Page 4 - aruba-today-20180209
P. 4
Friday 9 February 2018
Trudeau pitches Canada's tech jobs to San Francisco market
By JULIET WILLIAMS can Free Trade Agreement.
Associated Press Trump called NAFTA a job-
SAN FRANCISCO (AP) — killing "disaster" on the cam-
Canadian Prime Minister paign trail and has threat-
Justin Trudeau brings what ened to withdraw from
some call his "maple charm it if he can't get what he
offensive" to San Francisco wants.
on Thursday with a dual "Without the NAFTA, those
agenda: Pitch Canada as (jobs) go away. That could
a destination for American cause immediate disrup-
tech firms amid increasing tion for the tech communi-
unease over U.S. immigra- ty" on both sides of the bor-
tion policy and remind Cali- der, said Daniel Ujczo, an
fornia of its long trade rela- international trade lawyer
tionship with the country, based in Columbus, Ohio,
despite President Donald who has been part of the
Trump's threat to bow out NAFTA talks, now in their
of NAFTA. sixth round.
The heated debate over "It's unfortunately not an
immigration since Trump's area that is up for discus-
election has provided a sion. Canada and Mexico
clear opening for Canada Canadian Prime Minister Justin Trudeau responds to a question during a visit to the University of keep raising worker mobil-
to pitch itself to Silicon Val- Chicago's Institute of Politics Wednesday, Feb. 7, 2018, in Chicago. ity issues, but the U.S. won't
ley. As American employ- (AP Photo/Charles Rex Arbogast) discuss it," he said.
ers worry about access to Trudeau is meeting Thurs-
foreign workers, Canada is track employment permit the "global skills strategy Government-sponsored day with eBay CEO Devin
offering a two-week fast- for certain workers, dubbed visa." billboards in Silicon Val- Wenig, Salesforce CEO
ley pitch: "H1-B Problems? Marc Benioff and Amazon
Pivot to Canada." Recruit- Chief Executive Jeff Bezos.
ers from cities in Canada Salesforce, which provides
attend Canadian university online software for business,
alumni events in the valley, announced Thursday it will
urging graduates to come invest another $2 billion in
home "to your next career its Canadian operations.
move in the Great White Trudeau's meeting with
North." Bezos comes just weeks
There are also hundreds, after Toronto, which has
maybe thousands — no created a government-
one can say for sure — of sponsored innovation
Canadians in the tech in- hub for tech companies,
dustry in Northern Califor- was among the cities that
nia, many of them on visas made the shortlist for Ama-
made possible through the zon's second headquarters.
24-year-old North Ameri- q
California officials, protesters
fight offshore oil drilling plans
By JONATHAN J. COOPER California's State Lands
Associated Press Commission controls the
SACRAMENTO, Calif. (AP) — first 3 miles (4.8 kilometers)
Commissions that oversee offshore, at which point
coastal lands and water federal jurisdiction kicks in.
pushed the Trump admin- It has not allowed drilling in
istration to leave California the state-controlled waters
out of plans to expand off- since a 1969 oil spill near
shore drilling, warning the Santa Barbara.
state would block the con- In the 1980s, many coastal
struction of pipelines need- cities passed ordinances to
ed to get oil back to land. block such infrastructure
Interior Secretary Ryan Zin- when President Ronald
ke wants to open nearly all Reagan’s administration
U.S. coastlines to offshore looked to expand offshore
oil and gas drilling. drilling. Many of those laws
The U.S. Bureau of Ocean remain in place. A letter
Energy Management has from the California Coastal
proposed six sales of drill- Commission warned an
ing rights off the California oil spill would devastate
coast and a seventh off Or- the state’s tourism econ-
egon and Washington be- omy and natural coastal
tween 2020 and 2023. beauty.q