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    LOCALFriday 23 March 2018

Polar Plunge Leads to Sunny Aruba Shores

                                                            “Aruba gave it a great         ALS. Several associated     draw more people to the
                                                            theme this year,” pro-         foundations also took part  Plunge, and contributed to
                                                            claimed Philip Gormley, a      in the fundraiser.          the success of the event.”
                                                            MAC Angels Board Mem-          The ultimate winner of the  explains MAC Angels Foun-
                                                            ber, who was also a par-       Playa Linda week stay is a  dation Program Director El-
                                                            ticipant and led the plunge    Soul Ryeders cyclist, and   len L. DiCicco.
                                                            this year.                     part of a cancer support    MAC Angels has supported
                                                            The lucky winner, who ex-      group. She participated     over 500 families with ALS
                                                            citedly displayed the one-     in the plunge with “Team    in the tri-state area since
                                                            week stay certificate during   April”, in memory of April  2010, and actively helps
                                                            the post Plunge celebra-       Dean, 41, who passed        100 families with ALS. It ser-
                                                            tion, is now looking forward   away from cancer in De-     vices are free and unique
                                                            to planning a dream vaca-      cember. Also present were   to each family.
                                                            tion at the Playa Linda, and   “PALS” (people with ALS),   There are numerous organi-
                                                            to spending time under         Pauline and Benita, who     zations that raise money for
                                                            Aruba’s reliably sunny skies.  thanked supporters, who     treatments and research;
                                                            The Plunge was first initi-    also included individuals   MAC Angels compliments
                                                            ated by Ray Kelly, for the     who took part in honor of   these organizations by
                                                            Challenged Athletes Foun-      and in memory of loved      bridging the gap in services,
                                                            dation, and later joined       ones lost to ALS.           providing direct assistance,
                                                            by MAC Angels, under the       “Due to the cold time of    home care equipment and
                                                            guidance of Philip Gorm-       year, having Aruba and      emotional support to fami-
                                                            ley, when his own sister       the beach and warmth        liesduring their journey with
                                                            Claire was diagnosed with      and sunshine helped us      ALS.q

ORANJESTAD - Rye, NY and     event, held at Rye Beach,
Oranjestad, Aruba - Par-     NY, during a frigid-feeling
ticipants of a Polar Plunge  Sunday, was organized to
in the US Northeast had      raise funds for MAC Angels,
thoughts of Aruba to help    a non-profit that supports
keep them warm, with         families living with ALS (Lou
hopes of winning a week      Gehrig’s disease) in the tri-
stay at the Playa Linda      state area (NY, NJ, CT).
Beach Resort. The annual
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