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WORLD NEWS Thursday 11 July 2024
Man suspected of killing the family of BBC radio commentator has
been found, British police say
By PAN PYLAS pened,” she added.
Associated Press Jenkins said the investiga-
LONDON (AP) — British tion is moving “at pace”
police said they found and that formal identifica-
Wednesday the man sus- tion of the victims is yet to
pected of killing the wife take place. She also said
and two daughters of a that the “premature” nam-
well-known BBC radio com- ing of the victims “caused
mentator near London in a great upset.”
brutal crossbow attack. Police had been scouring a
In a statement, Hertford- park in north London, near
shire Police said 26-year- the home of Clifford, af-
old Kyle Clifford was found ter being alerted Tuesday
in the Enfield area of north about the killings in a house
London, near his home, and in Bushey, a residential area
that he is receiving medi- in northwestern London. Po-
cal treatment for his inju- lice and ambulance crews
ries. Police did not say how tried to save them, but they
those injuries happened were pronounced dead at
but stressed that they had the scene.
not fired any shots. John Hunt is the main rac-
The BBC confirmed that ing commentator for BBC
the women killed were 5 Live, the corporation’s
members of the family of Chief Superintendent Jon Simpson of Hertfordshire Police speaks to media outside Hatfield Police main news and sports radio
its commentator John Hunt Station after an incident in Bushey on Tuesday evening, in Hertfordshire, England, Wednesday, channel. His voice is known
his 61-year-old wife Carol July 10, 2024. Associated Press to millions through his cov-
Hunt and their daughters erage of the world famous
Hannah, 28, and Louise, 25. ings. Armed police officers, a brief period of service in kins from the Bedfordshire, Grand National and The
Footage from Sky News forensic personnel and am- 2022. Cambridgeshire and Hert- Derby.
showed the suspect being bulance staff had massed “Following extensive inqui- fordshire Major Crime Unit. A colleague of Hunt’s and
carried on a stretcher out around the cemetery ries, the suspect has been “This continues to be an BBC 5 Live’s lead presenter
of Lavender Hill Cemetery through the day. located and nobody else incredibly difficult time for Mark Chapman struggled
in Enfield, which is close to The public had been urged is being sought in connec- the victims’ family and we to hold back the tears as
his home and around 52 not to approach Clifford, tion with the investigation would ask that their privacy he expressed everyone’s
kilometers (17 miles) to the who the BBC reported had at this time,” said Detec- is respected as they come shock and pain.q
east from the site of the kill- been in the British Army for tive Inspector Justine Jen- to terms with what has hap-
Iraqi court sentences wife of slain Islamic State leader to death for
crimes against Yazidi women
By QASSIM ABDUL-ZAHRA genocide. The sentences were hand- ism charges. Amnesty Inter- On June 29, 2014, al-Bagh-
Associated Press A statement by Iraq’s judi- ed down a week ago but national and Human Rights dadi, known as one of the
BAGHDAD (AP) — An Iraqi cial council said the Karkh were announced by the ju- Watch have said the con- most ruthlessly effective ji-
court issued a death sen- Criminal Court sentenced dicial council Wednesday, fessions are often extract- hadist leaders of modern
tence against one of the the woman for “detaining he said. ed under torture and urged times, declared the militant
wives of the late brutal Is- Yazidi women in her home” The officials spoke on con- Iraq to abolish the death group’s caliphate in large
lamic State leader Abu Bakr and facilitating their kid- dition of anonymity be- penalty. swaths of Iraq and Syria.q
al-Baghdadi, alleging that napping by “the terrorist cause they were not au-
she was complicit in crimes (Islamic State group) gangs thorized to discuss the case
committed against Yazidi in Sinjar district.” It also said publicly.
women captured by the the ruling was issued in ac- Survivors of the IS attacks in
militant group, the coun- cordance with Iraq’s anti- Iraq have complained of a
try’s judiciary announced terrorism law and its “Yazidi lack of accountability and
Wednesday. survivors law.” have criticized the deci-
The ruling comes weeks be- The statement did not sion made at the request
fore the 10-year mark since name the defendant, but of the Iraqi government to
IS launched a series of at- two court officials identi- wind down a U.N. probe
tacks against the Yazidi re- fied her as Asma Moham- into IS crimes, including the
ligious minority in the north- med, who was arrested alleged use of chemical
ern Iraqi region of Sinjar in in 2018 in Turkey and later weapons.
early August 2014, killing extradited. A senior Iraqi At the same time, human
and capturing thousands security official told The As- rights groups have raised
including women and girls sociated Press that another concerns about the lack
who were subjected to hu- wife of al-Baghdadi and his of due process in trials of This file image released by the Department of Defense on
man trafficking and sexual daughter, who were also alleged IS members in Iraq Wednesday, Oct. 30, 2019, and displayed at a Pentagon
abuse. The United Nations extradited from Turkey to and have particularly criti- briefing, shows an image of Islamic State leader Abu Bakr al-
said the campaign against Iraq, had been sentenced cized mass executions of Baghdadi.
the Yazidis amounted to to life in prison. those convicted on terror- Associated Press