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                     Thursday 11 July 2024
            Presidential battle could play role in control of state capitols in

            several swing states

            Continued from Front         The  Supreme  Court's  2022  Bradford said.
                                         decision overturning a half-  Democrat  Anna  Payne,
            On Wednesday, Democrat-      century  of  abortion  rights  who is challenging Hogan,
            ic  legislative  leaders  from  showed both the influence of  sees abortion rights, public
            Arizona and Wisconsin said  national politics in state elec-  safety  and  school  funding
            they hope the door-to-door  tions and the importance of  as the key issues. "To some
            efforts  of  their  statehouse  state  legislatures.  After  the  extent, people are looking
            candidates can have a re-    ruling,  many  Republican-   for common sense," Payne
            verse coat-tails effect, boost-  led states banned or limited  said. "They don't want any-
            ing Democrats at the top of  abortion while many Dem-     body who's too extreme on
            the ticket.                  ocratic-led states strength-  one side or too extreme on
            Democrats won a slim 102-    ened abortion protections.   the other." Hogan, a former
            101 majority in the Pennsyl-  The ruling gave Democrats  congressional aide, has bur-
            vania House two years ago.  a new campaign theme for  nished a moderate image in
            But  Republicans  expressed  the 2022 legislative elections,  the General Assembly, work-
            confidence they can retake  which  were  the  first  con-  ing on childhood education   State  Rep.  Joe  Hogan,  a  Bucks  County  freshman  Republican,
            the chamber this year, citing  ducted under voting districts  and  public  transit,  among   poses in his Capitol offices on Monday, July 8, 2024, in the state
            inflation, immigration and Bi-  redrawn using 2020 census  other things.               Capitol in Harrisburg, Pennsylvania.
            den's troubles.              data.  Democrats  wrested  Rosemary      Donahue,     a                                            Associated Press
            "If the election were held to-  control of legislative cham-  77-year-old retired nurse and  social safety net. She ranks  flip  closely  divided,  GOP-
            morrow, I'd feel great about  bers away from Republicans  registered Republican, said  women's health, education  led legislative chambers in
            it,"  said  Pennsylvania  state  in Michigan, Minnesota and  she has received mail from  and welcoming immigrants  Arizona and New Hampshire.
            Rep. Josh Kail, head of the  Pennsylvania.                Hogan and will be evaluat-   among her top issues.        Immigration  and  inflation
            campaign efforts for Penn-   This  year's  reelection  bids  ing his performance on such  "Do they care about others or  are especially  hot issues  in
            sylvania House Republicans.  by Hogan and Munroe are  issues as fixing roads, support-  are they strictly for business?"  Arizona. And abortion rights
            The Republican State Lead-   among  15  Pennsylvania  ing  schools  and  women's  said McBride, 90, a registered  supporters recently submit-
            ership  Committee  already  House races spotlighted by  health  rights.  She  regularly  Democrat. "It doesn't seem  ted petition signatures to get
            has run ads in Michigan, Min-  the  national  Democratic  follows  state  and  national  that  those  who  are  strictly  a constitutional amendment
            nesota,  Pennsylvania  and  Legislative Campaign Com-     politics.                    for big business really care  on  the  November  ballot.
            Wisconsin pinning inflation on  mittee.  Both  of  their  Bucks  "If you watch television, you  about the less fortunate."  That has raised the stakes in
            Biden and other Democrats  County districts gave slightly  can't think of anything else,  Research  has  shown  that  a state where voter registra-
            while touting Republican leg-  more than half their votes to  because  you're  constantly  many voters know little about  tion is divided almost equally
            islative candidates.         Biden four years ago and a  being  bombarded  by  the  their state legislative candi-  among  Republicans,  inde-
            Democrats  are  targeting  larger margin to Democrats  presidential election, adver-   dates,  so  "national  politics  pendents and Democrats.
            Wisconsin after a new liberal  John  Fetterman  and  Josh  tisements and all," Donahue  will probably dominate the  "I'm  expecting  a  lot  of  the
            majority of the state Supreme  Shapiro  in  their  2022  races  said.                  state  legislative  elections,"  national  issues  —  the  na-
            Court struck down the pre-   for U.S. Senate and governor.  Arlene McBride, who recent-  said Steven Rogers, a politi-  tional dynamics — to really
            vious Republican-drawn dis-  "We  believe  we  have  a  ly became one of Munroe's  cal scientist at Saint Louis Uni-  play into the legislative races
            tricts  that  had  entrenched  great  opportunity  not  just  constituents,  said  she'll  be  versity who focuses on state  in  Arizona  because  of  our
            the GOP in power. The new  to  protect  our  majority  in  watching his race with Bucks  legislatures.              battleground-state  status,"
            districts, backed by Demo-   the  suburbs,  but  to  grow  County Recorder of Deeds  While  Republicans  seek  to  said James Strickland a politi-
            cratic Gov. Tony Evers, im-  our  majority,"  Pennsylvania  Dan McPhillips to see who is  reverse  their  2022  losses,  cal scientist at Arizona State
            prove Democrats' chances.    House Majority Leader Matt  more inclined to preserve the  Democrats  are  pushing  to  University.q

