Page 10 - HOH
P. 10
Tuesday 12 december 2023 LOCAL
Episode 84 Bonfires, light and darkness
caused by the combus-
tion of certain plant com-
ponents of alkaloids that
led them to another world.
Ancient cultures see the
fire of the bonfire as a way
to achieve purification. A
tribute to those who do not
fear but respect and who
they wanted to be close
The smoke of incense or
a resin such as myrrh, the
grace of a bonfire of a par-
ticular tree was the rem-
edies used through fire to
reach other states of con-
sciousness. In this way, in
the bonfires, gods, demons
and different entities par-
ticipated in a ritual com-
munion. Flames have the
power of change; nothing
that belongs to nature re-
mains the same after being
consumed by fire. Every-
All around the world there are popu- tions? strange fragrance, others with per- thing changes undergoes
lar festivals where bonfires play an When we all lit a fire, we were ab- fume perhaps are intoxicating. a metamorphosis and
important role and a well-known for sorbed for a moment before the sin- even death. All cultures re-
our island is the festival of San Juan uosity of the flames and closing our Since ancient times, before a bonfire, late in one way or another
during the summer solstice. Tradi- eyes, we breathed strongly the fra- the human being has encountered fire with death. We have
tionally, bonfires were lit to protect grance that emanates. a mystery difficult to explain. Surely the symbolic hell of perpet-
the townspeople from the evil spirits There is no doubt that yesterday's the fire or the smoke of those bonfires ual flames in which to burn
that were believed to roam the Earth bonfires were a ritual practice, but made him come into contact with according to Christian tra-
when the sun was heading south. what made them magical? ghosts, monsters and incomprehen- dition or the purifying fire
sible beings to which he undoubt- that eliminates the physical
In Aruba it is a night expected by the Branches, barks, fruits and roots are edly gave a divine character. The residue of the body allow-
community and with the firefighters lit in the bonfires. But not everything shamans were always there to clarify ing its evolution and future
on alert. burned generates the same effect. what was happening since they were reincarnation, according
But what mysteries do bonfires unveil From time to time, fire manifests itself the experts in igneous subjects. Not to to Hindu tradition.
and what is behind theses celebra- in a special way. Sometimes with a mention also a hallucinogenic state
For many cultures, the de-
ceased, helped by the fire,
left this world, heading to
the other, guided by the
unknown entities that lived
in the flames and through
them reached another
universe. It is not surprising
that through the flames
of a bonfire we await a
response from those who
are no longer…Behind old
doors mysteries or ances-
tral knowledge is waiting
for you.
To get to know a little more
regarding Aruba’s and its
cultural origins, etc., we
highly recommend you to
book your participation in
our cultural encounter ses-
sion. A mind opening rev-
elation and entertaining
Article by: Etnia Nativa island experience.
Whatsapp us +297 592 2702 and book Source; Island Insight column
by Etnia Nativa
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