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Thursday 11 July 2024
Samsung brings tech’s latest fashion to wearable technology with
AI twists in new watch and ring
By MICHAEL LIEDTKE siders. Samsung’s premium
AP Technology Writer phone is the more sophis-
SAN FRANCISCO (AP) — ticated of its latest wear-
Samsung is dressing up its able devices, capable of
wearable devices in tech- performing some functions
nology’s latest fashion arti- such as flagging sleep ap-
ficial intelligence. nea that the Galaxy Ring
The South Korean electron- can’t. However, the ring
ics giant on Wednesday requires less frequent re-
revealed that both its first- charging, equipped with a
ever premium smartwatch battery that can last six to
and a smart ring heralding seven days before needing
its entry into a niche market to be replenished.
will include AI features that But the smartwatch is also
are supposed to help peo- in a much more crowded
ple monitor and manage market currently led by Ap-
their health. ple, which has been inten-
Both the Galaxy Watch sifying its focus on health
Ultra, priced at $650, and features since entering the
the Galaxy Ring, priced market a decade ago.
at $400, are extensions More than 60 million peo-
of a push that Samsung ple already use the Sam-
launched six months ago sung Health app that works
when it introduced its first Samsung Galaxy Watch Ultra is displayed during a media preview at Samsung Galaxy Experience in tandem with its smart-
smartphones to feature space, Tuesday, July 9, 2024, in New York. Associated Press watches.
AI technology as a main The health benefits associ-
attraction. The high-end by Microsoft’s Windows assessments of their well- centers with a “defense- ated with wearable tech-
smartwatch costs twice as software. being through an “energy grade, multi-layer security nology have helped spur
much as Samsung’s latest The AI deployment on Sam- score” that will deliver rat- platform” that Samsung lik- more people to buy smart-
standard model, the Gal- sung’s new premium watch ings on a one to 100 scale ens to a virtual Fort Knox, watches, with worldwide
axy Watch 7, which will sell and ring is narrowly focused and also make recommen- echoing Apple’s pledge sales of the devices expect-
for $300. Tethering AI to on improving and main- dations like a virtual fitness to corral any personal in- ed to approach about $29
people’s essential devices taining personal health the coach. formation that must be billion this year, based on
has become an accelerat- main reason most people Just as Apple plans to do processed off a device in a forecast by the research
ing trend. The technology buy wearable technology. with its AI services, Sam- a digital fortress. But those firm Gartner Inc. That trans-
already has been implant- Both Samsung’s watch and sung’s new wearable prod- promises don’t necessar- lates to roughly 164 million
ed on smartphones made ring are leaning on AI to do ucts will collect most sensi- ily guarantee there won’t new smartwatches being
by Google and Apple that a better job of analyzing tive information on the de- ever be security breaches worn on wrists this year, with
compete against Samsung biometric data collected vices themselves. But some or other breakdowns that Gartner predicting the an-
and also on the latest per- from the person wearing data will still be processed unintentionally exposes nual sales volume sold will
sonal computers powered the devices to customize through remote computing personal information to out- rise to 195 million in 2028.q
Microsoft quits OpenAI board seat as antitrust scrutiny of artificial
intelligence pacts intensifies
By KELVIN CHAN OpenAI, saying its partici- governance since being would take a fresh look at of this we no longer believe
AP Business Writer pation is no longer need- roiled by boardroom chaos the partnership under the our limited role as an ob-
Microsoft has relinquished ed because the ChatGPT last year. 27-nation bloc’s antitrust server is necessary.”
its seat on the board of maker has improved its In a Tuesday letter, Micro- rules, while the U.S. Federal With Microsoft’s departure,
soft confirmed it was resign- Trade Commission and Brit- OpenAI will no longer have
ing, “effective immediate- ain’s competition watch- observer seats on its board.
ly,” from its role as an ob- dog have also been exam- “We are grateful to Micro-
server on the artificial intel- ining the pact. soft for voicing confidence
ligence company’s board. Microsoft took the board in the Board and the direc-
“We appreciate the sup- seat following a power tion of the company, and
port shown by OpenAI struggle in which OpenAI we look forward to con-
leadership and the OpenAI CEO Sam Altman was fired, tinuing our successful part-
board as we made this de- then quickly reinstated, nership,” OpenAI said in
cision,” the letter said. while the board members a statement. It’s not hard
The surprise departure behind the ouster were to conclude that Micro-
comes amid intensifying pushed out. soft’s decision to ditch the
scrutiny from antitrust reg- “Over the past eight board seat was heavily in-
ulators of the powerful AI months we have witnessed fluenced by rising scrutiny
partnership. Microsoft has significant progress by the of big technology compa-
OpenAI CEO Sam Altman, left, appears onstage with Microsoft reportedly invested $13 bil- newly formed board and nies and their links with AI
CEO Satya Nadella at OpenAI’s first developer conference, on lion in OpenAI. are confident in the com- startups, said Alex Haffner,
Nov. 6, 2023, in San Francisco. European Union regulators pany’s direction,” Microsoft a competition partner at
Associated Press said last month that they said in its letter. “Given all U.K. law firm Fladgate.q