                                                                      A city’s fine for a profane yard sign about Biden

                                                                      and Trump was unconstitutional, judge rules

                                                                      her front yard saying “F-‘Em  tected Mrs. Pereira’s right to  her  sign  as  local  officials
                                                                      Both 2024”  except, uncen-   express  her  political  views  demanded by covering up
                                                                      sored. The city of Lakeland,  and  to  have  achieved  a  one  letter  in  the  profane
                                                                      a northeast suburb of Mem-   successful  outcome  in  this  word, but within a week she
                                                                      phis, then fined Pereira hun-  important First Amendment  removed  the  redaction.
                                                                      dreds of dollars for violating  case,”  said  Daniel  Horwitz,  The  city  began  fining  her
                                                                      its  regulation  against  ob-  Pereira’s lead attorney.   in January, so she covered
                                                                      scene content on signs.      The  judge’s  order  comes  up part of the word again
                                                                      She filed a lawsuit in June,  after  the  city  agreed  to  a  to  avoid  further  penalties,
                                                                      saying  she  was  so  dissatis-  settlement  paying  Pereira  according to the lawsuit.
                                                                      fied  with  both  presidential  about $32,000 for her legal  Pereira’s lawsuit said “cuss”
            President  Joe  Biden,  right,  and  Republican  presidential   candidates that she want-  fees and reimbursing nearly  words are not constitution-
            candidate former President Donald Trump, left, participate in a   ed a sign that “speaks sim-  $700 in fines.       ally  obscene.  The  lawsuit
            presidential debate hosted by CNN, Thursday, June 27, 2024, in   ply and cogently for itself.”  The city’s regulation prohib-  and  the  judge    pointed
                                                     Associated Press  U.S.  District  Judge  Mark  its signs with “statements of  to  a  1971  Supreme  Court
                                                                      Norris  in  Memphis  ruled  an  obscene,  indecent,  or  decision  that  overturned
            By JONATHAN MATTISE          yard sign with profane lan-  Tuesday  that  Pereira’s  po-  immoral  character  which  the conviction of a man in
            Associated Press             guage  condemning  both  litical  sign  is  not  obscene,  would offend public morals  California  who  entered  a
            NASHVILLE, Tenn. (AP) — A  President  Joe  Biden  and  and the city cannot lawful-     or  decency”  and  “state-   courthouse wearing a jack-
            federal judge has ruled that  former  President  Donald  ly regulate people’s points  ments, words or pictures of  et with a message against
            a Tennessee woman has a  Trump.                           of view.                     an obscene nature.”          the  draft  that  included
            constitutional right to post a  Julie Pereira set up a sign in  “We are proud to have pro-  Initially,  Pereira  censored  profanity.q
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