P. 12
Monday 5 March 2018
‘Trump slump’ in gun sales continues despite control debate
By ANDREW HUGGINS the Feb. 14 massacre of Canton, Ohio. Since then,
Associated Press 17 people at a Florida high sales there have been cut
COLUMBUS, Ohio (AP) — school. In the past, gun in half, and nothing the
Gun store owners called it massacres generally led to president or Congress has
the “Trump slump.” Sales an uptick in sales as people done or said following the
of firearms slowed dramati- worried about the govern- Florida shooting has im-
cally after the election of ment restricting access. But proved business.
Donald Trump as president with Parkland, things are Gun owners apparent-
in 2016 allayed fears of a different. ly have faith that Trump
Democratic crackdown on “The day after the elec- won’t impose more restric-
gun owners. That trend has tion, it’s just like somebody tions, gun show owners say.
continued in recent weeks turned a faucet off,” said That’s even with the con-
even with talk of gun con- David Dobransky, 67, who fusing messages Trump has
trol in Congress and among owns Dobransky Firearms, sent in the past week.
business leaders following a small gun shop in North He has cast himself as a
Wes Morosky, owner of Duke’s Sport Shop. left, helps Ron Detka
as he shops for a rifle on Friday, March 2, 2018, at his store in
New Castle.
(AP Photo/Keith Srakocic)
strong supporter of the Na- The NRA’s executive di-
tional Rifle Association but rector, tweeting about the
on Wednesday criticized same meeting, said Trump
lawmakers for being too and Vice President Mike
fearful of the NRA to take Pence “don’t want gun
action. He also reaffirmed control.” At Rapid-Fire Fire-
positions opposed by the arms in Rapid City, South
NRA, such as banning gun Dakota, business is “just like
sales to those under 21. normal,” owner Robert Ak-
Then the next day, Trump ers said Thursday, contrast-
met with NRA officials and ing business with the panic
tweeted they’d had a buying under President
“Good (Great) meeting.” Barack Obama.q
After his debut, Trump says
Gridiron gala was ‘great fun’
By ZEKE MILLER cating humor better than
JILL COLVIN I do,” said Trump, who
Associated Press skipped last year’s bash.
WASHINGTON (AP) — It was He also said: “I was very ex-
an enjoyable presiden- cited to receive this invita-
tial debut at the Gridiron tion and ruin your evening
Club’s annual dinner for in person. That’s why I ac-
Donald Trump, who dished cepted.”
out pointed one-liners and The annual dinner of the
endured some barbs from Gridiron Club and Founda-
political rivals and the press. tion, now in its 133rd year,
The gala was “was great traces its history to 1885,
fun,” he tweeted on Sun- when President Grover
day. “I am accomplishing Cleveland refused to at-
a lot in Washington and tend. Every president since
have never had a better has come to at least one
time doing something, and Gridiron.
especially since this is for “Rest assured, Mr. Presi-
the American People!” dent, this crowd is way
During his remarks Saturday bigger than Cleveland’s,”
night, the president largely Club President David Light-
put aside his criticism of the man, congressional editor
media. for McClatchy News, told
“Nobody does self-depre- the white-tie audience.q