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Ewald Kurt Biemans Street
             has been unveiled

LAST Tuesday the unveiling of the street in front of     destination. 17 years later he expanded his hotel by       Bucuti & Tara Beach Resort was honored with being
                                                         adding 40 luxurious ocean view sweets, thus creating       the #1 Caribbean hotel and the Green Leader Platinum
the hotels took place at Bucuti & Tara Beach Resort in   the Bucuti & Tara Beach Resort. A hotel renowned for       according to Trip Advisor in 2015.
honor of a major pioneer in the Tourism and Sustain-     their exemplary service and a peaceful atmosphere
ability sector, Mr. Ewald Biemans.                       for adults.                                                The street in front of Bucuti & Tara Beach Resort was
                                                                                                                    unveiled as Ewald Kurt Biemans Street in the company
Mr. Biemans is a renowned hotelier with many years       Throughout the years Mr. Ewald Biemans contributed         of Bucuti & Tara Beach Resort staff and personnel,
of experience and a long impeccable in the Tourist sec-  greatly to the Tourist sector, but is especially known as  Friend and Family of Ewald Biemans, Tourism Ministry
tor. A very respected and much commanded person,         a leader in the Aruban sustainability sector. Bucuti &     representatives, AHATA and Aruba Tourism Authority.
known for giving his important input in Aruba’s Tour-    Tara Beach Resort is the only hotel in Aruba that has      The bestowal of this street to Mr. Ewald Biemans was
ism and Sustainability for decades already.              dedicated itself to all the sustainability areas, conse-   an initiative of the Aruban Government as an apprecia-
                                                         quently winning many international awards for many         tion and tribute to Mr. Ewald Biemans achievements
Mr. Biemans came to Aruba in 1972 to continue his        consecutive years.                                         in favor of Aruba.
career in the hotel sector; he worked at Talk of the
Town Restaurant and Resort for a period and went off     Bucuti & Tara Beach Resort is the only hotel in the        4 ladies that have been working for Mr. Biemans since
to become the manager and co-owner of Manchebo           region that has 4 different environment protection         the opening of Bucuti Beach Resort in 1987 until now
Beach Resort.                                            certificates: LEED Silver, Green Globe, Travelife Gold     were also present at this special occasion.
A few years later Mr. Biemans took an important and      and ISO 14001.
determined step to construct his own hotel in Aruba.                                                                It was certainly a pleasant surprise for Mr. Biemans.
                                                         Mr. Biemans obtained the Green Hotelier of the Year        He was extremely happy with the honor of getting a
Bucuti Beach Resort opened its doors in 1987 to thou-    2014 prize in the Caribbean Travel Awards.                 street named after him.
sands of tourists that chose Aruba as their vacation

2 LOCAL                                                                                                             Thursday, August 13 2015 - ARUBA TRAVELLER
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