-                         standing on public land, 351 m2 size, situated in Dakota in Aruba, locally

       cho cas tabata habri. Polis a cana den e cas                            recorded as First division Section C number 1054.

       y nan a nota cu e cas tabata completamente                              The lease rights expire on November 15, 2038

       reboltea. Den e cambernan, baño, cushina y                              Starting Price: Afl. 136.710,--
       sala a wordo reboltea. Den e cushina tabata

       tin cuminda tira abao cu tabata putri.                             Auction notary: mr. T.R. Johnson

       Desconocidonan a bay cu e koper di e airco.
                                                                          •       The  auction is  subject  to the general conditions for  foreclosure
       E cranchi  di  e  cas  tambe  tabata  habri.  Ta-                          auctions and special auction conditions which will be determined by
                                                                                  civil law notary T.R. Johnson.
       bata tin un plas grandi di awa tras di e cas.                      •       The auction will take place by raising bids (in Dutch: “bij opbod”) and
       Desconocidonan a bay cu e koper di e cran-                         •       by decreasing bids (in Dutch: “bij afmijning”), in one session.
                                                                                  Seller has the right to not accept any bid, at his sole discretion.
       chi. Tambe nan a drenta den e apartamento                          •       Each bidder must be able to submit  a bankguarantee  issued by a
                                                                                  reputable bank in Aruba to the amount of the highest bid increased
       y a reboltea tur cos eyden.                                                with an amount equal to the auction costs.

       E desconocidonan a kibra e bentananan di e

       cas. E bentananan tambe di e apartamento                                                             For more information:

       a wordo kibra. Polis a cera e portanan di e
       cas y a pone Central di Polis na altura di e                                WWW.JOHNSONNOTARY.COM/AUCTIONS

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