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SPORTS              Thursday 11 July 2024

            Lorenzo Musetti reaches his first Grand Slam semifinal at

            Wimbledon and will face Novak Djokovic

            By HOWARD FENDRICH                                                                                                  a lob there, plenty of slices
            AP Tennis Writer                                                                                                    than Fritz did.
            LONDON  (AP)  —  Lorenzo                                                                                            “I just felt like it took a lot to
            Musetti  threw  his  head                                                                                           finish the point,” Fritz said.
            back  and  spread  his  arms                                                                                        Djokovic  had  knee  sur-
            wide to celebrate reaching                                                                                          gery  less  than  a  month
            his  first  Grand  Slam  semi-                                                                                      before  the  start  of  play  at
            final  at  Wimbledon,  then                                                                                         the  All  England  Club.  But
            covered his face with both                                                                                          despite  limitations  on  his
            hands.                                                                                                              movement,  the  37-year-
            His 3-6, 7-6 (5), 6-2, 3-6, 6-1                                                                                     old  Djokovic  has  dropped
            victory  over  Taylor  Fritz  on                                                                                    only two sets so far  facing
            Wednesday  was  a  big                                                                                              a qualifier in the first round,
            deal,  to  be  sure.  After  all,                                                                                   a  wild-card  entrant  in  the
            the  25th-seeded  Musetti,                                                                                          second and only one seed-
            a  22-year-old  from  Italy,                                                                                        ed  player,  No.  15  Holger
            never  had  made  it  past                                                                                          Rune.
            the  third  round  at  the  All                                                                                     Instead of going up against
            England  Club    or  past  the                                                                                      No. 9 de Minaur on Wednes-
            fourth  round  at  any  major                                                                                       day, Djokovic will get three
            tournament    until  this  fort-                                                                                    full days off before meeting
            night.                                                                                                              Musetti. The other semifinal
            “He  probably  knows,  bet-                                                                                         Friday  is  defending  cham-
            ter  than  me,  the  surface   Lorenzo Musetti of Italy celebrates after defeating Taylor Fritz of the United States in their quarterfinal   pion Carlos Alcaraz against
            and the stadium, for sure,”   match at the Wimbledon tennis championships in London, Wednesday, July 10, 2024.      Daniil Medvedev.
            Musetti  said  with  a  chuck-                                                                     Associated Press  Djokovic and Musetti have
            le,  aware  he’ll  be  making  et  was  made  even  easier  nerves. But an early break in  “I feel more mature on the  played each other six times
            his  Centre  Court  debut  on  when the man he was sup-   the second set helped alter  court, more mature off the  previously.  Djokovic  has
            Friday.  “Jokes  apart,  he’s  posed to play in the quar-  the course of the evening.  court, and more mature as  won five of those, including
            a  legend  everywhere,  but  terfinals  Wednesday,  Alex  “Immediately,  I  changed  a player, as a father, as a  a  five-setter  at  this  year’s
            especially  here  in  Wimble-  de Minaur, pulled out with  my mind. I changed my at-   person.”                     French Open that conclud-
            don.”                        a  hip  injury  hours  before  titude,” he said. “And that  Playing  at  a  sun-swathed  ed after 3 a.m.
            This  will  be  Djokovic’s  re-  their match was scheduled  probably  made  the  differ-  No. 1 Court against Fritz, an  It  was  in  Djokovic’s  follow-
            cord-tying 13th semifinal at  to begin.                   ence.”                       American who is one of the  ing  match  in  Paris  that  he
            Wimbledon  alone    equal-   Musetti was forced to work  Musetti’s  son,  Ludovico,  sport’s  biggest  servers  but  tore the meniscus in his right
            ing Roger Federer  and 49th  for his spot in the final four:  was  born  in  March,  and  fell to 0-4 in major quarter-  knee.
            Slam  semifinal  overall,  ex-  His  3  1/2-hour  victory  over  he  said  Wednesday  that  finals,  Musetti  managed  “We  know  each  other
            tending a mark he already  the  13th-seeded  Fritz  was  helped  him  rededicate  to  accumulate  13  break  pretty well. They’ve always
            held. As Musetti pursues his  the  37th  five-setter  at  the  himself  to  his  sport  and  points and convert six.  been a huge fight so I ex-
            first  major  championship,  All  England  Club  this  year,  strive  to  no  longer  “throw  With  Queen  Camilla,  the  pect a big, big fight. It’s go-
            Djokovic  seeks  a  25th,  in-  the  most  at  any  Grand  away matches.”              wife  of  King  Charles  III,  in  ing to be one of the tough-
            cluding what would be an  Slam tournament.                “Instead  of  me  teaching  the stands and joining fans  est  challenges  on  tour,”
            eighth  at  the  All  England  Musetti  acknowledged  he  him,  he’s  teaching  me.  …  in doing the wave, Musetti  Musetti  said,  “but  I  am  an
            Club. Djokovic’s smooth trip  didn’t  get  off  to  an  ideal  Having  a  child  makes  you  did  far  more  to  vary  his  ambitious guy and I like to
            through  this  year’s  brack-  start,  in  part  because  of  reflect  a  lot,”  Musetti  said.  strokes    a  drop  shot  here,  be challenged.” q

            Former Browns QB great Bernie Kosar reveals health challenges

            CLEVELAND  (AP)  —  For-     magazine  there  is  a  more  ing  a  Browns  home  game
            mer Cleveland Browns star  than 90% chance Kosar will  against the New York Jets.
            quarterback  Bernie  Kosar  need a new liver.             “I really felt like I wasn’t go-
            has  been  diagnosed  with  Kosar  said  he  was  also  di-  ing  to  make  it  home  from
            cirrhosis of the liver and Par-  agnosed  with  Parkinson’s  the  Jets  game.  I  sucked  it
            kinson’s  disease,  accord-  by  an  independent  NFL  up, though, and continued
            ing to a story in Cleveland  doctor in February.          to  avoid  the  doctors  until
            Magazine.                    The Youngstown, Ohio, na-    the new year.
            The    60-year-old   former  tive  recalled  being  both-  “Then  I  went  into  the  hos-
            player  is  on  the  list  for  a  ered  by  liver-related  issues  pital  and  got  a  massive
            liver transplant, though Uni-  for years but brushed them  blood  transfusion.  It  was
            versity  Hospitals  hepatolo-  off because he wasn’t sure  like:  ‘How  are  you  alive?
            gist  Anthony  Post  told  the  of  the  source.  A  diagnosis  How  are  you  moving?  Be-
            magazine  that  Kosar  has  of cirrhosis about 16 months  cause  your  hemoglobin
            improved  since  the  year  ago  confirmed  the  speci-   levels are so low.’”
            started.  At  the  same  time,  ficity  and  severity  of  his  Kosar  became  sick  again
            he  warned  that  liver  dis-  condition.                 while  traveling  to  the  Su-  Former  Cleveland  Browns  quarterback  Bernie  Kosar  gives  a
            ease can fluctuate.          “My body gave out on me,”  per Bowl in Las Vegas and      high-five before an NFL football game between the Cleveland
            Another doctor, Cleveland  Kosar  told  the  magazine,  was hospitalized for several   Browns  and  the  Baltimore  Ravens,  Sunday,  Oct.  7,  2018,  in
            Clinic chief wellness officer  recalling  an  episode  last  days.q                    Cleveland.
            Michael  Roizen,  told  the  December  while  attend-                                                                          Associated Press
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