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                                                                                                           LOCAL Tuesday 12 december 2023

            Foundation Snoop Doggy launches

            its end of year poster in connection

            with fireworks and pets

            As we gear up for the New Year, it's  ensuring  a  tranquil  and  enjoyable
            no  secret  that  the  tradition  of  fire-  experience  for  all.For  further  details
            works illuminates our island, creating  and inquiries, please do not hesitate
            a captivating spectacle each night.  to contact us at 568 6030 or visit our
            Amidst the festivity, it's crucial to con-  Facebook  page:  https://www.face-
            sider  our  pets,  who  lack  the  means
            to convey their unease amid the re-
            sounding noises.                       In  anticipation  of  the  upcoming
                                                   year,  the  Snoop  Doggy  Founda-
            Recognizing  this,  the  Foundation  tion  extends  heartfelt  wishes  to  the
            Snoop Doggy is pleased to announce  entire  Aruban  community.  May  the
            the release of their year-end poster.  year 2024 bring abundant joy, good
            This  informative  piece  provides  es-  health,  and  increased  affection  for
            sential  insights  into  caring  for  your  both  our  human  and  four-legged
            pets  during  the  celebratory  season,  companions.q

            Aruba to me

            ORANJESTAD — You are back and  where you are from) to: news@aru-        its affiliated companies to use said
            we  would  like  to  portrait  you!  By  and  we  will  publish  materials,  as  well  as  names,  like-
            inviting you to send us your favor-  your  vacation  memory.  Isn’t  that  ness, etc. for promotional purposes
            ite vacation picture while enjoying  a  special  way  to  keep  your  best  without compensation.
            our Happy Island.                   moments alive? Please do note: By  Last  but  not  least:  check  out  our
                                                submitting photos, text or any other  website, Instagram and Facebook
            Complete the sentence: Aruba to  materials,  you  give  permission  to  page! Thank you for supporting our
            me is ……. Send your picture with  The Aruba Today Newspaper, Ca-        free newspaper, we strive to make
            that text (including your name and  ribbean Speed Printers and any of  you  a  happy  reader  every  day
                                                                                    For  today  we  received  a  lovely
                                                                                    message  from  Meli’sa  Morgan
                                                                                    who’s visiting us from Queens, New

                                                                                    She wrote to us saying: “I am from
                                                                                    QUEENS,  NEW  YORK  and  I  have  Aruba  to  me  is  experiencing  a
                                                                                    been  coming  to  Aruba  as  an  beautiful  atmosphere  outside  for
                                                                                    Owner for over 23 years! celebrat-   dinner. Like Las Ramblas at La Ca-
                                                                                    ing my Birthday. My cousin James  bana Resort Hotel.  So many Won-
                                                                                    W. Jones introduced me to Aruba  derful  places  to  dine  and  enjoy
                                                                                    and comes here every year as well  Live  music while you eat.
                                                                                    to Celebrate my Birthday with me.
                                                                                                                         Thank you for sending us this won-
                                                                                    I Love Aruba and I love the restau-  derful  message  sharing  what  Aru-
                                                                                    rants  and  food.    I  like  eating  out-  ba means to you with us and our
                                                                                    side.                                readers!q
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